the best stripper?


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
And if you tell me her name is jasmine from a club in texas thats not the stripper im talkin bout lol. I did a vct job yesterday and ran out of husky stripper and ended up buying some junk stripper from a janitorial house. The house stripper was garbage I had to mop what was in the bucket down and literally pour the striper undiluted on the wet tile to get it working. even then I went through way more black pads than I should have. I am gonna order some good stripper would rather pay a little extra and have it melt the wax than go through this headache again ( did I mention I hate strippin and waxin) considering I only have really been bidding vct jobs because its the slow season and I could use the cash flow.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
I knew you would be whining about VCT work after the first job that turned out to be a real PIA. Some strippers do work much better than others. Also keep in mind some work better with cold water than others. To be honest, I am much more selective about the finish than the stripper. If you need something locally, Pro-force finish and stripper is pretty good for the money and sold at Sam’s Club.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
juniorc82 said:
And if you tell me her name is jasmine from a club in texas thats not the stripper im talkin bout lol. I did a vct job yesterday and ran out of husky stripper and ended up buying some junk stripper from a janitorial house. The house stripper was garbage I had to mop what was in the bucket down and literally pour the striper undiluted on the wet tile to get it working. even then I went through way more black pads than I should have. I am gonna order some good stripper would rather pay a little extra and have it melt the wax than go through this headache again ( did I mention I hate strippin and waxin) considering I only have really been bidding vct jobs because its the slow season and I could use the cash flow.
bait an' switch!!!

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
Katie Morgan by far

I get to where I hate spartan products

I like to get low odor products, been sticking to Pioneer products

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Betco extreme has been my favorite for many many years. Once I tried it I never bought anything else. No I don't sell it but I can get it for you if you don't have some local

Gary T

Oct 8, 2006
Johnson's Fastrip here. Can be diluted out to 30:1 and still be effective. Expensive but well worth it.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
Quick Strip by Gator Chemical is as close to a good national line like Spartan or Buckeye (Juggernaut was the best i've ever used) stripper i've found lately.

see if you have someone distributing near you. also try Diamond Shine finish, it's a great product.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I don't have a lot of experience with VCT
enough to be dangerous ...

but we've used Betco....good stuff
ProLine... (Sam's club stuff) ... OK

do you carry a respirator on the van??
(you should if you don't)

we did an empty house last week that had VCT.
I was hoping to top scrub and refinish like we did the one a week before.
no dice on this one...cause the tenants that got thrown out had waxed over dirty floors several times .

We didn't have any stripper on the van.
I cruised down to the Piggly Wiggly around the corner and bought a gal of ammonia
mixed it 3 to 1 and I've NEVER stripped a floor so fast and thoroughly as I did that day.
I knew ammonia had been used years ago, but never knew how effective it was...WOW

you have to wear a respirator though, and you can't use it in an occupied setting.....unless you want to choke everyone in the joint....

May 12, 2007
juniorc82 said:
And if you tell me her name is jasmine from a club in texas thats not the stripper im talkin bout lol. .
Sep 7, 2008
meAt said:
I don't have a lot of experience with VCT
enough to be dangerous ...

but we've used Betco....good stuff
ProLine... (Sam's club stuff) ... OK

do you carry a respirator on the van??
(you should if you don't)

we did an empty house last week that had VCT.
I was hoping to top scrub and refinish like we did the one a week before.
no dice on this one...cause the tenants that got thrown out had waxed over dirty floors several times .

We didn't have any stripper on the van.
I cruised down to the Piggly Wiggly around the corner and bought a gal of ammonia
mixed it 3 to 1 and I've NEVER stripped a floor so fast and thoroughly as I did that day.
I knew ammonia had been used years ago, but never knew how effective it was...WOW

you have to wear a respirator though, and you can't use it in an occupied setting.....unless you want to choke everyone in the joint....


My grandfather did ammonia refrigeration. He dropped out of school in the sixth grade but read every book he could get his hands on. He was the authority on ammonia refrigeration for all the large plants this side of the Mississippi River. He retired a very wealthy man simply because he made a habit of always saving. Plus my grandmother never cashed a check in 25 years. Every check was deposited into a 401k and grew very nicely. A bottle of store bought ammonia usually has around 1 to 2 percent concentration in it. He was working with almost pure concentration. One time someone hit a pipe with a forklift and caused a leak. A lot of people died before the building could be evacuated. They swallowed their tongues. Ammonia has a very low freezing point. Most of the compressors he built were designed to keep the plants and boxes around 40 below.

As far as strippers the best one I have used for performance not smell is bare knuckles. It is the strongest by far.

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