small town drama. Hey ivan maybe you can help me with this.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I don't know if some of you have experienced the clickishness of a small town. Not being from the town I work in sometimes it can be rough on an outsider. I know it is good to network but I am beginning to wonder if networking with certain people can do more harm than good. I grew up in the city so the small town politics and social scene is a bit different than what I was used to growing up. I have a solid base of loyal customers I have worked hard to get and even harder to keep but Its just disappointing to feel the damper that few bad apples can put on the bunch.
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Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
I had the same experience with BNI many years ago. something about an young attractive member flirting with me and I taking it the wrong way-- anyhow.. A few years later that group and other BNI groups were bagging me to comeback.. I was the "class clown" and made the meeting entertaining.. I hear members where dropping out because the meeting were boring again.

The Best revenge when someone tries to keep you down-- IS SUCCESS! To persevere against adversity. It might take awhile and you might have a tough time, and an even tougher time IF you keep getting in your own way- ie. EGO or Fear. Just Look what Neilson Mandela HAD to endure before he found success!?

Just work very hard at being BETTER THEN YOU already Are. When a personal trainer is coaching you-- people tend to give up too easily, or say "That's Good Enough" and stop trying__ But the PT yells at you--"ONE MORE-ONE MORE!!"
Or take Professional Golfers for example: (this was disclosed during interviews) Tiger Woods or Jack Nicholson don't think to themselves during a competition- "Hey I'm the best so I can relax" NO during the competition No one knows who is ahead because they all begin on different holes with different pars. THE TRUE CAMPIONS are thinking: "I've got to be better, I've got to try harder"

So I recommend you cut your time on MB in half and invest that time to go to school or get some training to make you a better person, biz owner, and CC.

And remember-- Doing the RIGHT thing, is Always the Right thing to do..

Good Luck
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
After a moment in the clear Im ready to start pushing forward again. I have did about every iicrc class except the mold stuff some Im good there. I would like to go to strategies since I now have employees now. I might try joining the local hba. I think networking with other contractors might be better received than trying to find common ground with people at the chamber functions who often are not an owner or even a manager. Im sure still being a bit young(31) and stubborn so that doesn't help me either. Im a typical guy so sometimes I like to beat on my chest when I probley should be keeping my mouth shut and my ears open
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Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
After a moment in the clear Im ready to start pushing forward again. I have did about every iicrc class except the mold stuff some Im good there. I would like to go to strategies since I now have employees now. I might try joining the local hba. I think networking with other contractors might be better received than trying to find common ground with people at the chamber functions who often are not an owner or even a manager. Im sure still being a bit young(31) and stubborn so that doesn't help me either. Im a typical guy so sometimes I like to beat on my chest when I probley should be keeping my mouth shut and my ears open

Glad to hear it... Also Remember this also: "customers don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."
Did Jesus (Christ to some) beat his chest? or did he practice peace, love and compassion?
All The Best

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I know it is good to network but I am beginning to wonder if networking with certain people can do more harm than good.

your message is kind of vague on specifics, Jon.
so this may or may not apply.
I understand networking, but something I never understood , why would I refer someone if I don't know how good or bad their work/service is?
Just cause they're members of orgs and you meet them at meetings, doesn't mean they do excellent work in their fields or are people of integrity.



Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
sorry larry because the whole world can see my comments via the internet I gotta be kind of vague. The concern Im dealing with is that a contractor I used to network with is taking every opportunity they can to stir the pot and be a drama queen. The thing is I didn't do anything on intentional to this other contractor so I don't really understand the discontent that is beingvented about me. A few days ago at a local convention this other contractor even approached my wife who was working at her fulltime sales jobs booth and began to run their mouth to her about me. This contractor then told my wife how they got all these jobs for me and they don't understand why Im upset with them. The crazy part is I never told anyone I was upset with them not even my wife so how would they know? Seems to me they might have a guilty conscience . The part that is really irritating is that I have tried to ignore the gossip coming from a certain group of people but despite them attacking me they are acting like they are the victim! Jeez I usualy bend over backwards to accomidate people and I have never really screwed up any job or screwed over a customer or a referral so Im really not understanding where this ill will is coming from
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
I had another cleaner try to black ball us when starting out.
He still mucks stuff up now an then for us, but the damaged he caused to himself and his bus was far more detrimental than anything I could have retaliated back with.

