should be a standard military issue Cat Pump clutch.
If it's like the 6008 units its running on the wrong side of the pump so the mounting bolt wants to come loose, make sure to Locktight that thing on real well.
i have found many parts for my V that where not ordered from the "Hozers", original parts. Most parts used in our equip are just relabled and sold to us at 10 times what they cost. if they could sell us a "Vortex" diesel fuel it would be $20 a gal lol. but wait they tried that with Xtherm. I buy it from the source for a third of what the hozers wanted.
older volvos cars (90s) and I think Kenworths/other trucks have 20mm shafts
Edit: I cross referenced the correct ogura/tci/couple others at one time but can't find where I saved it.
If I remember right there want a ton of money saved at auto stores vs dultmeir/kleenrite/etc
I believe it is auto zone that can match it....the MA-7A is what they will go by..should be the same bore size off of those numbers.......the CP4 I believe is just for the cat pump....
all it an 12 volt air conditioning clutch.............
I was in search for a good source of these clutches last year and called motion industries, went to napa, and call ogura clutch. The clutch is a proprietary clutch made for cat pump as the oem.
I know the thing was crossed referenced some where before..I just don't have it in my records where it was.....when I was having problems with that time I was not going to mess around with trying to figure out what the problem was.....with all of the rust partials that we're flying threw my system...because of all the galvanized parts that were used.....I just pulled the entire pump and clutch and replaced the whole unit....
From what I remember....the one in the picture was still good....there is a ware mark on the magnet from where the shaft bolt walked out....and it wobbled around a bit......
Just call Aerotech and order a new one. They treated me fair a few months ago. I shopped around and they where competive. Something that makes or breaks the TM is worth saving a few dollars IMO.