
John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Have a new account, a Resturant, The last co who had been cleaning this building monthly for years. (Different owers) drove almost 160 miles Rt to do this job. I am friends with them, They got fired after their first clean with the new owners. (four months after they took over and put in new carpets.)

Helen and I were refered to them by one of the owners mother whom we have cleaned for the past 20 years. This is the only reason I even went to look at the job.

Strike One- We do not do stripping and waxing, other Co did, but, no problem, They had planned to do that inhouse anyways.

Strike two- They want to clean it every 2- 3 months, (On Aug 5 when I pre inspected, I had called the previous cleaner to find out the last time they cleaned) When was the last time it was cleaned I asked? Last month I was told, (I was told the firtst week in May, when they called to schedule in for June was when they got fired. We got our call on Aug 2nd) The track off and trails around the tables is really noticable. Wow I said If this is the way it looks after just a month, maybe you should consider a weekly schedule.. No we are sure the previous cleaner left all kinds of residues that attract cause it looked like this in 3-5 days after they did it. We gave them a restorative cleaning bid that was accepted and scheduled for night Aug 10th.

My Helen went into the Hosp on Aug 6 and got out on the 13th.

Strike Three- Tue Aug 10th 3pm, John, We need to reschedule, OK, I didn't want to do it alone anyways so fine, Next week? I'm not sure I will call you back and sched.

Strike four- yesterday, Labor Day, We took off for a drive and I left the phone at the house.
Had a call when we got back, We need the carpets done tomarrow night, please get back as soon as possible or we need to schedule someone else...

I called her at 10AM this morning and all was roses, Yes we can come in this evening at your closing time and Git er Done!!!!

No, You should come in an hour earlier cause its really slow, we will be ready for you.

Strike five- Helen and I arrive at 7:55PM just in time to watch them seat 2 couples in the area we are supposed to clean. there is 2 other couples that just got their orders.

Manager/owner comes out, sorry she said, we are normaly MT from 7:45 on. I told her I would have appreciated a call and would have came at 9PM with no problem, or you could have seated them in another area where we are not cleaning. Sorry, never thought about that, Well I guess you guys can just hang out for a bit, I'm sure they will be done in 30-45 min..

Strike 6- Wait a minute We are not playing baseball here!!!!

I said I just had one of those "Day Jaw Vous" moments, I remember now why I don't like doing resturants.

Helen came to her rescue, We can just come back later. Fine, see you in about an hour.

I called her upat 8:30 PM and said how does tomarrow night look? I just sat down in my Recliner with my diet coke and think my daughter just change the velcro in it cause I am not gittin out of it for a while.

Tomarrow night is fine, Great, Do you want to try 8 again? No see you at 8:45 and we will call if there is any late arrivals..


Aug 14, 2008
Just one of those jobs that nothing ever goes right eh John? I agree I dislike cleaning restaurants, but if they pay I guess its okay, but I hate the hassle.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
steve frasier said:
I would have sat done and said give me a menu cause it is on the house then starting downing pepsi

after that much issue...i concur


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
John Watson said:
I remember now why I don't like doing restaurants.

Life is hard enough without adding necessary pain like that.

To quote an old Steely Dan song...

"Throw back the little ones
and pan fry the big ones
use tact poise and reason
and gently squeeze them"

I love to think of that when I go looking for new commercial cleaning accounts...
I'll "throw back the little ones, and pan fry the big ones"
Then I'll employ "tact poise and reason, and gently squeeze them" somewhat amus

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