Reno Cleaning College in June

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
CCINW and CFI have teamed up to present a tremendous seminar series June 27 – 30 2012 at the Grand Sierra in Reno.

What’s different about this event?
- Some of the smartest people in the industry covering topics that matter to people in the industry. Presenters that know what they’re talking about with an emphasis on quality presentations. No sales pitches!
- A single track program held in one classroom. No time wasted between presentations and a greater opportunity for networking.
- A fun and family-friendly location.
- Low cost to attendees due to low overhead. Presenters are not charging us a fee; even show management volunteers are paying their own way. You don’t pay for freebies to someone else.
- The lowest possible room rate is reserved for Cleaning College attendees. No rate-jacking to pay for conference or exhibit space.

The catch?
It isn’t possible to run a large show without the expense of management, so we’re limiting attendance to 70 for the cleaning college and 60 for the web tools workshop. We’re even limiting tradeshow space so you don’t have to pay for it. Only those exhibitors that have the best products and services and the background knowledge that will add to the attendee’s experience are being invited.

And, we’re doing away with those three-pound binders full of Power Point outlines. All information provided by the presenters, including additional related or supporting information, will be sent to attendees electronically.

Click over to and look at the presentation line-up and costs to attend. There hasn’t been an event of this quality for this price in a long, long time.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Hot Damn, I would hve lost my bet! In my wildest dreams I would not have thought we would ever bring this style of learning back and at minimal costs to the attendees. I used to have to pay lots for the family to attend. Great looking program.
Im talking to my Helen, Great little getaway.

Thanks CCINW and CFI.

How much for non-members to attend or do members take presidence in regestering..

Proof is in the pudding, Belonging to your local Trade Assoc. PAYS,

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
The program is full, so I don't anticipate Barry making a presentation, but he'd be welcome to attend as a paying customer. Since nothing is open for free I can't imagine too many non-attendees hanging out just to catch people in the evening.

I have heard the area is a gorgeous place to ride though, and there's already been some chatter about west coast riders coming in by road.

John, non-members have to pay an extra $100, but the member rate is good for members of any of the IICRC shareholder association members. Good thing you're a lifetime CCINW member, eh?

EDIT: I just realized the Saturday workshop is open to everyone at the same price, so members had better get on the stick and register. There's no question that will sell out when people outside the industry find out they can get into a Miles Austin seminar for $125.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Low cost to attendees due to low overhead. Presenters are not charging us a fee; even show management volunteers are paying their own way. You don’t pay for freebies to someone else.

Can I get a press pass?

$250 is as close to free as we can get. Just not enough profit margin at this price to provide give-aways.

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