Question Mike Draper

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I think at the 89 for 3 rooms is just to "scrape the dirt off the top".. Website is deceiving, but whatever!
Sep 7, 2008
Able 1 said:
I think at the 89 for 3 rooms is just to "scrape the dirt off the top".. Website is deceiving, but whatever!

Funny I just noticed this.

The headline says "Don't settle for a scrape the dirt off clean." :lol:

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
danielc said:
Do you do all listed for 89 dollars three and a hallway?


not that i GAS how Drapes does biz or what he's his biz

but I had the impression he was a "hi-roller" priced cleaner ????


John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Price says basic clean for $89 his multistep says premium clean. I would think you highly educated folks would know how to read shiteatinggrin
Sep 7, 2008
Mike is a smart guy and I value his input.

He knows his market and what it takes to thrive.

I was just curious if he was doing package pricing and what his approach is.

My approach is I have no set prices or minimums. I do free estimates. I will hack the ones out that need hacking and go all out on the ones that want it and will pay for it.

We have people that come here to find the meaning of life after someone rejects an 800 dollar bid to clean 5 rooms and hallway empty and then you have people netting 6 figures that don't mind working hard and doing what it takes.

I'm just trying to learn all I can.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

I'm curious what he does for $89 then
is the first step in that package to say;

"Mrs Ma'am, you "NEED" the premium clean if you want clean carpets .
You see, Dear, that come on is just there to get you to call so.s i kin throw the ole switch-a-roo at you"


May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I would think if you are going to offer a price for carpet cleaning.. that price will include the proper steps to getting it cleaned. Pet treatment, heat transfers and protector, I wouldnt consider that apart of the standard cleaning. Maybe those are the additional packages.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008

Only us carpet cleaners would notice the word "package" to your average customer they will believe that it's all included for 89.00(We don't just scrape the dirt of the top). If Mike wants to be a package cleaner it should be clearly defined on what you get with each package. Instead he has 89.00 for three rooms and hall on EVERY page of his website.

I could really GAS how Mike markets but to me it's deceiving, but it probably works.. :roll:

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
I do 400 sq. ft. for $89. :oops: We vac and do a spray and suck, with dry passes of course, wand only.. I did 2 minimum jobs last month for 89 dollars. each person that calls get the packages clearly explained over the phone. I tell them about our basic cleaning and our premium. When I get to their house I do a walk through, then I measure while they look at a folder and read about the differences in both packages. Sometimes people choose the basic because they cant afford the premium but their house is trashed so I will give them the premium because I refuse to do half ass work. sometimes people choose the premium, but dont need it and I will tell them they dont. We still vacuum every house regardless of what our packages say. We do the package thing to teach people there is a difference in carpet cleaning from the wand only approach. We want people to know us for our premium cleaning and most every referral we get wants their carpet cleaned this way. I hate the $89. thing, but it brings in the calls and then I can explain the difference of why we are quality. Our average Residential for this year is just under $283, which is up from last year by $18.00. so we must be doing something correct. The way I have my marketing set up is to discourage price shoppers from calling me. We look like we may be more expensive and we are more than most everyone around here ( i know 89 is not expensive, but it is the highest minimum in town). Even though our prices generally dont exceed .40 a foot, usually average .35. I dont think thats to much, but lots of guys around her do residential for .10 a foot. Our marketing works for our area and believe it or not, most of the people who call me, and I mean MOST, dont ask about prices, they just make an appointment with me. I know their is money to be made on both ends, we just chose to take a different approach instead of fight the low ballers in town. My theory on why people don't ask about my prices most of the time is because I think they have been burnt with the 2 day dry time and hack carpet cleaning guys, so now they want it done the right way. BTw, we are the only guys in town who use RO water to rinse with as well.

And... we are in the process of getting a new website made from a local company.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
meAt said:
Sometimes people choose the basic because they cant afford the premium but their house is trashed so I will give them the premium because I refuse to do half ass work

good on ya


I don't know.....if you don't do have assed work, why offer the packages with lesser cleanings?

