Tales from Connections..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Not much new toy wise.

A Rotovac uph tools for large areas. Corners piping and narrow areas will need a small tool ala' their floor tools.

Steamway had a new tool that would shred any thin fabric in seconds. Who designed this thing? Werner Braun?

Sapphire drew the most attention with their assortment of TMs and goodies,inside and out their were always busy.

Cobb showed off shoe low priced Ti wands and CMP and PMF had some goofy wands as well.

Monkey Pads has a new pad system with hard diamonds attached for deep (and easy) scratch removal...Looks very promising.

Hand's on means only the instructor gets his feet wet in Cooperese..

Battle of the wash pits drew all sorts of boring rug fag drama.

I caught Randy Hyde dry humping a centrifuge when he thought all eyes were on Jeff Bishop.

Amazing how many people will buy a guy they can't stand a drink at the Hooker Bar. :roll:

Chuck Robbins must have spent 5months perfecting that stink eye look he gave me.

Having dinner with Fred Boyle, Terje and Toburen was a treat. All great guys.

Mytee was very nice to invite LOTS of MBers to their shin dig. THANKS John!

anyone wearing a IICRC badge gave off a stench that even Quat A Lot would have a hard time removing.

Do me a favor, If I seriously rip you a new asshole here, DON"T wave at me and smile "HI Mikey"...you make me sic.
Evan finally learned, Thanks Kessler :!: :!: :idea:
(and your 3 question Truckmount Show Case was a flop. The only question that would have made it interesting would have been to ask the panel what two speakers won't be in business next year.)

Lisa Wagner does not like to be touched by the likes of yours truly...lmao.

If Ken Harris can carry two suitcase and a box of glides from his room all the way to his car , HE SHOULD NOT BE PARKED IN A HANDICAP SPOT :!: :!: :!:

JW's make great drinking buddies.

Some people should tell their bosses to NOT TALK TO MIKEY :shock: :shock: :shock:

1515 miles on a bike via Sonora Pass, Death Valley and Hwy 395 is the only way to go to and from Vegas.

but fill your tanks at every possible station to avoid a butt puckering experience..

Foster really should have taken that job @ Sapphire, looks like a hell of a company to work for.

I tossed my IICRC card into the pot at the Full Circle Booth to win a IPAD. I'm done.

TCS makes a damn nice Garage TM.

Butler now offers an IPOD hook up.

Aerotech is still at it.
I suggested to Smacky that they get into custom, Bethel like packages.

Thanks Full Circle and Service Monster for helping me have just about the best week of my life..

many pics to come.

and thanks to Tom Meyer and Joe Appleby for being great travel partners.

(and Bill Bruders and John Simmons for one day)


Oct 26, 2006

Sorry I missed it....

no, wait, I'm good. :mrgreen:


Oct 9, 2006
Olympia, WA
It was nice to see so many attend. Spending time with Mike, Jim, Joe, cu and his lovely wife ,and Gorden was cool. I can't believe some of those guys rode their bikes all that way.
I too believe Sapphire took the lead in everything new. Looking forward to the next MF.
I spent most of my time after the trade show in my room:) Maybe next time I can get out with the guys.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Mikey P said:
Having dinner with Fred Boyle, Terje and Toburen was a treat. All great guys.
Hey Mikey,
It seems to me that Swishy Pants was there too along with a very nice lady named "Maria". (I can't say I blame Fred for hanging around the trade show for very long with a wife like Maria. I wouldn't either! Hope they enjoyed the Grand Canyon. I miss that place.)

Island Boy

PS Don't forget the "unique flavor" that Shorty brought plus of course it was good to catch up with Tony W. Makes me sort of nostalgic- I think Wheelwright is mellowing. And yeah- John Labarbera is one of the most genuinely nice guys in the industry today.


Oct 7, 2006

was there a trade show?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
To show how small the new Rage machine is, I had the shortest guy on the SS staff sit on it.


The new Cheetah pads the should have been named Gator pads if you ask me.I'll be getting a set to test with Albert next week.


They scratched and acid etched the hell out of this marble, the resulting clarity was fantastic.


New RV hand tool in action..


the Rug Fag hand out of choice was behind the Monahan's Centrifuge..

Hyde was all hot and bothered over it..


