SFS Out of body Experience

jerry ACC

May 18, 2007
Eastern Pennsylvania
Jerry Lightcap
Ever had a near death experience ?
Well that is about how I sum up the Jon Don SFS experience.

The Rug Sucker in me just sat in the chair thinking DAH....... More jobs, More Money, Bigger Machine, My hose is longer than your hose......

While my business soul floated above in growing despair, tearing up on what I may have been missing and how soon it would have been to my eminent demise.

Those of you know it all Carpet Captains who have not taken this class, you owe it to yourself, your business, your employees and the industry to become educated by some of the very best involved with this class.
It is as great a fail safe system for the first year starter like me to the long time business owner's out there.
The cost of the class has already been paid for in just my 1st scripted new phone call !!!!
I would like to thank Jon Don and all of those involved for this 5 day eye opening experience.
Thanks Nick,Chuck,Bill,Steve,Angela,Parthavi,Glenn,Ernie,Tom and Paul

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Congrats on making it to the Class of classes. You can consider yourself in a real group of "Elite" service personel.

The WOW factor takes time to really sink in. I had to put a pillow on my forehead to keep from knocking myself out with "Wow I could have had a V8" beatings.

They sure nuff know how to do it to ya don't they, I will be forever gratefull to them.

You also can congradulate yourself for making it to the class with ony 2 years under your belt. I bet if MR Chopped Liver kept the statistics of companies only in buisness a few years attending compared to the ones 5 years and older, you would be in thee minority.

Good luck with how you use your new found tools.

Welcome to "The SFS Allumni"
Class of 97, 2007

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
Headed to Roselle next month for my first one and can't wait! Been in business 7 years. Wishing I would have done it sooner and haven't been to the class yet!! :shock: Anyone else going to Roselle in October???

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Hey Doug,

I believe there are several "internet addicts" that will be in Chicago next month. We'll smoke them out when I ask for a show of hands just before I strongly suggest to everyone that they tap into the resource of the various discussion forums. (Jerry will verify that I put Mikeys Board's address at the very top of the list on the marker board.)

BTW, if you can't make it to the seminar in Chicago you can probably make some money by auctioning off your seat to the highest bidder. We have over 20 people on the waiting list to get in! (Don't do this. Bad way to make money!)


PS Jerry, I'm delighted you survived your "near death" experience. We are all at your service but as we discussed at the end of the day it is up to you. How ya' coming on your Action Plan? Remember that Glenn/ Tommy/ Pete or Ernie will be holding your feet to the fire!

jerry ACC

May 18, 2007
Eastern Pennsylvania
Jerry Lightcap
Well Bryan,
First I did not have a great answer for the price shoppers. I would typically give them a ballpark figure right away. Second I have not been in the practice of going out to do INSPECTIONS (formerly known as Estimates). Using the basic phone script from the SFS Operations Manual, I have hard copied immediate answers in response for both the insistant negative client (price shopper), and the simple positive client. These forms sit right next to the phone. In addition, I did one of my 1st pre-inspections, following some of the positive MOT's also provided from the manual and class participation examples. The combination has landed me my highest net job per date. 1 couch, 1 Love seat, 1 chair, 5 rooms, hall and stairs. Pluss Scotchgard all around. $580
My new script:
[center:ectp6hm1]Thank you for calling Advanced Carpet Care, This is Jerry, How May I help you ?[/center:ectp6hm1]
(The Usual) Yes, My name is Mrs. Jones (write this down)How much do you charge to suck rug ?
Response- Yes (Mrs. Jones), I can help you better with that if I may ask you a few questions first.
Question- [center:ectp6hm1]Where are you located ?[/center:ectp6hm1]
Make sure the client is within our area of operation.
Question- [center:ectp6hm1]Which areas were you looking to have cleaned ?[/center:ectp6hm1]
Question- [center:ectp6hm1]Now, (Mrs. Jones), Do you have any areas of special concern ?[/center:ectp6hm1]
Question- [center:ectp6hm1]Have you had these areas professionally cleaned before and did the technician reapply scotchgard protector ?[/center:ectp6hm1]
This is my own added question. It's a great way to convey your faith in the protector and help the future addition.
Question- [center:ectp6hm1]Are we working with any special time frame ? Do you need to have the work completed by any certain date ?[/center:ectp6hm1]

