AnyboDy Got a rEcOmmENDatiOn FOR A ProfEssIOnal coMpany To produCE a raDio JINGle?
I gOt the tunE in My HEAd and Have It WrITten tHe MUsic And LyRICs, but It NeEds SoME FINe TuNinG.
I Don't TRuSt THe RAdIo StATiOns cos They Can pRoDUcE SOme ReaL TURds and then ExPect You TO PAy For it.
Thank you!
I gOt the tunE in My HEAd and Have It WrITten tHe MUsic And LyRICs, but It NeEds SoME FINe TuNinG.
I Don't TRuSt THe RAdIo StATiOns cos They Can pRoDUcE SOme ReaL TURds and then ExPect You TO PAy For it.
Thank you!