The High Cost Of Fuel


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
Wholly Crap! What happened last night? I paid $3.09 for regular today. This was in the Chicago burbs. How are the rest of us doing?

Gets me thinkin bout sendin a pile o cash fur wone uf dem der Nordics.

May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I expect to pay $4 a gallon here come summer time. Its $2.79 now, but with the dollar still declining Opec is going to have to sell oil at a higher price to keep a profit.
Sep 7, 2008
I had this conversation the other day with someone that remarked he could not charge a service charge because of printed materials with price etc. which is understandable. My response is what if gas went to 4 dollars overnight, would you not either raise your price or charge a service charge. Higher fuel prices are already here. I thought about downsizing and going to a smaller truck etc. but then I thought about it I just decided to raise my prices and charge a service charge. When I speak with a new customer I tell them I am an independant owner operator and I can use any piece of equipment or tool. Sure I could use a small truckmount or a portable and clean for a cheaper price, but I choose to use the best equipment and tools. That comes with a higher price. I tell them my price is based on time and materials. I can't spend two hours cleaning their carpet for 99 dollars but I can give them a 99 dollar cleaning if that is what they want. I explain to them that by me charging a small service charge I am able to perform a better cleaning that dries faster. I call it my high performance cleaning package. So I raised my prices slightly and added a 20 dollar service charge. I have been doing that for about three months. I will raise my service charge to 30,40 etc. as my costs go up. I suggest everyone do the same and quit bitching.

I really don't see high fuel prices affecting owner ops as much as larger multi truck companies and subs.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
danielc said:
I had this conversation the other day with someone that remarked he could not charge a service charge because of printed materials with price etc. which is understandable. My response is what if gas went to 4 dollars overnight, would you not either raise your price or charge a service charge. Higher fuel prices are already here. I thought about downsizing and going to a smaller truck etc. but then I thought about it I just decided to raise my prices and charge a service charge. When I speak with a new customer I tell them I am an independant owner operator and I can use any piece of equipment or tool. Sure I could use a small truckmount or a portable and clean for a cheaper price, but I choose to use the best equipment and tools. That comes with a higher price. I tell them my price is based on time and materials. I can't spend two hours cleaning their carpet for 99 dollars but I can give them a 99 dollar cleaning if that is what they want. I explain to them that by me charging a small service charge I am able to perform a better cleaning that dries faster. I call it my high performance cleaning package. So I raised my prices slightly and added a 20 dollar service charge. I have been doing that for about three months. I will raise my service charge to 30,40 etc. as my costs go up. I suggest everyone do the same and quit bitching.

I really don't see high fuel prices affecting owner ops as much as larger multi truck companies and subs.

I could NOT disagree MORE...!

It is an INSULT to the client to think that they DON'T see you GAS charge as a GoUgE...!
What do you think their employer would say to them..."If they walked -in Monday morning...
and said.!!" "I will need you to pay ME $20.00 more a day to come to work.." :shock:

It is a "BULLSHIT CHARGE"..."They go to the SAME pump you DO.!!!!"

"Stop your BitChinG"....Be a Man & just RAISE your prices to cover the INCREASE....!!!!

And STOP telling you clients..."That if they want a HALF-ASSED JOB...You are willing to LOWER work for a HALF-ASSED price.... :roll:
Sep 7, 2008
Harper I agree with you and disagree at the same time. My whole objective is to make more money and close more jobs. It is easier for me to tell a customer I have a 20 dollar service charge and 35 dollars per area than to say 125 for three areas. It is the same but one sounds more attractive. By the way hallways count as an area so 160 for three and a hall when everyone else around here is 75-99 is pretty good and I am getting 2-3 referrals a week in large part to sm cards. If I could just raise my price to .50 cents a foot I would but my plan is to just slowly raise my price for the next two years to get where I want. I don't want to raise my price to 100 dollars per room overnight.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
danielc said:
Harper I agree with you and disagree at the same time. My whole objective is to make more money and close more jobs. It is easier for me to tell a customer I have a 20 dollar service charge and 35 dollars per area than to say 125 for three areas. It is the same but one sounds more attractive. By the way hallways count as an area so 160 for three and a hall when everyone else around here is 75-99 is pretty good and I am getting 2-3 referrals a week in large part to sm cards. If I could just raise my price to .50 cents a foot I would but my plan is to just slowly raise my price for the next two years to get where I want. I don't want to raise my price to 100 dollars per room overnight.

You will NEVER the $100.00 a room client... :cry:

They are SMART enough to see through your Ruse.... :wink:

If you can't AFFORD to pay for YOUR own gas..YOU WON'T GET your foot in their door.. :idea:
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I agree 100% with harper on this one. The fuel surcharge is a bs charge, whats next you going to have a seperate charge for insurance, chemicals and so on. Fuel is a business cost and just intergrade it into your pricing. Trust me I use to work for coit and they have a $20 fuel/wastewater charge and the customer does feel like they are being nickel and dimed.

Just offer an economical package for carpet cleaning that includes no furniture moving.
Sep 7, 2008
Harper I thought about what you said today. Sometimes you have to look at things from a different perspective. I had a walk up from a lady today that wanted me to come accross the street and give a price to clean a few rooms. That is when it hit me. How am I going to charge this lady a service charge when she is right accross the street? I told her my minimum was 125 and that would clean three areas. She added a hall and staircase for a total of 210. So I took your advice and just raised my minimum to include the service charge.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
danielc said:
Harper I thought about what you said today. Sometimes you have to look at things from a different perspective. I had a walk up from a lady today that wanted me to come accross the street and give a price to clean a few rooms. That is when it hit me. How am I going to charge this lady a service charge when she is right accross the street? I told her my minimum was 125 and that would clean three areas. She added a hall and staircase for a total of 210. So I took your advice and just raised my minimum to include the service charge.
$95 for a hall and stairs???? :shock: :shock:

fook thats almost the $100 room right there...

Harper is right, the custy dont want to hear the whole blah blah, i gotta charge you pisses them off...

only thing i explain is when they only want 2 rooms done, and i tell them i have a $100 min...when they start to blah blah about it, then i simply say, "it takes as much time to unwind and wind my stuff up, for 2 rooms as it does for 8, and i still have to drive X amount to get there. Why dont you just get 2 more areas done? Or wait till i am in that area and ill charge ya $75."

other then that, just add it to your prices...


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
I just received exclusive pics of the new JR 1 electric hybrid truck mount. It may be the new industry standard that cuts Operating cost and claims to have the power of 2 vortexes.

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