Steamin Demon - Truckmount with RX-20


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Can someone who has owned and operated these three units for some time, give me an honest opinion.

n a really filthy trashed carpet, how would a Steamin Demon compare with a smaller sized truck mount connected to a RX-20.

I currently run a Hydravac with a liquid ring vacuum and can get very good results with my slow speed CMX-20 up to 150 - 200 feet.

Very rarely do I now need to go more than 80' using my truck mount.

Thanks, 8)

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Hey Mate, Looks like no one is going to yak back at cha.. I have never owned or ran a steamin Demon, but think I understand the concept Heavy flow for flushing out the soils and the extraction tuned to pick up and leave for the most part slightly damp. Mike Downey had a few problems with his newer version at MF08 and it was not a show stopper..

With that being said, Your RX 20 if equipped with the right amount and size of jets and glided using even the smaller sized truck mount if it has also been tweeked with a full 2 inch vac system should do the same if not better job in my opinion..

Give Greenie a call and he can fill you in on the details of what you are asking and probably help pimp yor system out if you have not already done so.. Runnin that true 2 inch vac all the way and increasing the flow has made a big difference in our cleaning results and dry times.

Someone else who could help would be Les Jones and you can skype him..

Hang in there Sept is getting closer every day!!!

See you then!!

Jack May

That Kiwi
Oct 7, 2006
Palmerston North, New Zealand
John, Shorty's TM is so old, it probably needs a double dose of Viagra to get it up to something respectable :lol:

Joking aside, the liquid rings don't work so much on airflow as mercury lift.

Without having seen or used a SD, I'd be picking that you're still ahead with the Hydravintagevac and RX15 :roll:

At least you can keep up with Delia on that, you won't if she gets a SD :wink:

Better stop now...



Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
YOU can go home to the land of the longer grey cloud any time you like slim John :wink:

Here's me "first people's" mate trying to impart a bit of kenowledge into me, and you go and hit him with some truths :oops:

Elwood, as me udder mate across the pond has so eloquently put it, I do have a few years on MY machine.

It has well and truly paid for itself.

Same for my CMX-20

For as long as I have had them, they have both been used with 2" hose.

Cex (CMX), also has Greenies glides on board all five slots.

I am looking at entering my twilight years with smaller, lighter equipment that uses my customers power, rather than my gas.

If the SD will do as good as I have been told it does, it should fit the bill.

Given the results I can achieve with my Big Yella on carpets & rugs, as well as my Little Mak on upholstery, this has made a decent impact on my fuel bill over the last few years.

So as everyone goes for bigger and bigger trucks and mounts, I'm looking at bucking the trend and resizing down.

If this means a saving of $100.00 per week on fuel, so be it :p

Ooroo. :roll:



Oct 30, 2006
Dale Collins
HI Shorty:

I hope the Steamin Demon co. can appreciate my input. When I left a huge company, I still did consulting work for them for awhile. When that was to come to an end, I referred them to the Demon. This company now is the Demons biggest user, with 50-100 units (last that I heard). Why, would I recommend it to them, but not to single owner/operators? Because simply put, they have unique circumstances.

#1. Their employees are all over the country, and have need of minimal training. The Demon is pretty much idiot proof.

#2 Some of their employees have to use a car.

#3 They have access to 1 water heater per about each 400 sq ft. This company cleans individual rental units. (A Demon will rapidly bleed a water heater). But the company also still owns a few TM's for large open areas.

Now, if it weren't for my son owning a TM, I personally would buy a Demon. Why? because as an inspector, at times I am asked to do repairs. Then I could throw the Demon in the car, and not have much expense. And I'd have a reliable piece of equipment. Because how many problems would I have with a TM, if I just started it every month or so?

And then for large big open areas I would hire someone to encapsulate......

I hope this helps.



Oct 9, 2006
Shorty, I know nothing about the "liquid ring" you mention but have owned and used both the Steamin Demon and the RX20. I would give the edge to a truckmount and the RX20 for these reasons; hot water, and agitation, and higher psi. Steamin Demon is very light, about 34 pounds, and hot water is not always available, or not much if it is, low pressure, usally around 30 to 60 psi, and a little slower, it does an excellent job of flushing, but with the new high flow truckmounts, and improved wands maybe the differences need to be revisited. Each have their good points, but my preference would be the truckmount and RX.


