Reminder cards vs Reminder Post Cards vs Reminder Emails

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
share your thoughts please.

I use Reminder cards but thinking of saving some money by doing post cards instead.

I've tried Reminder emails but people seem to really hate emails-- even If they are not legally SPAM.-- Darn cuz that's the cheapest way to go.

Does anyone which gets a higher response rate?
I wonder why Service Monster doesn't do post cards?-- I should ask.

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
Make your coffee at home and save your pennies that way.

I do. I don't have time to stand in line for coffee.... Funny thing about me--- I'm always looking a save pennies BUT I waste Big Money on having a GOOD TIME... Maybe I'll resemble this story:

A former Muilt-Millionare who is now penniless was asked--"What Did you Do with All your Money?"
He replied--- "I spent Half of IT on Booze and Women-- and the Other half I WASTED"


Supportive Member
Feb 21, 2013
Las Vegas NV
I'm confused. What's the difference between reminder cards and reminder post cards? Reminder cards you actually stuff in an envelope? Below is our last years post card for reminders. Simple, not to much advertising, just a reminder of when we cleaned their home last. The back has information on it, etc... I think half of customers don't remember when their last service was, or remember the name of your company. (Unless serviced regularly). We usually send out around 100 to 150 post cards a month, if we get backed up or skip a month or 2, it'll be around 300. We get a lot of calls once they hit. Many customers don't even mention the 10% return customer discount, usually its, "I'm glad you guys reminded us!" When I've gone into homes that booked from getting a reminder card, I see the post card sitting on their counter or up on the fridge. I'd prefer the post cards based on responses & results compared to other forms of reminders we've done. Have not had as great a response from emails. One time we sent 400 reminder emails, and 24 of them were opened. We also tried sending text messages, problem with this was, wasted our data. People would respond back, we've moved, no thank you, etc. Or no responses - so you don't know if they've changed numbers, etc.

We leave calendar magnets with the receipts and biz cards with the date we serviced the home circled and tell them in 6 - 8 mo. 1 year, whenever, to call us. (Hence why the service date gets circled)

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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I save their contact info on my phone and when wrapping up get their permission to make a courtesy text or call when they'd like me to check back for next cleaning, based on the previous interval. Just plug it into my calendar.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
All of the above...

Email, postcards, phone call and maybe letter once in a great while.
Everyone absorbs information differently, instead of playing Dr. phil i just play the odds.

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
I'm going to switch to Post Cards- here is why:

After souring my service monster account for duplicate accounts (wish SM did this automatically) found 77 dup out of 4247-- I discovered that some people (new occupants) would open the reminder cards which were in Envelopes that were addresses to the previous resident. These new residents would use the discount card in the reminder cards. IF I sent Post cards instead- maybe more people would use the discount cards-- instead of just tossing the old occupants mail in the trash.?-- I could end up getting more clients this way And save money on postage too!
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