Thanks for allowing me to return



I know I have had many disagreements here with a few of you guys - so I think the quickest way to sort this out is this -

I dont believe there are any good guys or bad guys on either side - just guys that for the most part have issues and carried things way too far. I am certainly very guilty of that . Unfortunately , good people got hurt .

In the past few months , I have seen certain things that I was unhappy with on *** , and also seen good friends suffer from broken promises . I have always believed that you are only as good as your word, and you shouldnt need a lawyer or a judge to enforce a promise. But Im not here to vent my grievances - lets just say I started a new board , and moved on .

I have always believed the key to a strong industry is a strong grassroots network of cleaners . There is plenty of room is this industry for multiple boards if we are all working for a common goal , which is a better stronger industry for the cleaners .

Anyway , thanks for the key to the board .



Oct 7, 2006
did you say your ten hail Marys and 10 our fathers

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Dang Coop. You were more fun when you played devil's advocate.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Thanks for not putting a link to your board in your profile.
I would expect you to act gracious and friendly and participate normally here James. If you're here just to get members, get lost.

Most if not all of the regulars here think I'm nuts for letting you back on. Please don't make me look a fool.


Mikey P said:
Thanks for not putting a link to your board in your profile.
I would expect you to act gracious and friendly and participate normally here James. If you're here just to get members, get lost.

Most if not all of the regulars here think I'm nuts for letting you back on. Please don't make me look a fool.

Hell , this is the kinder , gentler MB , what could possibly go wrong with me here ?? Peace , love and tenderness.


well Mikey, seeing how you are being disloyal to those who spoke on behalf of all the good people here on MB let me do it for James

Welcome back to the guy that attempted to derail Mikeyfest with all his gay rights boycott and threatening of the fest host and other esteemed members here

Good job Mike, forgive and forget... eh

Not me, I don't turn my back on my friends for a numbers boost

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Cooper, let me share with you how i saw it after hearing from my friends and I gave it some thought

Mike, there's to much water under the bridge to let him back on now.
maybe some time down the road, but not now.

even if he is truly repentant/contrite, he needs to face consequences for his actions.
there's still penance to pay
you don't attempt to burn down a town, then say,

"opps, sorry, I was wrong, can I come back so i can I promote my new hangout"?

I'll be glad to explain it to him just like that too, if you can't or don't want to



wow, Mikey editted my post

it feels more like Tm F in here every day

follow the money


Mikey, tell everyone the good gay and black jokes you shared with me the other night


fred boyle said:
well Mikey, seeing how you are being disloyal to those who spoke on behalf of all the good people here on MB let me do it for James

Welcome back to the guy that attempted to derail Mikeyfest with all his gay rights boycott and threatening of the fest host and other esteemed members here

Good job Mike, forgive and forget... eh

Not me, I don't turn my back on my friends for a numbers boost

you are right Fred , everything you wrote , even the forgiving part . Sometimes guys just say " enough of the bs " and want to get past it all . We are all guilty of being assholes , but I have talked to Mikey off the boards , and quite a few other guys here . We all get along , and I think we are all striving for the same things, unfortunately , the testosterone and male egos often get in the way of sound , rational judgement.

But Im just glad you kept yourself above the fray and remained our rock while we were all making fools of ourselves .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You mean this one?
A black guy walks into a bar with a beautiful parrot on his shoulder. "Wow," says the bartender. "That is really something. Where'd you get it?"

"Africa," says the parrot.

or this one?

Q: Is it better to be born black or gay? A: Black - because you don't have to tell your folks.


fred boyle said:
so you won't be calling Mike a gay basher and racist anymore?

I am done with the bs board wars - I did what I did in that context. Petty shit , huh ?


Oct 26, 2006
I figure Cooper's prolly Mikey anyway, so....

Hey welcome back buddy! shiteatinggrin


for sure

Cooper never answered a direct question on here and he's already done it twice in one thread


Mikey P said:
Coop, what are your predictions for the future of ***?

I think they have maybe 3000 actual signed up members , the rest came from merged databases . Most of the folks they have now are mostly insulated from the other boards, so when Rob says hes an indutry leader, they mostly believe him . But if you look over there, they have very few old timers there , so they are relying on Rob to lead , and after a while they will see hes not what he says he is . Not to say he doesnt know how to clean carpets , but he is not a technically knowledgable " industry leader , nor do I think he intends to be. He is in it to make money , nothing wrong with that , but be honest and say it .

And stop trying to limit your members by pretending you are the mecca of the cleaning world . Be a real leader by letting your guys know there are other boards out there that can be a benefit to them .


fred boyle said:
for sure

Cooper never answered a direct question on here and he's already done it twice in one thread
Mikey P said:
How are you feeling about Ken Harris these days?

I notice he is not on allstars.
eez , I dont think Mikey is a gay basher , or racist , ALTHOUGH some folks may read some of his posts and take offense .

We dont allow advertising on ALLSTARS , so Ken wouldnt like it there . Although I would love to carry a glide I could sell without any consequences in the ACF store .


james cooper said:
[quote="Mikey P":r53rjb7m]Coop, what are your predictions for the future of ***?

And stop trying to limit your members by pretending you are the mecca of the cleaning world . Be a real leader by letting your guys know there are other boards out there that can be a benefit to them .[/quote:r53rjb7m]

Mikey P said:
you nailed it

you heard Mikey, Coop, he fully agrees with you

so tell us more about what are your plans for the future with your board


fred boyle said:
[quote="james cooper":ib3y6cqm][quote="Mikey P":ib3y6cqm]Coop, what are your predictions for the future of ***?

And stop trying to limit your members by pretending you are the mecca of the cleaning world . Be a real leader by letting your guys know there are other boards out there that can be a benefit to them .[/quote:ib3y6cqm]

Mikey P said:
you nailed it

you heard Mikey, Coop, he fully agrees with you

so tell us more about what are your plans for the future with your board[/quote:ib3y6cqm]

well , the biggest difference is no advertisers , so thats one faction we dont haveto worry about pissing off. Secondly , we have a store and will only sell things we have used and believe in . If a manufacturer wants to sell his product in the store we try it first . If we like it we sell it. We try to offer any items at the lowest possible we can , but if someone else can sell it for less , we will promote their product instead.

But basically its a board thats for our enjoyment and the freedom to tell it like it is , without having to tiptoe around advertisers.

Having said all that , we are still evolving and will continue to for a while .


Mikey P said:
Will you be selling both EZ and Jeff Ellis truckmounts?

I will help Nick and Jeff anyway I can , as they have both been very loyal ( especially when they didnt have to be ) . Jeff has been the most help with the website , and we are working together on several other projects, we just need to get through these next few months so when guys get busy again they can spend their money wisely - with us .

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