
diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
We have Rotovac Classics--the old style. I personally like the way they move as opposed to the 360 or the RX-20. They clean well, and the dry times aren't bad if you have it at the right height.


Feb 7, 2007
Howard Beach NY
Big Hoss
I use to love the regulare rotovac and hate the 360. Then I bought a 360. I never use anything but the 360 now. It is faster,lighter and easier on your back. Use the 360.


Oct 4, 2007
Again, listen to what the proponents of the 360 spout off at the mouth about.

"It's lighter. It' faster. It's easier on your back."

They only YAP about what is good for THEM. Not the clients.

I used the original RV for a LONG LONG time. It is the single best cleaning attachment EVER made for a HWE cleaner. EVER. Period. End of story.

It creates dynamics that no other cleaning attachment can come close to.

The 360 is JUNK. Period. When it comes to actual cleaning it is not even remotely close to what an original RV can do.

The 360 is a POOR mans RX-20, that is NOT versatile.

These guys that keep yapping about how great the 360 is are blowing hot air up your ass. The benefits they talk about are not to the client and the carpet at all.

My God, the original RV is NOT that heavy. I guess for a few weenies here it might be. But my petite daughter can handle it JUST fine. Of course she probably has more testosterone than Eddie and John.

It is slower, that is for sure. The gap between the heads forces you to clean in small paths at a time, but that is also one reason you clean so well.

The RV makes 1500 SEPARATE cleaning passes a minute. The chambers keep the heat inside of them which creates cleaning dynamics unsurpassed.

The RV also provides a pretty good amount of agitation because the vac slots are right down on the carpet and with that many passes a minute you get really good agitation.

Guys usually have them set wrong. You want to set them just above the height where the heads want to bog down. Go slightly higher and make sure the heads are spinning completely FREE or close to it.

You absolutely positively do NOT need high psi with the RV. The damn jets are right on the carpet, or close to it. The RV comes standard with SIX 1.5 jets. That is very good flow even at 200 psi, especially for a machine with those cleaning dynamics.

The only two complaints I would have about the RV is that it is slower and I can't figure out why they can't make it plumbed for two inch hose.

But for guys to get on this, and other BB's, and say the 360 cleans well and is a good machine...LMAO! What a joke.


Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Guys usually have them set wrong. You want to set them just above the height where the heads want to bog down. Go slightly higher and make sure the heads are spinning completely FREE or close to it.
Raise the center wheel up all the way....You want to suck through the fiber....Not above it.


Jan 28, 2007
North Georgia
Patrick Matte
Hey Double D....

Personally,I can't figure out why you have such pure hatred for a piece of equipment,but I really don't care,its your hang up not mine.But I will say that not everyone who posts' on Mikey's board and uses a 360,has only posted on some of the attributes of the 360 that user based.

In a couple of posts,I have always made a note to mention the great cleaning results I witness,first hand...

I'm neither a 40 year veteran,nor am I a 2 year newbie in this industry.I've seen my fair share of products and cleaning agents get their 15 minutes of fame.I personally did not like the confining motion of the original rotovac,but I remember it allowing a better clean than the standard wand that was on the truck at the time.


Oct 19, 2006
DevilDog said:
Again, listen to what the proponents of the 360 spout off at the mouth about.

"It's lighter. It' faster. It's easier on your back."

They only YAP about what is good for THEM. Not the clients.

I used the original RV for a LONG LONG time. It is the single best cleaning attachment EVER made for a HWE cleaner. EVER. Period. End of story.

It creates dynamics that no other cleaning attachment can come close to.

The 360 is JUNK. Period. When it comes to actual cleaning it is not even remotely close to what an original RV can do.

The 360 is a POOR mans RX-20, that is NOT versatile.

These guys that keep yapping about how great the 360 is are blowing hot air up your ass. The benefits they talk about are not to the client and the carpet at all.

My God, the original RV is NOT that heavy. I guess for a few weenies here it might be. But my petite daughter can handle it JUST fine. Of course she probably has more testosterone than Eddie and John.

It is slower, that is for sure. The gap between the heads forces you to clean in small paths at a time, but that is also one reason you clean so well.

The RV makes 1500 SEPARATE cleaning passes a minute. The chambers keep the heat inside of them which creates cleaning dynamics unsurpassed.

The RV also provides a pretty good amount of agitation because the vac slots are right down on the carpet and with that many passes a minute you get really good agitation.

