residential cleaning by the room or sq-ft.

Dec 8, 2009
I charge by the room. I don't want to spend all day giving est. When I could be doing work. For those doing it by the sq-ft do you go to each home and do an est?


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Only the first time. While there, I ask to be able to measure the rooms that she isn't wanting to clean this time, so I will have them on file for any future cleanings.
Feb 8, 2007
We charge by the ft, wall to wall. Size is estimated on the phone, techs measure on arrival. Normally our phone and final price is the same, we try not to change it if it's within a few feet. The web allows quick research on the home to aid in estimating the size.

Per room appears easier but then most of you guys have room size pricing and maximums.


When it's a new customer seems to me room price shoppers are searching based on price alone, when charging by the sq ft it makes you different than everyone else. We arrive measure it out and do it right then.

John Buxton

Oct 18, 2006
I do the same as JD. I'm there to clean but they have an exact price before I start. Either way there is always the guy trying to beat you down but most are OK since they were referred or used me before. With laser tape measures it doesn't take much extra time.

I just tried a 3/89 ad and got 1 call.


Dec 29, 2006
For every potential customer, I do an inspection. Reason, they don't tell you every thing. Before I give a customer a price, I want to see what I might be dealing with. Before giving a price.

Bob Rock


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Room pricing.... I don't have time to run around and measure a bunch of houses to give an estimate just so the custy can shop around for a better deal. I know alot of people here look down on "coupon cleaners" but I'm not a salesman, I don't have time to spend time on the phone trying to convince someone why I am better than the next guy.

99% of our callers just ask when they can have an appointment.

We aren't the cheapest per-room cleaner, but our ads tell the customer that we include furniture moving, traffic lane treatment, and spot removal - so I think that differentiates us from the B&S companies.

Our first year in a new area and I have had 3 to 6 jobs every day, I keep 1 full time helper and 1 part time. I paid all my bills, fed my 5 kids, and saved up more money than I ever did at a job that paid $30/hour.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I put myself in the customers shoes and give them what I think they want. A service that is simple, easy to use with nothing to worry about.

I do per room and dont end up move alot of stuf in the rooms. The carpet on average is in good shape, dont really do rat nasties. The people are nice, the set up is easy and I have never had a redo.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I go buy the area.... like Chris said..I don't have the time to be running all over town to do estimates....I talk with about 5 to 6 cleaners here in town all the time and a few of them do estimates and our pricing structure are still about the same (give or take)....This has always worked well for us...after awhile you just learn to ask the right questions and 99.9% of the time every house I pull up to both me and the client are both on the same page and already know what to expect.....Could not tell you how many times I have heard one of my friends say how mad they were because they drove all the way over there wasted there time measuring the place out and the people said that they would let them know and then never got the call....waste of there time and gas.......I know that if I am going to head all the way across town to do a job...I am going to clean it and make money........and I did not have to go twice...once to measure and if I get lucky..once to clean.........
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Jim Martin said:
I go buy the area.... like Chris said..I don't have the time to be running all over town to do estimates....I talk with about 5 to 6 cleaners here in town all the time and a few of them do estimates and our pricing structure are still about the same (give or take)....This has always worked well for us...after awhile you just learn to ask the right questions and 99.9% of the time every house I pull up to both me and the client are both on the same page and already know what to expect.....Could not tell you how many times I have heard one of my friends say how mad they were because they drove all the way over there wasted there time measuring the place out and the people said that they would let them know and then never got the call....waste of there time and gas.......I know that if I am going to head all the way across town to do a job...I am going to clean it and make money........and I did not have to go twice...once to measure and if I get lucky..once to clean.........

I agree with Jim, after a while you learn how to quote a house on the phone by asking the right questions. I have gone away from room or sq/ft pricing and just price by the job. I know what I want to make that job and day. Works for me.

Whether you charge by the room, sq/ft or by the job, a business can determine if his pricing is right by:

1. The Business makes a decent profit.
2. The Owner is paid a good wage.
3. The Owner and Business pay their taxes.
4. The Business has no difficulty paying bills, buying supplies or new equipment.
5. The Business attracts the best quality customers who are willing to pay for the value added by the business.
7. The Business should make a better return on money invested than that of a bank account.
8. The Business loses a predetermined percentage of jobs to lower bids.

You should be able to reach this point within three years if your pricing is right.
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Daddy said:
So what are those questions you ask a phone customer?

Depends on the source, but usually any combination of the following:

1. Where did you hear about me?
2. Are you most interested in quality or lowest price? Rent or own?
3. What areas need to be cleaned? Empty areas or furniture? How much furniture moving? When cleaned last? Happy with last cleaning?
4. What problem areas require special attention?
5. Color of carpet, type of carpet, age, first time cleaning?
6. Pets? Stains, odors?
7. What neighborhood? Upgraded carpets or builder grade?

Based on that info, I can give a price that I will be happy with (usually a little more then less). I tell them that sometimes it will be a little less, but almost never higher unless it is a restorative cleaning and they did not give me accurate information.