My focus is still where it's always been : )

Walk the Walk instead of Talk the Talk, make damn sure that no other cleaner can come behind your work and do better!

That's how you shut them fookers up : )
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I had another cleaner try to black ball us when starting out.
He still mucks stuff up now an then for us, but the damaged he caused to himself and his bus was far more detrimental than anything I could have retaliated back with.

My focus is still where it's always been : )

Walk the Walk instead of Talk the Talk, make damn sure that no other cleaner can come behind your work and do better!

That's how you shut them fookers up : )
That's what I have been doing. I just hate hearing people talk like I owe them something or I wouldn't have made it had it not been for them. But yes your right. I have a little phrase that goes : If your doing your job you don't need to worry about saving your job


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
I found real quick that the madder the other guys get, the better I become : )

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
So I recommend you cut your time on MB in half...
Be afraid, very, very afraid. I've seen people banned for saying less... much less! :)


PS I was in a small town and did very little shmoosing and had zero time for the silly politics. Just delivered good, solid dependable work while hiring employees that could do the same.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Be afraid, very, very afraid. I've seen people banned for saying less... much less! :)


PS I was in a small town and did very little shmoosing and had zero time for the silly politics. Just delivered good, solid dependable work while hiring employees that could do the same.

That has been the way I have done things from the get go. Im really puzzled by how this came about because Im really easy going. I guess I guess Im doing pretty good because out of all the businesses I work with and depend on to keep working and all the businesses that depend on me having a disagreement with one or two in 8 years isn't too bad so I really don't care. Same with customers. I learned along time ago with my customers that all you can do is try your best and keep trying to improve yourself and learn from your mistakes and don't beat your self up if you cant satisfy a customer here and there. Ive just been looking at this carefully because I have a couple employees and a wife who count on me so I try to remember that my actions effect more people than just me

Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
Good morning Jon,

I see that my name was mentioned in your post. I would have chimed in earlier, but had been in Dallas on business.

I cannot really add too much advice regarding your dilemma, other than to always remember that you are judged by the company that you keep.

I am all too familiar with small community cliques, as you had referred too. Like you, I was not born and raised in Jefferson City either, but learned early on that I was in business to serve the needs of my customers and knew that there would be time or two when detractors would throw out a stone.

Our community is very receptive to any service company that displays integrity, hard work, grit and gives back to the community. Conversly, any man who goes about the community spreading malicious rumors, will soon realize that this fallibility will bring far greater damage than good.

Jon as previously offered, you are more than welcome to give me a call and we can meet and chat for a bit. 573.291.0234
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
your message is kind of vague on specifics, Jon.
so this may or may not apply.
I understand networking, but something I never understood , why would I refer someone if I don't know how good or bad their work/service is?
Just cause they're members of orgs and you meet them at meetings, doesn't mean they do excellent work in their fields or are people of integrity.


Thats where LeTip or BNI comes in handy. After a few months you know REAL WELL who to refer and who not to.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I too live in a small town but it's very close to a large city but I know all too well about small town cliques and politics. Been here since my son was in kindergarten and now he's a senior in highschool.
And I was in a sense bad mouthed by a contractor and was told by someone else in town that "I need to reach out and talk to said contractor.......because they know a lot of people in town"

Well when confronted by this statement I kept my cool and never replied. I just walked away.
Seeing that my town is ONLY about 8,500 people I don't sweat it. Because the bulk of my business is in the larger city. I don't go to any chamber , BNI or any community meetings.

Because I have low drag and fly my own thing and stay out of the gossip.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Good morning Jon,

I see that my name was mentioned in your post. I would have chimed in earlier, but had been in Dallas on business.

I cannot really add too much advice regarding your dilemma, other than to always remember that you are judged by the company that you keep.

I am all too familiar with small community cliques, as you had referred too. Like you, I was not born and raised in Jefferson City either, but learned early on that I was in business to serve the needs of my customers and knew that there would be time or two when detractors would throw out a stone.

