SteamWay 1150A problems

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
runs fine for a day or two.. then has trouble turning over.

She fired up on Saturday.. ran for about 10 minutes and she died. Tried and tried to start her.. and I could hear her getting weak. Popped the hood, put the cables on the van batt.. she'd crank but not fire.. waiting a little longer and finally she went.

Took cable off batt, died.. but cable back on.. wouldn't start. Started the van and she started and ran fine.. but so was my van all job long. Finished the job.. drove to the next job and more of the same. Started on her own, ran for about 3 minutes, then died, tried the cable thing, running the van too. But this time after a while.. nothing at all. Wouldn't even crank, turn the key.. ZIPPO!! Emabarrassing!!!

My battery is (was) new a 3 months ago. Battery cable connecters are new but not the cables themselves. I've checked the red positive cable to the selinoid and it's fine, no cracks in the cable and it's connected securely. all other wired look fine too.

I'm wondering if I need a new selinoid or new starter? The mechanic I brought it to for something else mentioned my battery guage indicated the battery wasn't charging when they ran it up before I left, but not many of my guages work anymore.

He told me to bring it to a small engine repair shop and have the guy use an ohms meter to see if the alternator is working or not... he didn't have a meter not the time to fix. Say a small engine guy could do it cheaper.. what a guy! I haven't had the time to bring it to any lawn mower repairman yet.

Any suggestions??? Getting pissed off here.. Larry Capitoni where are you?? AAAhhh

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Bill, the last 1150 A's I had and worked on was back in 84 in Alaska.

I could only get 2500 hr on the engine, rebuil it for 1500 more then buy another new one they were 23 hp Kolars I believe. We had a lot of charging problems like you described. The solium Rectifier which creates the amprege and charges your battery was the culprit. In a pinch we would run a battery charger off our 120 volt generater, the one mounted on the machine to give the 120 juice to the wayne burner. When the crew got back to the shop they would plug in to shore power to make sure the Battery was charged for the next day to start. If I remember correctly the battery didn't take long to discharge because of the SR being shorted out. The SR is located under the flywheel.. Hope this helps

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Thanks John for the feedback... It's a start at least. I've been charging it at night too lately but I've been getting tired of that. My 120v generator crapped out this spring so I've been plugging it in to fire the burner. My engine is still going fine and my mechanic has a spare Kohler engine he'll sell to me for when this one goes.

I'll let you know what I find. Guess it's time to start looking for a used upgrade again if this is heading where I think it's going??

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Bill I think John is correct with his diagnosis. I remember running off the Van battery a couple of days until the Part came in. But that should fix you right up and you'll be cooking again. John, that was the part with the heat sink on one side wasn't it? I also think there was something about getting a better ground on that machine that made that part last longer.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Chatted with Jeff at Steamway Express in Zoarvill Oh.. he agreed with John and had me checked out some sort of voltage thingy on the machine located at 1 o'clock looking at the front of the engine.. all three wires were securely seated. Maybe it's time to get a new one? It looks like original equipment.

I'll let you know how things go.. thanks a lot guys.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
Hey Ron,

I brought the TM to a local Kohler Distributor/Small engine repair shop. He tested the regulator, volts going in but nothing going out to charge the battery. Ordered a new one and should have it Monday/Tuesday next week.
Will see if that fixes it or not... if not, probably the stator will be next.


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