Suggestions for preheating water.


Supportive Member
Nov 17, 2006
With the colder weather up north here, what would be some suggestion for preheating the cleaning temp before starting to clean. I usually start the machine, let it warm up and then increase the rpms while I continue to set up. The machine is a Powerclean Freedom XT-47. back in the day when I worked for a guy, he had a prochem Bruin. And if I remember, I think we recirculated the water in the set up time and then started to clean? i don't know. In the summer time its not a problem, but I would like to start off with hotter water. maybe a tank heater for my fresh water supply? I am open to suggestions. Thanks!
Great board Mike!

Tom Mock

Oct 8, 2006
Hey Jerry!

One idea might be to install another QD and build a small hose to use to get hot water from your pump. While you are setting up you could open a valve and pull some water through the system. I guess you could pipe the water into your waterwell that way you wouldn't be dumping it on the ground. That would recirculate and heat up the freshwater in your tank.

My 2!!

Matt King

Dec 10, 2006
Have an exchanger made for the engine coolant of your van. Contact John's custom machine. Mount it behind your seat or something. Run your engine coolant lines to the exchanger and it will always circulate through there. Next, hook up a pump from your fresh water tank to circulate your fresh water through the other side of the exchanger. It will then keep your fresh water supply tank nice and warm. You may want a tank thermometer in there to make sure your fresh water doesn't get too hot. I assume you don't have high temp seals in your pump and I know you have a thermal relief valve in case the water gets too hot for the pump. It will dump it into the wastetank. You'd be filling your wastetank pretty fast if your fresh water supply was Too hot. Simply turn your recirculating pump off when the fresh water gets to 100 degrees or so. Easy....


Oct 9, 2006
What size jets and psi are you cleaning at? The water has got to be cooling a lot in your hose in Iowa. I use a total of 7.5 jetting with one size smaller blower than you. I see a noticeable difference on jobs where I use 550 psi instead of 400. Also when I am keeping the trigger open a lot . If it is noticeable in Florida the effect is probably triple with snow on the ground. Brian E

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Jerry, how long does it take to get to operating temps?

Do you get sufficient heat once it's running and your concern is about the first few minutes of cleaning?

If that's the case, there's a few things you can do without making any mods to your machine.
The simplest, is just start on the "clean" sections of a room first.
Like closets, perimeters etc, and don't tackle the traffic lanes or soiled parts til heat comes up.
Also, you can plug in a empty QD into the end of your solution line, put the line in your vac hose, and open the ball valve a bit til you get hot solution

I have a kero heater with warm up valve and heats up pretty quick, but we still use the empty QD to get solution temps through the line up from the get go.

Maybe that will help you too



Oct 7, 2006
Using engine coolant to heat the water probably does work. The only downfall I could see is how much heat do you then lose in your Van? Could cause some driveability issues if the Engines not running hot enough.

Matt King

Dec 10, 2006
Na, that V8's putting out plenty of heat. Running a little cool is good anyways. What I suggested is how the pto's are run. I know WM heats their fresh water tanks like this. I think Bane does too.. Maybe Vortex and Aerotech as well? I dunno.. That's how I'm doing mine as well for guys who want mega-flow...

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