I sure feel good knowing how much I will make each day I book. I save at least an hour a day by not measuring anything. I hate sales, and so also love knowing there is no face to face negotiations when it comes time to pay.


Oct 13, 2009
Roseville, Ca
Matt Martinez
We've tried by the sq ft. and by room. We make more money by the sq ft. but it seems like we book more appointments over the phone with per room pricing. Currently we are using per room pricing and its working well.

Jeff Madsen

Supportive Member
Dec 16, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Jeff Madsen
If "pretty much everybody" is doing a certain thing a certain way in any market, that is the best reason on earth to do it differently.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Jeff Madsen said:
If "pretty much everybody" is doing a certain thing a certain way in any market, that is the best reason on earth to do it differently.

I love that attitude....thinking differently is what has got me where I am today...I didn't know I was thinking differently until I paid attention to others...go figure.

It's gray area now on prices. I run some room coupons with square footage prices because I truely can't run all over the country to give pre inspections. On the two areas I focus on, I can.

If you don't have time to give free pre inspections, then you don't have time to do one post on this board.
You are just making excuses.

I talk to the customer over the phone, let them know an approximate prices judging by some questions I ask and the price is usually not far off from that.

What areas do you want cleaned? Single or two story?
empty? furniture? moved? open areas?'s almost always open areas in the occupied homes
Square footage of entire house for a reference point of room size
Pet urine?


I agree, the last thing I want to do is being like everyone else. Sq ft pricing creates much higher job average for my company which in turn requires us to do fewer jobs to obtain the same gross. Less wear and tear on the equipment and body.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Jeff Madsen said:
If "pretty much everybody" is doing a certain thing a certain way in any market, that is the best reason on earth to do it differently.

although I understand this statement....not real sure on how it pertains to how you chose to charge for your service...I cant see how this will set you a part from another cleaner....Most people have an hectic schedule as it is.... and having to possibly set up 2 different appointments with you just to get there carpets cleaned could be a hassle......but never the less I fail to see how doing one or the other would set people apart......

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
[/quote]If you don't have time to give free pre inspections, then you don't have time to do one post on this board.
You are just making excuses.


Most OO's loose money on anything FREE. You even said you don't have time to run all over town to give in person estimates. I think a smart business person can book any job. If the person calling is a price shopper, you should get that Vibe right away and give them a price and see what happens. I think if you are not closing at least 95% of your calls you are doing something wrong some of which are...
Sounding like a kinda like unprofessinal like
Not listening
Bad breath
Watching Porn while giving an estimate
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
Brian Robison said:
[quote="Jeff Madsen":1ieolsma]If "pretty much everybody" is doing a certain thing a certain way in any market, that is the best reason on earth to do it differently.

I love that attitude....thinking differently is what has got me where I am today...I didn't know I was thinking differently until I paid attention to others...go figure.

It's gray area now on prices. I run some room coupons with square footage prices because I truely can't run all over the country to give pre inspections. On the two areas I focus on, I can.

If you don't have time to give free pre inspections, then you don't have time to do one post on this board.
You are just making excuses.[/quote:1ieolsma]

Texas must be doing something to your brain. That is really bad advice. There are plenty of other and BETTER ways to differentiate your business. Pricing is NOT one of them. You need to price according to YOUR business. That is the reason why most business fail. They don't understand pricing. If you choose a pricing method "just to be different" you need go back and read my earlier post.

Pre-inspections (for quotes) is a waste of time unless you are off the truck and have a few trucks. For an owner operator it is not needed and should be avoided. Some think it is needed to get the quality work. That is simply not true. Many of my best jobs are people I have never met. Many I have never even talked to. They get an online quote, book the job by email, leave me a key and cheque. I would make so much less money if I had to drive around and give quotes.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ron and Bill :roll:

I said "I" don't have time...but I have someone who does.
And I don't think my company is different because of my prices...I just like that statement.

Pre inspections are not offered to every job either...if someone wants an apt done or something similar...NO, we can't go out for a pre inspection...and I tell them that and why.

If someone has a 3200 sqft home to be cleaned from top to bottom....Yes we offer free pre inspections.

How hard is this to understand??

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Oh, and nothing is "Free"'s really included in the price...hense another reason I can't do it for smaller jobs.

If you can make money, do it....if you can't, don't.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Dirk Wingrove said:
If you're closing 95% of jobs - your prices are way too low.

I wonder why some people think like that? I book almost every caller, even though I'm not the cheapest around. I look at it as I have made my offers easy to understand, my pricing is reasonable for the service I provide, and I have placed my advertising in the right places for the customers that are a good fit for me.

Activity today: 5 calls, 5 jobs scheduled, and that was by 9:30 am.
Total time on the phone: about 10 minutes.

I guess if I had only closed 4 of the jobs then I would be about $200 poorer, but I could congratulate myself with being more successsful???

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