Feb 3, 2007
Hi Shorty,

I thought I would wait for a few others to post and then add my 2 cents worth. I have owned numerous truck mounts and had RX 20s running on them as well as Cimex equipment.

I also understand getting older and wanting lighter equipment and using the consumer's power and on & on.....

If you simply use the cleaning steps, and focus on the soil suspension ability you have with the Cimex by power agitation, (in my opinion with the use of brushes particularly in residential applications) and then follow up with the flushing of the SD, you will have excellent results. I also believe the chemistry has a lot to do with the results as well.

I am not talking theory or guess work, this is how I actively clean today and have as good of results as I ever did with truck mounts, at least in my own mind. I look at it that I can use raw power and get results or I can use a combination of cleaning principles and get to the same basic place.

The Cimex is just great for agitation, lifting the nap of the carpet, opening up the matted and crushed areas and even helping to pull up ground in soil. Then the flushing is all that is needed when the soil is properly suspended.

I have gone to using a 15 inch Cimex and the SD, which allows me to carry them in my little car when needed as well as my pile lifter and vacuum. Talk about economy, 30 plus miles per gallon, using the consumer's electricity and still having the ability to perform excellent results.

This may not be for everyone but for what you describe you want to accomplish and what you explained about equipment, this would seem to be a great set up. Again, this is not theory from my side but what I am actually doing. I have been cleaning this way with the SD for the last 7 years. I cleaned with TM's and Cimex for 25 years in combination as well as RX 20's. I am very comfortable cleaning with the Cimex and SD today.

I try real hard to clean, 'Clean Carpet' not because I can't clean dirty trashed out carpet, I just prefer this type of clientele. I sometimes get stuck with the rough and dirty carpet or some commercial carpet and I know I can get the needed results. I just prefer the cleaner, nicer carpets to work on.

Maybe we can set up something when you get here in Sept. I will see if we can find some good example of a carpet to compare the use of a combination of the Cimex and SD to compare with a TM and RX. The location we will be should have all of that there, we will just need to have some carpet to work on to compare with.

Hope this helps a little, I know it will seem a little biased but it is just my opinion.

Take care Shorty and I hope you wind up with what you really want and what will work for your situation.



Apr 20, 2007

Do you have glides on your Demon?

I am thinking of purchasing a 20 inch myself.

I run an Olympus M200H and a Rotovac for my HWE right now. With a Sprint CRB presrub.

Would the Demon be a time saver over my bucket brigade? That is my major goal- time savings.

Well that and the Gold SOA level for marketing too.


Feb 3, 2007
Hi Del,

I too have an Olympus 200 with auto feed and auto dump out but I primarily use it for upholstery cleaning.

The SD is an auto feed and auto dump out and you probably would not believe the difference not having to haul and dump water. Time savings would be amazing, from your point of view. Also, having the CRB for agitation is wonderful. I use mine for pile lifting before vacuuming and a Cimex for power agitation with solution but if I did not have that, I would use the CRB as well. The soil suspension phase is critical and following that, the flushing out with a SD would give you very good results.

I did post a video clip of the SD in use on another post, did you get to see it?

Hope this helps a little.



Apr 20, 2007
I have a 19 inch Cimex too. No brushes only FP pads right now.

I REALLY like the pet hair the CRB pulls out- nice marketing trick I have- I give it to them in a (or 2 or 3) gallon clear ziploc bags to let my client see what I am getting out that their vacuum is not.

Does the Cimex with brushes pull the pet hair out like that? My understanding was not as much.


Feb 3, 2007

I use my CRB as a pile lifter and then vacuum so I am not lifting the hair wet with it. By doing this I am removing a lot of dry particulate material.

The brushes will pull a lot more stuff from the base of the yarns. I have used the Cimex for 34 years and the interesting thing I am amazed with today is how many do not or have never used brushes. I use them on all carpets I clean, I will pad some commercial carpet but everything else is brushes. The way it lifts the nap on a cut pile is great.

Sounds like a good marketing tool for you, great idea.



Feb 3, 2007
Hi Harry,

Maybe you can explain how you use it so Shorty can see if it will be practical for him.

Glad you like it.


Harry Myers

Oct 13, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Harry Myers
Shorty ,
I use mine to flush out orientals after pit cleaning works excellent. Also I have used it for a hand tufted that was urine soaked. Also did a wool and linen another attached back flushed real well. I also have the upholstery tool and stair tool. Worked great on an old oriental I used a screen on it for caution.

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