Greenie said:
I'm a Greenie fan, I would like to know how a QC Slider has made you more productive in general, then I would like to know how they have made you more productive over any other brand of
Sure I'd be glad to tell you, I have to answer your second question first.
#2? = Relax, who said anything about my "Slides" being more productive?
(Never used a Glide)
#1? = Well, my "2" favorite Slides , Teflon Easy Slide, which like any other Glide, allows you to push the wand with one hand in almost any carpet , which indeed is much, much faster. (like Rex said, a staple to most veterans)
But my Super Twin Vac, now I can clean about 1200 sq. ft. an hour with that one,(CGD) and it's as easy as vacuuming, and will leave the carpet just about dry. ( It's kind of like the Air Hockey game, but backwards)
Cheers, AL