Silencer question....

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I bought my truck up in MN and I knew when I bought it that I was going to have to deal with a few rust issues.....To my surprise I have not had to many problems....
I already figured I was going to have to replace the exhaust system and the silencer one day...The exhaust is holding up fine but the silencer is starting to show some rust and wear...........

There was this one truck that put on a diesel truck stack to quite his down ...But he re welded his silencer and turned it and then hooked it to the stack.....


I was looking at some 18 wheelers the other day and noticed that there stacks come straight off the engine so the must work good to quite the rig down...

My question is...If I go with 2 smaller stacks with the mufflers in them and "Y" them under the truck and go straight to the blower with out the silencer would that help quite it down some....??

would it be about the same amount of noise..or maybe louder...

Do you think it would restrict my blower any at all..??

am I pissen in the wind and just replace the silencer...

I can get both stacks ..with muffler in them..and all the 5 inch flex line and the "Y" for just over $500..the silencer is much more then that...

I have talked with Bob back and forth about this and we are not real sure on the noise but he don't seem to think that it would blower any because I am going to "Y" it off into 2 different chambers....


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
my guess is quieter...because it is now shooting up instead of down..

plus you now just divided it out by 2 chambers to go to

and it would look cool as hell

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
Nothing scientific on my part but I'm guessing it will not be a quiet with the added pipe and mufflers. It seems to me that the alot of the noise resonates from the metal itself and in particularly thin metal. If I'm not mistaken silencers are made with heavier guage metal which seems to deadened sounds better. Sort of like the old cast iron drain pipe in a house(its alot quieter than pvc. The flexible metal pipe is even worse than solid exhaust pipe. Maybe I'm all wet. I'd be interested in any other thoughts.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Jim, I believe this is Demein's rig with the single stack, Douls will look cool, but I would be a little leary of down sizing to 2 inch, 2 1/2 might be a bit more equal comming from a 4 inch.

Greanie should know the tell tale on that also how much more did Demein's rig quite down, saw the rig at MF08 last year and I don't remember it being real loud with the single stack and I think Demein said it was about a grand to do.

Gotta tell a story..
Had a 51 F-1 Ford PU with a 239 flatty, crossover pipe rusted out so I cut the crossover leaving about 6 inches on each manifold. Flex pipe to the back on each side of the cab then twin stacks (11/2 pipe) Loved to hear it rapping out, Straight pipes sounded so cool. Then I got stopped, Cop was a friend, but, still gave me a 3 day fix it ticket (Didn't say anything about the case of Oly in the bed in plain sight and I was only 18) Didn't have no money to to put mufflers on or room to put them in.

Next morning 9:30am I am at the cop shop waiting to get my truck inspected. He came out with a smirk and said, "Asshole" there aint no way you put mufflers on that truck this fast.

Crank it up he says, Rap it out, I did 1000, 2000 3000 rpm took my foot off the throttle and did it again and gave it a little more this time. Beautiful mellow tone was all you could hear except for a little clinkity clink sound. He looked under the truck and saw nothing changed.

He said , well you passed, but don't know what you did..

At 9am I went to the VW dealership and bought 2 VW resanators, You know the chrome tips that came out of their mufflers. Just dropped them down my stacks, Just had a new clinky clink sound as they dropped back down the stack when I would really rap on it.


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Jim, I believe this is Demein's rig with the single stack, Douls will look cool, but I would be a little leary of down sizing to 2 inch, 2 1/2 might be a bit more equal comming from a 4 inch.

Greanie should know the tell tale on that also how much more did Demein's rig quite down, saw the rig at MF08 last year and I don't remember it being real loud with the single stack and I think Demein said it was about a grand to do.

I was never planning on down sizing it It was going to be 5 inch all the way .....
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
I believe it would be quieter with dual's. Also the fact that there pointing up, it would not be ricocheting off the ground.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner

My Roots 59 was plumbed 3" into 2 parallel silencers then out one 3" exhaust. The engine exhaust was plumbed into the same silencers.
Sweet sound when she was running at peak, just the sound of rushing air and a deep bass humm from the engine.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
How do you think it would sound if you went to just the exhaust and did not have the silencers....?


Aug 1, 2007
Jim Martin said:
I bought my truck up in MN and I knew when I bought it that I was going to have to deal with a few rust issues.....To my surprise I have not had to many problems....
I already figured I was going to have to replace the exhaust system and the silencer one day...The exhaust is holding up fine but the silencer is starting to show some rust and wear...........

There was this one truck that put on a diesel truck stack to quite his down ...But he re welded his silencer and turned it and then hooked it to the stack.....


I was looking at some 18 wheelers the other day and noticed that there stacks come straight off the engine so the must work good to quite the rig down...

My question is...If I go with 2 smaller stacks with the mufflers in them and "Y" them under the truck and go straight to the blower with out the silencer would that help quite it down some....??

would it be about the same amount of noise..or maybe louder...

Do you think it would restrict my blower any at all..??

am I pissen in the wind and just replace the silencer...

I can get both stacks ..with muffler in them..and all the 5 inch flex line and the "Y" for just over $500..the silencer is much more then that...

I have talked with Bob back and forth about this and we are not real sure on the noise but he don't seem to think that it would blower any because I am going to "Y" it off into 2 different chambers....


My V had a similar install to the above picture. In other words, I attached an additional silencer to the included silencer from vortex. There was no measurable back pressure. As far as sound goes, it will be quieter in certain situations by a lot. Standing directly in front of it for example. In other areas it's not as effective - town homes.

If you are thinking of bypassing the silencer system in total - I don't think I would do it. I think it would be louder. In addition is nice. But alone, I think you would be disappointed.

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