Pros and Lows of SFS


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
To all SFS Graduates who have graduated from SFS at least 12 months ago (newer graduates respectfully need not respond),
I'm sure SFS has provided most (if not all) of you with time-tested strategies that will help improve your business and your personal life. What I want to know is how much your business has increased and that you can DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTE to what you learned from SFS.

Exact numbers need not be revealed (unless you're comfortable with that), but if you can give a percentage it would be helpful (i.e. "we increased by 10% or 25% or whatever). But, please be specific that SFS was solely responsible for this increase.

The reason I'm asking this somewhat "delicate" question is because I'm considering taking the SFS course. But, I'm skeptical. If there is anyone out there who is NOT happy with their experience with SFS I want to especially hear from them. However, what I really want to know is if their stategies really work or are they a bunch of fluff like some other "really popular" marketing packages out there.

Thanks for your honest input,



Oct 7, 2006
James, I have attended three times since I first went to SFS Chicago 2001.
You will find that there is way too much info to take in let alone implement, at least there was for me.

I picked up on a few things that we implemented ( or rather my Techs did ). Some worked great, some not so great.
Part of the reason for this may have been reluctance of my Techs or my own poor motivational skills.

However, the Tech training tapes on how to use and understand emotion when dealing with your customer in all aspects of the job - not just sales was huge. I'd say we saw an increase of over 20% in revenue for that alone.
Another very important benefit was a large decrease in complaints simply because our communication skills as an organization had improved so much.

When I was a Steamway distributor, years ago we were taught that if our customers were successful, we would be successful. Makes sense doesn't it?
This is Jon Don's primary way to help you to be successful.
They are a class act when it comes to training.
When you walk into a restaurant with dirty carpet do you not wonder about the cleanliness of their kitchen?
Jon Don has by far the best training schools ( seating, lighting, sound system and food ) and by far the cleanest stores and even their warehouses and I have visited a lot of Suppliers stores.

Nobody is perfect and each class is different depending on the class attendees.

Biggest negative would be that it is too long and covers too much info in 5 long days. Do not know how it could be done but perhaps a 2 day followed by another 3 day class would work better for some.

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
My attendance at SFS is one of the reasons my business is closed and I now work for Bridgepoit / Interlink Supply. :)

I also have the distinction of being the only SFS attendee who is barred from learning all the secrets behind the blue door.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
James- I would imagine that this would be a pretty tough thing to quantify is actual #'s or %. There are so many variables involved. I will say that I have been 2 times and sent managers a total of 4 times and I feel that it was worth every penny spent, both for the time away from my business and the expenses involved.

It is a great program and I highly recommend it. Feel fre to call me at 248 291-2121 if I can answer anything more.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
The only way to overcome your skepticism is to go. It won't brain wash your or anything so what do you have to lose except $700.00 if you don't get anything out of the class.

This isn't just something they threw together. It's years in the making it's a live animal that keeps growing as the world changes.
If it was the same class from day one I would say don't waste your time...almost.

The $700.00 is worth just getting to meet other Carpet Cleaners and talking about what works for them. A good amount of the class is group discussion and participation.

Great food and company...Hell even just hangin with Billy Y is worth the money.
The 3 instructors are just smart as hell...not to mention experienced.

Really....what bad could it do....spend a little money? maybe miss a week of cleaning?
Knowledge is power and if you rely on just what you come up with in the business world and not learn anything from anyone you will go nowhere fast.

Take the it now....don't piss me off.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
James, I attended SFS a few short years ago.

I travelled from Australia primarily to attend SFS.

I can't put a percentage or dollar value on any one thing that they have taught me, all I can say is that it has boosted my overall business enormously and taught me the value of a business plan and how to get better value running a one man show.

It allowed me to look at my business through my customers eyes.

I am in the process of getting one of my businesses for sale due to restructuring and will only have one week in Vegas in September.

Next trip I will have more time and intend to attend SFS again.

If you think your trip to SFS is expensive, look at it through my eyes. :wink:

Not only am I up for airfares, (about $2,000.00), but all the other expenses as well, the same as what you will be paying.

My opinion, if you don't attend SFS, it's your loss, not JonDon's.

You never stop learning through life, JonDon smoothes out the learning curve.




Oct 7, 2006
Our sales are up about 70% over last year. I can't attribute that to SFS but it is quite a coincidence. I have been in business for 30 years. 30 years of learning, reading trade mags every month, taking a 3 year business management at a local college, using coaches, and just trying to get a great system together. I have a list of about 60 things I wanted to implement in my business that I learned at SFS. I have about 30 left to do. The biggest benefit to me has been the strides I have made to get an organized system in place to keep things running in my absence. I am now taking about 4 months of vacation a year and would like to see that increase to 6. Not an easy task. I can say just one thing I have implemented from SFS has saved me countless hours of had wringing and made me 10's of thousands of dollars in less than a year. If that is not worth the time investment for you then you are making way more than I am.


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