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Studebaker said:
It was nice to see so many attend. Spending time with Mike, Jim, Joe, cu and his lovely wife ,and Gorden was cool. I can't believe some of those guys rode their bikes all that way.
I too believe Sapphire took the lead in everything new. Looking forward to the next MF.
I spent most of my time after the trade show in my room. Maybe next time I can get out with the guys.

yeah, since the RDM was discontinued Studebaker can't even afford to bring his wife to Vegas..


for me the best of connections is hanging out with the gang,and the trade show is second
I Gave Bryan from sapphire an award at the hooker bar for the ss370 but he did,nt accapt it >Shorty is best just put under the Guinness tap ...and let it run..Mikey is fine till it is his round ...Jim B lets his wife buy him white shoes from saturday night fever

Joe the Apple will walk a hundred miles for a $1500 handbag, Jimbo hid out in new york at the Irish bar but we still found him .
Fred does not answear his phone when Mikeys calls him ...

Studebaker is now 80% and way to nice a guy to be hanging out with the likes of me

now i have to go back to being sober till mf

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
oh stfu, I bought you your wine coolie.

I got to hear a 45 minute version of Cu's life story.

I understood five minutes of it to come to this abridged version

Evicted from Ireland.
Came to the US with a wife that hates US.
Wife went home and left him with a portable.
Jesus kicked him out of the South.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
everfresh1 said:
Mikey P said:
oh, we had a great day of fishing too..

:?: Soooo...what do you do with the fish after you kill them? You don't eat um right?

My question to Mikey too when he showed me the fish he had eviscerated. The Bleeding Heart Animal Lover didn't really have a good answer.

Island Boy

PS I'm not a big meat eater (when we are in the DR we only eat meat once or twice a week simply because there are so many vegetables year round) but the irrationality on both sides of the hunting versus vegetarian debate always amuses me.

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Here is a sunset shot I took leaving LV:

I took a little too long getting the camera out,
and missed the rays of sunset coming over the tops of the mountains.


P.S. Our fine imported Ti 14" wand was purchased by Matt O'Haleck (Bryan's brother).
They both should get to try it out.
Also, free wand shipping to any customers in Utah (courtesy the mfg.) :roll:


cucu said:
Fred does not answear his phone when Mikeys calls him ...

that direct to voicemail call was at midnite which might as well have been 3am east coast time you POS :mrgreen:

thank god I had the sense to shut my phone off, I knew one of you clueless drunks would call me in the middle of the night :shock:
do you honestly think for one second I would bring my wife to meet you goobers at a bar?

some of you are hard to unnerstand stone sober... in your case Cu I'll just have to assume that to be the case

Did you make it to the Irish bar at NYNY?
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
My recollection from the show:

Shorty is a good guy. Loved the calendar from down under. He brought some rum from Australia and it was outstanding. We had a Hospitality room on Thursday night. Mytee would have liked to invite more from the board but we were limited to the number we could have, after all we're not Prochem. It was neat putting names with faces. Got to visit with Steve T., Brevik, Fred Doyle and his wife, very nice, Ken Snow, Larry C., many of our dist., and vendors, and other friends. Mikey still needs therapy but is making progress, that's encouraging. John and Lora Olsen, Andrechelle and Mark C., The show was good, too. I met the engineer from Aerotech, Vlad. Learn something from him. Saw Erik the Great with the Zipper, He's taken an idea to a very good product, I'm impressed. Speaking of The Great, I hope Nate makes it next year. Heck, I hope I make next year.


fred boyle said:
cucu said:
Fred does not answear his phone when Mikeys calls him ...

that direct to voicemail call was at midnite which might as well have been 3am east coast time you POS :mrgreen:

thank god I had the sense to shut my phone off, I knew one of you clueless drunks would call me in the middle of the night :shock:
do you honestly think for one second I would bring my wife to meet you goobers at a bar?

some of you are hard to unnerstand stone sober... in your case Cu I'll just have to assume that to be the case

Did you make it to the Irish bar at NYNY?

first i had beer with Jimbo
Then Tammy and i went to have dinner before we went to see zumanity

the show was great...but the food was the worst food i have had anywhere in a long time ,the service was crap it was such a let down.. Im only glad it was just Tammy and i . it would have been very embarrassing to be with friends in that Irish bar/restaurant

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
John had a very nice food spread at his hospitality suite.

I even tried the Rum brought by Shorty (very nice).

It is nice to put faces on all the Board members.


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