Rug Chick and Fabric Dude in Las Vegas - August 6-7


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
First of all... if you have NOT signed up for Jim Pemberton's webinar yet (sponsored by Mikey here, and Interlink) - here is the link to do that. It's free, and Jim knows his sh*t, so you all already know, it'll be a winner on June 22nd - the link if you need it:

One of the things to come out of Jim and I talking through lots of topics around Mikeyfest was the idea that we would actually like to train together. Not in a structured IICRC stiff way - but in a way to actually teach not what to think, but how to think, in regards to rugs and fine fabrics.

So we are going to train together.

Now, this is a Piranha event on Aug. 6-7, our 2nd specialty cleaning and restoration symposium. I sent an email to our members last week, I have just over 60 seats sold. So I'm opening up a dozen to "non" Piranha Members. If anyone here wants to spend 2 days on rugs and fine fabrics, and play with a lot of tools, solutions, and techniques... then I wanted to make sure you knew about it.

And, since I posted on CF and ***, I didn't want to get flack here for not saying anything also... especially since Jim and I both taught at Mikeyfest. :mrgreen:

You get 2 CEC for the event with IICRC, plus a lot of take-away goodies and useable knowledge. It's $297 for the workshop - if you want in, you have to plug your nose (if you are a Piranha-hater) and call Piranha, ask for Victoria (she's very sweet) at 480-858-0008.

I don't know if Jim and I will ever do this again, but I wanted to do something BIG for our members, and since Jim never teaches out west, and I don't get the time to teach very often, I just thought we'd shake up things with this idea. It ain't gonna be like any class you've ever been to... I can promise you that. :)

Maybe I'll see you there...

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
This is a class that I've wanted to teach for a long time, but never had the "push" before to get outside of the mainstream where I felt comfortable.

Mikey started it by challenging me to do something for Mikeyfest that would focus on what I thought about something that seemed basic, but was really fairly involved, which was comparing cleaning tools.

After hearing Lisa's presentation at Mikeyfest, I realized we had more in common in our philosophy of both teaching and in how to clean things than I had previously realized.

So what I'll be doing in Las Vegas is presenting upholstery cleaning, especially the restoration of high value but "trashed" stuff that you can't easily clean with conventional methods, from a new perspective. I've hinted about it in my blog, and I'll touch on it a bit in my webinar, but I'm saving most of it for the event in August.

I hope some of you will come and join us.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Luis Gomez said:
Are you going to cover silk rugs? If you are, count me in.

I always cover silks, and especially the fake silks, in my rug clinics. In fact, we cleaned a blue bleeding silk (due to pet urine) at the Tampa "Rugs and Restoration Roadshow" last summer. Played around with the Drimaster tool, which is a handy little item for the trickier textiles that you can't plop in a bath.

Most classes do not cover silks in depth because the instructors have no experience with the fiber.

Though these are not a high percentage of the rugs that come in, we do get a steady flow of silks in San Diego... and I know Jim gets trouble-shooting silk fabric questions often.

So - yes, it will be addressed. I'm trying to track some pieces down to play with that are silk and rayon. But the bulk will be on wool since that is mostly what you see in natural fiber. We will address synthetics as well.

Fun times!


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
I can't believe Jim let you announce this on ***.

If Toofy shows up Jim will be all verklempt..

Actually, I can't believe Jim is teaching at a Piranha event. Go figure!


Showing up would require paying up... so I think he'll be safe on that one. We'll see... I'd rather not have blood at this event, except then we could teach how to get it out of fine fabrics.

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
LisaWagnerCRS said:
Mikey P said:
I can't believe Jim let you announce this on ***.

If Toofy shows up Jim will be all verklempt..

Actually, I can't believe Jim is teaching at a Piranha event. Go figure!


Showing up would require paying up... so I think he'll be safe on that one. We'll see... I'd rather not have blood at this event, except then we could teach how to get it out of fine fabrics.


All this floor play is making me horny!!! :lol:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Seeing how I am responsible for you two hooking up, I think I should get comped a seat in the press box.

I'll leave the ill fitting suit and hair gel at home.

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
OK, Mike and Richard, I am seeing lots of talk but no action.

I've signed and given Lisa my credit card #. Who's next?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'd love to, but with some family health issues I'm grounded for the time being.

It sure looks to be an excellent class and at an unbelievable value! 8)


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
Seeing how I am responsible for you two hooking up, I think I should get comped a seat in the press box.

I'll leave the ill fitting suit and hair gel at home.

Don't pull an Allen on me Mike... people who don't pay don't pay attention. (Huh?)

Jim and I have chatted, and battled a few times, for YEARS. Actually, that he was a moderator here was the reason I popped back on, to see what exactly was going on here to have one of the top instructors in our industry playing here as often as he does.

It may surprise you... but Jim is well regarded in this industry. :shock:

I actually decided to come to Mikeyfest as an attendee (before Ruth took her ball and left...) to see Jim's presentation. Then ended up teaching, which got us talking about how we each teach not to have students leave saying "he/she was really smart" but "hey, I learned a lot." We have some crappy instructors in this industry.

Just like a support group where everyone talks about their shared struggles, Jim and I get to talk about IICRC and WoolSafe and SOA - and complain, and share pain and anger and frustration.

The difference is, we actually decided to build some solutions. And this workshop is one piece of that. There needs to be a shift in how we train specialists.

