Sewer Cleanup every holiday this year!

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
I thought I was going to get by without a sewer back up for Christmas. Nope. Heading home at 2:30 pm today, client in panic with 6 inches of sewer in the basement. I have a water damage still going I have to monitor tomorrow (Christmas Day)
I thought I would at least get away this holiday without the sewer backup. I have had a sewer call every holiday this year. My New Years resolution is sewer back ups on more convenient days. LOL.... shiteatinggrin

Happy Holidays everyone!

Mark Saiger


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Just spent 12 hours on one. Just got back to the shop at 1:30. OMFG can you say pack rats ? I walked down into the basement with my trusty side-kick Gerardo(yes jimmy he's legal) and thought "You have got to be f'in kiddin me" We will need a box truck to take all of the debris to the dump. I went through 2 boxes of 2 mil bags. 9.5 hours of content manipulation and inventory. Thank god only 50 sq ft of carpet was affected, the rest was concrete. Got everything out, and power washed the crap outta the place (literally).

I'm on call Christmas night. Bah hum-bug. But Merry Christmas everyone! I will upload some pics when I get home.

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