Product Recomendations please!


Nov 19, 2008

I'm pretty new to the biz, just under 3 years. My business has grown but I haven't been very adventurous where products are concerned. I realize I'm likely to get as many different opinions as responses, but I'd like to know what the take of all you folks might be on various pre-sprays and rinses for general residential, heavily soiled residential, general commercial as well as greasy restaurants or heavily soiled commercial.

Again, I haven't been very adventurous simply due to lack of knowledge. I've stuck with Ultrapac for prespray on pretty much everything and use End Zone for the rinse for residential and Alkaline powders for nasty stuff. The results are usually pretty good, but I'm wondering if I'm being way too conservative. If I land a customer, I'd like to keep them, so effectiveness of the cleaning and resoiling are what I try to watch out for most.

Any thoughts about these myriad products I'm reading about would be appreciated. In particular, are some of these basically abandoning any thoughts about what should and shouldn't be used on the latest generation carpets?

Also, I know a guy who is an investor in some new odor mitigation product.....not specifically designed for carpet mind you.....doesn't even really have a trade name yet. I know that it is cationic, but I couldn't find anything telling me it is a quat. But if it is a quat, and it's recommended dilution from concentrate is 1 part to 50 parts water, is it still a bad thing where warranties are concerned? And as far as cationic products on these carpets, I understand that carpet manufacturers say no to them, but is there a reason beyond the protectants? Will these cationic products actually cause problems a week, a month or a year later? Can't a protectant just be reapplied?

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
There is more ot it than simply remving protection. Cationcs tend to be attracted to stain resist carpets. This makes them hard to rinse away and can be an issue with resoiling.

If you do need to replace a protector, be aware that few protectors include the acid dye stain resisters that are damaged by cationics. Maxim Advanced would be one protector you could use for this purpose.

Scott Warrington

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