So though I've known Jim for a very long time (and was one of the committee members who nominated him as Cleanfax Person of the Year) - I will give you a nod Mikey for getting us in a place to talk more specifically about teaching. I will give you that. But I think Ruth being a quitter gets credit also... otherwise I would not have felt guilty enough to teach two sessions for free. (Thanks for not making me pay for my BBQ lunch..) :)

And you still don't get a free seat...



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
scottw said:
OK, Mike and Richard, I am seeing lots of talk but no action.

I've signed and given Lisa my credit card #. Who's next?

Scott - I'm looking forward to having you there. It will be my pleasure, and I appreciate the compliment of you choosing to be there.



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Mikey P said:
Well If I can't get a comp than that class will NEVER get the MB SOA!!!!

I think you should start MB POS and point out every chemical and tool out there that sucks. Make the label design similar to SOA. It could be CRCR - Carpet and Rug Cleaners for Real to go up head to head with the Carpet and Rug Idiots.

Just a thought.....



Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
I'd sign on right now if someone can convince my wife what a great opportunity this is. What I learned at MF was eye-opening as to what I still needed to learn. I'd love to be there.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
KevinL said:
I'd sign on right now if someone can convince my wife what a great opportunity this is. What I learned at MF was eye-opening as to what I still needed to learn. I'd love to be there.

Kevin, is your wife in the business, or just married to it through you?

I wrote an article several years ago on successful family businesses ("Married...with Business") - if you send me an email to, I'll send you a PDF of the article.

Send along the specific questions/concerns she has with you getting into rugs & fine fabrics, and I'll share what our family has been through, and give you pros/cons to base the best decision on. It's not everyone's cup of tea...but if high-end in-plant care is where you want to head, you are NEVER going to get training from me at this price again...much less training with Jim.

Plus, you will meet over 100 cleaners and restorers who you will be able to learn from as well. It will be unlike any training you've ever had. I'm one of the very few instructors in the biz who can actually show you how to make great money after you learn the tech key moves.

Send me the questions...if you have any inkling to be a specialist in rugs or fine fabric, this is where you need to get your feet wet. Ideally you'd both come. I had a number of couples, and parents/kids take my JonDon class...the women in the families (just like me and my mom) just loved the texture and stories behind textiles, and it's a fun business to market and network in.




Oct 7, 2006
I share Jim's and Lisa's concerns with the SOA, balony and also have long felt that education in this industry has for too long focused on the theoretical which is fine but will never produce a master craftsman or a profitable business.
For far too long we have all been forced to travel for any training programs while all around us other industries can get training on-line. Finally that is changing and the iicrc is committed to getting with this program. This will allow more time for instructors to do much more hands-on training.

There has been a vacuum in hands-on and practical training for far too long but this is changing. It is noteworthy that the most popular feature at Connections has been all of the hands-on demos.

The introduction of flood houses led the way as training facilities and now there a several around the country.
Biggest drawback of a training building is that again travel is required.

One day soon, I hope to see training facilities set up for teaching all elements of our industry - hands on.
It is very difficult if not impossible to ship to Vegas, not only loads of dirty furniture and rugs but also all of the equipment and time to complete the jobs.

This is definitely a step in the right direction but one day someone will build a cleaning school in a central location that has all of the toys and surfaces for a real training university.

I wonder if Paula Abdul would sponsor an MB University for acting, cleaning and dancing ?

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
LisaWagnerCRS said:
KevinL said:
I'd sign on right now if someone can convince my wife what a great opportunity this is. What I learned at MF was eye-opening as to what I still needed to learn. I'd love to be there.

Kevin, is your wife in the business, or just married to it through you?

I wrote an article several years ago on successful family businesses ("Married...with Business") - if you send me an email to, I'll send you a PDF of the article.

Send along the specific questions/concerns she has with you getting into rugs & fine fabrics, and I'll share what our family has been through, and give you pros/cons to base the best decision on. It's not everyone's cup of tea...but if high-end in-plant care is where you want to head, you are NEVER going to get training from me at this price again...much less training with Jim.

Plus, you will meet over 100 cleaners and restorers who you will be able to learn from as well. It will be unlike any training you've ever had. I'm one of the very few instructors in the biz who can actually show you how to make great money after you learn the tech key moves.

Send me the questions...if you have any inkling to be a specialist in rugs or fine fabric, this is where you need to get your feet wet. Ideally you'd both come. I had a number of couples, and parents/kids take my JonDon class...the women in the families (just like me and my mom) just loved the texture and stories behind textiles, and it's a fun business to market and network in.



Lisa? Giving relationship advice now too? I thought you left that to your Partner? Oh wait he gives hookup advice in both the Carpet industry and the Relationship industry. Has he ever taught both "Getting Hooked Up in the Carpet Industry" with "Getting Hookedup" classes? Joe the Hookup guy... Nice Ring to it? Are you married yet? Is Joe?

Just my weak attempt at humor... This sounds like an awesome class.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Hey Rick,

In the article I actually profiled 6 successful couples with family businesses in our industry that I've worked with closely over the years.

Having grown up in a family business, and seeing how the stress destroyed my parents' relationship, one thing I can speak on is how NOT to do it. And I've seen how not to in other families as well. It is tough sometimes to blend work and family in a healthy way.

I am not married. (Not willing to give up half my assets if it doesn't work out - LOL!)

I preach only what I practice, and share from others I know who've done the same. And...every couple profiled in that article is still married (thank God!). :)

thanks for worrying about me though!


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