Our community is very receptive to any service company that displays integrity, hard work, grit and gives back to the community. Conversly, any man who goes about the community spreading malicious rumors, will soon realize that this fallibility will bring far greater damage than good.

Jon as previously offered, you are more than welcome to give me a call and we can meet and chat for a bit. 573.291.0234
My thoughts exactly. I guess Im still new to sitting in the bosses chair so sometimes I allow things to concern me that I really should not. Dallas huh, sounds like you enjoyed some better weather than we had up here. Last week was the first cold week the truckmounts had to go inside at night time. Btw when are you doing another one of you seminars in central Missouri. I saw on your page I just missed the last one.

Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
Dallas was nice. Central MO is not going to be scheduled if 2014, but I will be doing a STL and KC program in 2014. Dates will be announced by the first part of December.

Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
Chavez, you can attend for FREE!! No strings attached. However, I ask that you stand before the class with your pudgy arms outstretched towards the heavens, facing Missouri wearing your complimentary MIZZOU shirt that comes with the class, and DECLARE ~ I AM CHAVEZ AND I AM A CLOSETED MIZZOU FAN!!!!!

Just kidding Buddy, it would be an honor to have you there.
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Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
I don’t mean to bust anyones idea of a small town, but Jeff City is the capital of Missouri. Unlike some, I think you should sit down and meet with the man and get to the bottom of it. The problem will eventually go away, but your level of comfort with him will always be bad. If your town is small enough that you’ll have future dealings with him or even just see him, the professional thing to do is put your pride aside and solve it. My family always said - get to the nut cutting. I’m not saying to put him in his place, just discuss it and get on the same page, then be polite, and apologize for the misunderstanding if needed. Then when you see him - greet him with a handshake and smile. You don’t have to be his buddy or trust him ever again. This is eating you up and you’re letting him live inside your head rent free. People usually cow down when confronted ( like these tough guys on this board are babies in person) and you can turn this negative into a positive. Good Luck either way. amygeorge


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I don’t mean to bust anyones idea of a small town, but Jeff City is the capital of Missouri. Unlike some, I think you should sit down and meet with the man and get to the bottom of it. The problem will eventually go away, but your level of comfort with him will always be bad. If your town is small enough that you’ll have future dealings with him or even just see him, the professional thing to do is put your pride aside and solve it. My family always said - get to the nut cutting. I’m not saying to put him in his place, just discuss it and get on the same page, then be polite, and apologize for the misunderstanding if needed. Then when you see him - greet him with a handshake and smile. You don’t have to be his buddy or trust him ever again. This is eating you up and you’re letting him live inside your head rent free. People usually cow down when confronted ( like these tough guys on this board are babies in person) and you can turn this negative into a positive. Good Luck either way. amygeorge
Amy in normal circumstances you would be 100% correct. However this person has a history of drama. I sent jobs back and fourth with with this person for a couple years and believe me If I thought there was a chance to forgive and forget I would have jumped all over it. This person lives for drama and is a hen in every sense of the word. The best thing I can do is just ignore their gossip and eventualy they will find someone new to focus their anger towards. This contractor is so bad my accountant declined to accept a referral to work for them and told me in a subtle way they where bad news. Also when deciding to engage someone you must factor who has more to lose and who can scream longer and louder to the general public . All of which tells me to choose not to fight this battle because even If I won I wouldn't really win.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Did I just get called a B-A-B-Y? :eekk:

I think not!


Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
Understand - sorry the guy is so bad! If that’s the case, you need not worry, everybody already knows or will soon figure him out.

I was warned about this board when I bought my business. Then I got attacked when MIKE posted some info on my business. When I went to Sacramento for my first FEST, I was a little nervous, but everyone was super nice and helpful in person. Doesn’t mean they won’t rip you a new one on the board, but they’re not so tough in person. Big ole BABIES and I sure do enjoy the ones I’ve gotten to know. But, I started babysitting at a very young age which has come in handy!

Have a good weekend, y’all. High is 68 and sunny! I’d rather it be raining, but it’s not meant to be.

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