The Grinch Stole Christmas This Year...

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
First thing this morning one of the staff had a seizure at a commercial job site. Thank God it happened in front of several people and they were able to call 911 who arrived in 5 minutes. Right now they are undergoing tests to find out why.

We actually had a team scheduled for a job tonight {their decision} and i told them to stay home. Never a good time but spending Christmas in a hospital just plain sucks.


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Oh man that's awful! Hope he is alright.

Thanks for the perspective, I've been sitting here sulking. I stepped in cat shit this AM and it was a huge hunking glob caked in my snow boots. I went home to pickup gifts to take to my moms for her and the grand kids. I had to sort though each and every gift, no one had sorted them. Tracked in mud on to our bed room carpet. Take a dinner list for (12) to the Chinese restaurant only to find they are closed on Tuesdays.

I think I still smell cat shit. :icon_cry:

One good thing the doctors office called and said my A1-C is down to 5.8 from 12. :headbang:

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Oh man that's awful! Hope he is alright.

Thanks for the perspective, I've been sitting here sulking. I stepped in cat shit this AM and it was a huge hunking glob caked in my snow boots. I went home to pickup gifts to take to my moms for her and the grand kids. I had to sort though each and every gift, no one had sorted them. Tracked in mud on to our bed room carpet. Take a dinner list for (12) to the Chinese restaurant only to find they are closed on Tuesdays.

I think I still smell cat shit. :icon_cry:

One good thing the doctors office called and said my A1-C is down to 5.8 from 12. :headbang:

Better then stepping in cow schmitt :bullshit:, :p.


Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Ever tell ya about the time a cat CHASED me w an Ar15 in my hands?

Ended up getting it on a long pounce At me w my Glock. Absolutely Insane!

I have witnesses to it!

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
Ever tell ya about the time a cat CHASED me w an Ar15 in my hands?

Ended up getting it on a long pounce At me w my Glock. Absolutely Insane!

I have witnesses to it!

meth is a heluva drug!


Supportive Member
Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
No cat shit here but the grocery store closed at 5;00pm last night and i did not buy dinner for today! So i am in DEEP shit too.
May have chinese food to go today.

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
First thing this morning one of the staff had a seizure at a commercial job site. Thank God it happened in front of several people and they were able to call 911 who arrived in 5 minutes. Right now they are undergoing tests to find out why.

I was training a guy about 30 years ago on a residential job. He was cleaning a geometric patterned glue down carpet. Another guy that was with us was applying Teflon, which had a odd odor, at the time. I was just standing back watching and all of a sudden he is down clutching the wand in a full grand mal seizure. My brother was epileptic, so I have seen hundreds of seizures in my life and knew to just make sure that he didn't hurt himself while in the middle of the seizure.

The seizure lasted about a minute or two and afterwards he didn't remember a thing. He thought we were joking with him when we told him about it. He also said he had never had a seizure prior to that one. I don't remember a whole lot more about what happened after that except that was his last day working for us.

Check with the laws in your state to see if there are rules about him driving. Even if there aren't rules in your state about how long he needs to be seizure free before driving, I suggest you make sure you at least get a medical clearance before you let him drive a company vehicle.

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
:eekk: Wow that's scary stuff. I'd have shit my pants........then had a heart attack just seeing all that!

It's really not that scary, trust me I have seen hundreds of them. Ever muscle in their body tenses up at once, so there is not really anything to do except to make sure they don't hurt themselves while it's happening. In the case I described, he was clutching the wand, so I make sure he didn't burn himself on the supply tube.

Afterwards there will be several minutes when they relax and gradually come around. Just make them comfortable and they will come out of it similar to slowly waking up.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
I was training a guy about 30 years ago on a residential job. He was cleaning a geometric patterned glue down carpet. Another guy that was with us was applying Teflon, which had a odd odor, at the time. I was just standing back watching and all of a sudden he is down clutching the wand in a full grand mal seizure. My brother was epileptic, so I have seen hundreds of seizures in my life and knew to just make sure that he didn't hurt himself while in the middle of the seizure.

The seizure lasted about a minute or two and afterwards he didn't remember a thing. He thought we were joking with him when we told him about it. He also said he had never had a seizure prior to that one. I don't remember a whole lot more about what happened after that except that was his last day working for us.

Check with the laws in your state to see if there are rules about him driving. Even if there aren't rules in your state about how long he needs to be seizure free before driving, I suggest you make sure you at least get a medical clearance before you let him drive a company vehicle.

Thanks Brian, epilepsy is what they are testing for right now. Doctor did clear them to work next week.

Not a driver for us but good thing to know.

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