Guys usually have them set wrong. You want to set them just above the height where the heads want to bog down. Go slightly higher and make sure the heads are spinning completely FREE or close to it.

You absolutely positively do NOT need high psi with the RV. The damn jets are right on the carpet, or close to it. The RV comes standard with SIX 1.5 jets. That is very good flow even at 200 psi, especially for a machine with those cleaning dynamics.

The only two complaints I would have about the RV is that it is slower and I can't figure out why they can't make it plumbed for two inch hose.

But for guys to get on this, and other BB's, and say the 360 cleans well and is a good machine...LMAO! What a joke.




I have the old Rotovac, and it's sitting at a local dealer, trying to sell it. It is brand new.....probably 5-10 hours on it. It's got the all SS lines, and inline filter.

I might try it out this week.


Oct 4, 2007
Same old crap coming out of the same old usual suspects mouths.

Do the test yourself.



Jan 28, 2007
North Georgia
Patrick Matte
Did you wake up with a fart on your brain?....I have tested.I know that my client's are very happy with the clean we give them.Your lame ass comments
sound just like the last load of crap you spouted...nothing new and definitely nothing intelligent.

Scott Hayward

Dec 31, 2006

I own a RV 360. I have not tried the original 2 headed RV...other than a quick demo so I can't compare the two. I bought the 360 because I wanted something different then a push pull type of machine and it was cheaper than the RX 20 or the DriMaster. The 360 works great on residential carpet but takes me a bit longer than using a wand because you still have to edge and use the wand in tight areas. On really thick residential carpet it bogs down. Happened to me once. It does not work on commercial carpet (at least for me).

Everyone has an opinion...some stronger than others. To me, the 360 is another tool in the tool box. Good for some applications but not for others. Determine what type of cleaning you will be doing then buy the tool that fits your needs and the cleaning you will be doing. Try them out both then make a decision.



Oct 4, 2007
Ok Mikey, follow what I said. The passport issue is taking longer.

By the way Brevik, you know it all know nothing ass, I can actually get one in about three days if I go to Seattle and tell them I have a scheduled trip.

So I was right and I was wrong. Here in Vancouver they apparently move as fast as Breviks brain works....which is slow.

But now I have to turn my schedule upside down.

Anyway, back to the piece of crap they call the 360. I would expect someone that was dumb enough to buy one to defend it. Happens all the time here.

I know of guys that own Chem Tex truckmounts that defend them. I don't think many of you actually think they work as well as other truckmounts. But they are cheaper. LOL.

So give it a rest you little 360 Clan Members. You use JUNK and you do it because it is easier on YOU.

End of story, go bark up some other tree because I am sick and tired of your shit on here.

Just admit you screwed up and bought JUNK. Then admit you defend it because you feel you have to.

Then admit you use it because it is "light". Because it is easier on your back. It is smaller.

Give me a break.



Jan 16, 2007
The 360, original and RX20 all clean very well, all designed by the same man. Agitation is a key element of the cleaning pie (tAct). You don't always need all 4 but when you do, they are all good machines. I have all 3, have used all 3 but now I use a GLS as prescrubber and wand with a Greenhorn. I get great results, as good as any I've seen. I use good chemicals, good heat and vac, high flow and now 4 Airpaths to dry. Sometimes extra agitation is overkill but the customers are impressed with the effort. The original without a glide is tiring and slow because of the gap, the 360 is faster and dries quicker, the rx-20 is faster and more thorough but heavier and bigger so less versatile. I don't use them anymore because of the GLS and Greenhorn but to say they dont clean is ridiculous! Some people should use the equipment extensively before they offer CRAP advice.


Dog: You said it best. "Same old crap coming out of the same peoples mouths"
You're the one beating your gums on this one.
Potty Mouth.


Oct 19, 2006
Devil Dong,

How many times are you gonna make a complete ass of yourself over the 360? Damn dude, you remind me of a high schooler.

Too bad you were clue-less and couldn't figure how to clean with it.

One more thing, your credibility has gone rock-bottom, seems a crackhead has more credibility than you.

Rob Lyon

Oct 18, 2006
Northeast Pa
Rob Lyon
Toad, Get back to cleaning or shorten the damn post LOL
The Original rotovac works great on Plush PERIOD!!!
The 360 works fine an CLIENTS LOVE IT!!!

All The Best, Rob

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