Packages should be clean in every one....and then add ons for scotchgard or whatever.

I understand charging more for more work...But I dont' think it should be in packages.

and $89 "deal" is more of a deal than a package.

Just my thoughts.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Because every carpet is not the same. Some people call me with extremely clean very low cut pile carpet that only needs a basic clean and some people call with deep shag that looks like they hbavent vacuumed in 3 yrs. Are you going to charge the same for every single cleaning whether it takes u 2 or 3x longer of are you going to charge accordingly? I charge accordingly and if they don't want a deep clean then the can call all the other in town who use a wand only to clean with. I only know of 1 other company in town that actually carries a vacuum on their truck. Brian, why don't you charge the same for every website no matter how elaborate or simple it is? That would get you a lot of business :|


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Good point Brian. If you care so much about "quality" cleaning, why not give the "best" cleaning on every carpet? And you have an ad that says $89, to get in the door, upsell your quality/deep clean, and your average ticket is over $200+....hmmmm, sounds a little like bait-n-switch to me? You said the $89 deal gets the phone ringing, but you only did 2 last month...sounds a little Cole-ish to me?

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Little ol petey, you are still nothing but a chem dry hack in my book, a shill for chem dry and still a loser. Did u read my whole comment? "Packages and prices are explained on the phone before I even show up"?

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
In case you are confused, I only did 2 $89 cleanings last month, I did quite a lot of basic package cleanings that were more than 89.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
You guys give up-selling such a bad name. When upselling is just a natural course of most business.

Take going to a restaurant for instance;

When you sit down they ask if you want a drink (UMMM... up-sale)

They ask of you want an appetizer ( UMMM... up-sale)

After dinner they ask if you want a desert (UMMM... up-sale)

Each time they ask do you get pissed off and threaten to leave?

Do you expect a Drink, Appetizer and Desert to be free?

No (unless you are emotionally unstable)

This is just a normal course of business.

This is the same as with carpet cleaning.

Customer expect that if they benefit from other services it will cost more.

The prescrub can me the Drink, The Steam Cleaning can be the Main Course, The Deodorizer the French Bread and the Protector the Appetizer.

Don't be afraid to sell.

The products and services to provide will benefit the lives of your clients.

DON"T FORGET!! This is a sales and service business.

If not you can just be a janitor.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
IMHO... It does seem misleading. You dont have anything on your website about your different package or pricing, but in your carpet cleaning page you have a step by step guide your premium carpet cleaning "process", right next to your offer for $89. At first glance I first thought you did all that for $89. You mention you do it to get the phone ringing but you gotta admit, its a sneeky way to get people to call you.

There is nothing wrong with charging people more money for dirty carpets, its just not communicated on your website. Maybe your new website will address the lack of information your current website has about your pricing plans. It is kinda a switch a roo for the people that do have dirty carpets, cause they called you expecting to pay $89. And its nice you do the additional work for FREE, but gotta stay constant.. What if they expect that type of cleaning everytime, plus them telling other people how to scam buying the additional package, cause they know you will do it for free in fear of doing a bad job.

Everyone has their own way of pricing, I dont mean to knock yours but I just dont think its communicated well and is misleading. Unless you do in home estimates and dont disclose pricing information, its hard trying to figure out how to charge for nasty carpet without sounding shady. I know youre an honest guy Mike, I would just suggest having a breakdown of each package on your new website to avoid potential issues. Something must be working for you, your set up is better than most people here... actually think you have the nicest rig ive seen. Good Luck
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Dave Yoakum said:
You guys give up-selling such a bad name. When upselling is just a natural course of most business.

Take going to a restaurant for instance;

When you sit down they ask if you want a drink (UMMM... up-sale)

They ask of you want an appetizer ( UMMM... up-sale)

After dinner they ask if you want a desert (UMMM... up-sale)

Each time they ask do you get pissed off and threaten to leave?

Do you expect a Drink, Appetizer and Desert to be free?

No (unless you are emotionally unstable)

This is just a normal course of business.

This is the same as with carpet cleaning.

