Thank you, so much.



Yes I'm still alive and no I haven't sold the Harper set up on the black market.

Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I've been very busy with Pastoral duties and just good ol life responsibilities.

I recieved the set up in Fallon, about an hour and a half from my house (my dad lives there and was able to pick it up at 6am for me) . The '95 Ford van runs much stronger and is in much better shape than the '89 super long Dodge that I've been using.

Harper was nice enough to throw in an old Prochem wand and a stair tool too! :D
I was also surprised to see a box with snake oil in it and another box with a stain kit (all frozen, hope it's still good). I sure do appreciate it! So nice!

I don't know how to post pics but maybe I could text some pics to somebody and they could post them?

I don't have a list of people yet, but I want to thank Harper for being willing to do this for me. Thank you to Bawb V (and his invisible posse) for his hand in me getting this wonderful prize. Thank you to Jeremy for sending that stuff. Thank you to all who donated towards the shipping and just all who had a hand in this whole thing. And to those who felt I shouldn't get the set up... Ivebeensold I'll remember you in my prayers. CUZ YOU NEED JESUS!

On my way out the door again. Be back later


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Josh said:
Thank you to Bawb V (and his invisible posse):

ain't no posse

Thanks Josh
we was worried.
I thought maybe your fingers got frost bite changing a heater core and were amputated making you unable to type

I was going to send you one of Joni's wooden spoons she uses to stir her pescetti sauce .
that way you could put it in your teeth and peck out a "thank you"
:shock: :mrgreen:


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
meAt said:
Josh said:
Thank you to Bawb V (and his invisible posse):

ain't no posse

Thanks Josh
we was worried.
I thought maybe your fingers got frost bite changing a heater core and were amputated making you unable to type

I was going to send you one of Joni's wooden spoons she uses to stir her pescetti sauce .
that way you could put it in your teeth and peck out a "thank you"
:shock: :mrgreen:



Nov 11, 2006
I hope it makes you a lot of money in the coming year Josh.

People like Harper and the others that helped out is what makes this
such a great board.

Good luck to everyone in 2010.

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