Since we haven't cleaned for you before, and especially given your concerns with (concern areas), I would like to come out and give you a FREE, No Obligation inspection of the cleaning areas. This will only take 10 to 15 minutes and at that time I can give you an exact written price sheet for the work. I can stop by (whenever you can ASAP). Would that be convenient?
Thank you Mrs. Jones for choosing Advanced Carpet Care, I look forward to meeting you on (date and time).
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Well Bryan,
First I did not have a great answer for the price shoppers. I would typically give them a ballpark figure right away. Second I have not been in the practice of going out to do INSPECTIONS (formerly known as Estimates). Using the basic phone script from the SFS Operations Manual, I have hard copied immediate answers in response for both the insistant negative client (price shopper), and the simple positive client. These forms sit right next to the phone. In addition, I did one of my 1st pre-inspections, following some of the positive MOT's also provided from the manual and class participation examples. The combination has landed me my highest net job per date. 1 couch, 1 Love seat, 1 chair, 5 rooms, hall and stairs. Pluss Scotchgard all around. $580
My new script:
[center:2b9gmfnu]Thank you for calling Advanced Carpet Care, This is Jerry, How May I help you ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]
(The Usual) Yes, My name is Mrs. Jones (write this down)How much do you charge to suck rug ?
Response- Yes (Mrs. Jones), I can help you better with that if I may ask you a few questions first.
Question- [center:2b9gmfnu]Where are you located ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]
Make sure the client is within our area of operation.
Question- [center:2b9gmfnu]Which areas were you looking to have cleaned ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]
Question- [center:2b9gmfnu]Now, (Mrs. Jones), Do you have any areas of special concern ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]
Question- [center:2b9gmfnu]Have you had these areas professionally cleaned before and did the technician reapply scotchgard protector ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]
This is my own added question. It's a great way to convey your faith in the protector and help the future addition.
Question- [center:2b9gmfnu]Are we working with any special time frame ? Do you need to have the work completed by any certain date ?[/center:2b9gmfnu]

Since we haven't cleaned for you before, and especially given your concerns with (concern areas), I would like to come out and give you a FREE, No Obligation inspection of the cleaning areas. This will only take 10 to 15 minutes and at that time I can give you an exact written price sheet for the work. I can stop by (whenever you can ASAP). Would that be convenient?
Thank you Mrs. Jones for choosing Advanced Carpet Care, I look forward to meeting you on (date and time).

Nice script Whisker, I'm in shock of how much stuff I know that I didn't even know I knew. I still have the tape version of Steve torbuen's material from way back when. My pops makes it too easy for us but Damn, it's a trip on how much he is and always keeps teaching me. I have to stop being so hard headed. :mrgreen:


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
Nice work, I just committed to the in house estimate with the post card campaign that I have going on through the end of the year.

Thanks for the detailed info, great post!!


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Wow, Jerry. You really were paying attention. I'm impressed.

Island boy

PS Good work on the conversion over to "inspections", Jerry. Remember the guaranteed way we shared with you on how to beat the "I'll have to check with my husband" hidden objection. Be sure to use it word for word and let us know how all of this stuff works for you.


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
Still implementing.................this happened yesterday.

Got a price shopper to commit to inspection. Show up and talk with wife while husband is painting recently purchased empty house. She gives me the tour, points out areas of concern, and she has never used a professional cleaner before. They are moving from a 1200 sq ft house to a 3000 sq ft house. Younger couple with a 2 y/o. I figured price was going to be a major point. She got me off of the IICRC website and then viewed my site. This is usually a good scenerio.