Customer expect that if they benefit from other services it will cost more.

The prescrub can me the Drink, The Steam Cleaning can be the Main Course, The Deodorizer the French Bread and the Protector the Appetizer.

Don't be afraid to sell.

The products and services to provide will benefit the lives of your clients.

DON"T FORGET!! This is a sales and service business.

If not you can just be a janitor.

Dave if I decline those "up sell" you suggested, will my meal be less quality of a product? If you decline to the additional package, unless mike does it for free it wont be cleaned properly by his standards.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Brent, I know you are a confused individual, let me clear this up for you. I said, when they need a heavy cleaning, we still do it, if thy don't need it, we vacuum and do a steam cleanin which is fine for many carpets and is not half assed. Understand? When its extra dirty, a wand cleaning only is half assed, which we refuse to do. Please don't try and take my quotes out of context.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
some times i get pissy dave....

more so if they ask a 2nd or 3rd time after i said NO....
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Mike Draper said:
Brent, I know you are a confused individual, let me clear this up for you. I said, when they need a heavy cleaning, we still do it, if thy don't need it, we vacuum and do a steam cleanin which is fine for many carpets and is not half assed. Understand? When its extra dirty, a wand cleaning only is half assed, which we refuse to do. Please don't try and take my quotes out of context.

I was explaining to dave... even with the decline of the up sells, it doesnt effect the quality of the main meal. If you decline the preimum cleaning package because their carpet is nasty... by your standards as stated above, it wont be clean unless you do the 6 step process. Luckly you work for free and just give it to them.
Sep 7, 2008
I knew this would happen; a bunch of broke dick cleaners that don't know the first thing about making a profit offering advice.

My bad Mike. I should have sent you a pm.

I find it funny when someone says hey I raised my price from three 3 rooms 89 to 3 rooms 109. Big whoop.

This business is not hard. You give the customer the job they want at a price they can afford.

You can say we are 55 cents per sq ft not a penny cheaper and not even get the job, or you can go work for a few hours make 200-300 dollars and make the customer and your pocket happy.

Mike I commend you for at least pushing a better job at a higher rate, and like you said a lot of those basic cleanings end up being 150-200 dollar jobs. I see nothing wrong with that.

At least you are working hard to make a profit while still catering to your customers needs and budgets.

I would like to see your packages or how you have them set up. Can you pm me them?

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Thanks brent, yes we do wok for free sometimes. This year I've done over $2500. In charitable work. From soldiers who are serving tours overseas to people that are so poor they can't afford a vacuum. In those cases we clean their carpt and buy them a vacuum from walmart. You should try it sometime, it feels good.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Mike Draper said:
Thanks brent, yes we do wok for free sometimes. This year I've done over $2500. In charitable work. From soldiers who are serving tours overseas to people that are so poor they can't afford a vacuum. In those cases we clean their carpt and buy them a vacuum from walmart. You should try it sometime, it feels good.

I have no doubt youre a good guy, I was just commenting on your pricing packages.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Dan'l, didn't you recently mention you raised your prices, went to in-home estimates and SF pricing and are now making more money and busier then ever??

if so, I'm curious, why would you consider a different biz model with lower standards of "clean" since yours is working so well for you??

You planing to put more trucks on the road??



Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Mike Draper said:
Because every carpet is not the same. Some people call me with extremely clean very low cut pile carpet that only needs a basic clean and some people call with deep shag that looks like they hbavent vacuumed in 3 yrs. Are you going to charge the same for every single cleaning whether it takes u 2 or 3x longer of are you going to charge accordingly? I charge accordingly and if they don't want a deep clean then the can call all the other in town who use a wand only to clean with. I only know of 1 other company in town that actually carries a vacuum on their truck. Brian, why don't you charge the same for every website no matter how elaborate or simple it is? That would get you a lot of business :|

Just don't offer the price in your package then. I feel the same way....More work = more money.

Everyone gets the same price with my company :shock: ......The dirty ones pay full price and the cleaner ones get discounts.

I feel better now. :lol:

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