Get to the price presentation and show her our brag book first. Show several pics (8.5" x 11") of before and afters. Discuss the sealing options on the tile - clear and color. Show pics of the both. Explain waranties on clear and color. Explain our procedure for the carpet and protector. Show her the price for each service and discount given for empty house.

She says, "I will talk with husband and call you back".

I say, "He is in the next room (hearing the whole conversation) maybe we can go over this with him since we are here".

She says, "Honey, what do you think?"

He says, "I trust you, honey".

She says, "ok, so we will call you back"

I say, "Would you like to schedule something now since this will be a 5 hour project"

She starts walking toward the door, "We will call you back after the house cleaning crew is done with the other areas."

I say, "is there any other concerns about our service that I can address for you?"

she says, "no"

I excuse myself and I will never hear from them again until I follow up with her in 3 days to ask for the business again. Neither one of them were very talkative, I tried several times to start conversations about jobs, hobbies, new neighborhood, etc. They would not bite.

I should have used Scott's system, but I did not. What should I have different to close this deal or at least expose the fact that price was the issue??


Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
You're in a tough spot because you don't have any wiggle room to negotiation because the house is empty. In all fairness, she might have been a little overhelmed with too many choices... a case of analysis paralysis.

Either way, sounds like they might have been a PITA to deal with, since they backed each other up on not making a decision, though the husband said he didn't care and left it up to her. It might not have been a case of money... some women can't make a decision and commit.

You can't win them all.. just learn that price objection script and be ready the next time. Move on for now.. don't waste the mental energy on it.. it's not worth it.


Jan 11, 2007
Tampa Bay/Central Florida
Bryan C
I am not losing sleep over it, but I am trying to figure out what I should have done different.

I am starting to really analyze every conversation since this thread. I may have not been paying as close attention as I should have lately. I seem to have a lower closer ratio lately and this is not the time to be losing potential clients.

They will have Sears come out and they will do it for half and it is the end of the story which is fine. I just want to be able to get the issues out while I am there so they can be addressed up front without all the games. I am going to have to get in front of a mirror!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
You said: "She got me off of the IICRC website and then viewed my site. This is usually a good scenerio.

Get to the price presentation and show her our brag book first. Show several pics (8.5" x 11") of before and afters. Discuss the sealing options on the tile - clear and color. Show pics of the both. Explain waranties on clear and color. Explain our procedure for the carpet and protector. Show her the price for each service and discount given for empty house.

She says, "I will talk with husband and call you back".

I say, "He is in the next room (hearing the whole conversation) maybe we can go over this with him since we are here".

She says, "Honey, what do you think?"

He says, "I trust you, honey"."

I agree, don't lose sleep over it. (Sleep is a precious thing.) But yes, learn from it and then move on. With all due respect, you lost it with the "He is in the next room (hearing the whole conversation) maybe we can go over this with him since we are here" reply. Why? Because her initial statement was a "smokescreen objection" and you ignored her "unspoken questions". Her husband had NOTHING to do with it. She was feeling "out of control" and hit you with the "check with my husband" excuse to get some breathing room. The probelm is you are approaching this as a man, but in reality here we are dealing with Emotional Dynamics. (Don't like it? Get used to it.)

So how to do it different next time?

She says: She says, "I will talk with husband and call you back".

You say: "I'm good with that, Mrs. Jones, but let me ask you while I am here- Does the way I have this work order written meet your projected budget?"

90% 0f the time she will reply. "Welllllll, it is a little bit more than I was expecting." Once they say this I KNEW I had the job because now we had tactfully uncovered their hidden "smokescreen" objection. Now you know what to do. Just start negotiating down as an interested consultant.

This works- copy it off of the original thread. It works like magic, If you are interested in the entire Pre-inspectio script just e-mail me at stobren@homefrontsuccess.com

Island Boy

PS Or if you want the whole show live just come see me present all this info and a lot more Wednesday afternoon at Connections. 3:15 PM. Please don't be late.

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