The last two jobs got me thinking about VLM

Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
I would rather quit this business then go back to VLM only.

Job 1) two bedrooms , heavy soiled, with about 5 pieces of gum, drink spills, hard candy stuck on carpet, and a little bit of ink, one spot of wax.

With OP,

this job would have cost me at least an hour on hands and knees spotting. Scraping gum, blotting up ink , steam iron on wax etc. And still doubtful that I would have got it all up, especially make up stains.

15 minutes pre scrubbing with crb, then about an hour padding like crazy,

10- 15 minutes post vacing trying to hide tip bloom

Summary 1 hour spotting + 1 hour and 15 minutes ( prescrubbing/ padding) + 10 minutes post vacing
= about 2.5 hours

With the TM, I spent about 2 minutes laying all solve on the gum and wax, pre rubed fels on make up, and ink.
Then Roto vac spanked the heck out of the gum and wax with 200 degree heat, about 10- 30 seconds per spot.

Job was done in 30 minutes, fairly easy work, every thing came out carpet looked great.

VLM 2,5 hours of hard work. Verses TM 30 minutes easy work

Job 2) Empty rental house about 1000 sf of white nylon carpet. Had not been cleaned in 7 years, probably not been ever vacuumed either :)

Tons of food spills, drink spills, heavy (and I mean HEAVY soil) Traffic areas were pitch black.

With OP, (after an hour pre vac) I would have had to scrub for at least an hour with a crb, spent a fair amount of time on hands and knees blotting up the heaver food spills. And a good 2 hours running pads, at least 20 glad pads, at a snail pace. around 30 minutes post vac to hide tip bloom.

Total time would be about 4.5 hours, carpet would have looked much better, but certainly the traffic areas would still be very shaded (I would have told them "traffic lane gray" lol)

TM AND roto vac combo, Just a heavy pre spray with powermax, one or two good passes with rotovac and all spots came up, black traffic lanes looked as good as new. a couple rubs of fels here and there.

Job took me 2.75 hours (including pre vac)

Conclusion VLM 4.5 hours of hard work for a better looking carpet, but still shaded traffic lanes, tip bloomed with all the multiple slow passes, doubt full all the food spills would have come out 100 percent.

TM/ rotovac, 2.75 hours of easy work, for nearly brand new looking carpet.

The vlm time estimates are based on the steps I personally would do on tuff jobs, some one else may skip the additional steps I take, but I tell you all these steps would be needed to do good work on these tuff jobs.

WHY do I post this, ?

I'm sick of all the talk about VLM being the future of carpet cleaning on the VLM Kool-Aid drinking boards, I' basically got kicked off the vacawy board, My posts are now on a time delay and only show up if a moderator approves.

NOW I'm scorned, so I had to vent here.

Thanks for reading my long and boring post.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I would rather quit this business then go back to VLM only.

I didn't read any further than that..

and if asked the number one reason why you say that now is it because you now know:

Cotton pads do not magically make piss, shit and puke go away?


It's just too much work to get the really dirty greasy stuff looking half way decent now that you know what HWE magic does?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
NOW I'm scorned, so I had to vent here.

Thanks for reading my long and boring post.
Damn! :lol:

I still believe in the system and believe in the right setting it does well. Sometimes its going to take longer if you rely only on it.


Nov 3, 2010
western Canada
dont you dare write this on vacaway :p

but we know Mardie will copy and paste it anyway lol

you just need a trinity Andy

$ starts magically appearing in your back pocket - grass looks greener - beer tastes better so on and so on

vlm still has its place though

Just imagine if you had a larger TM set up right Andy, cut that time down even further :p


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
the less VLM'ers the better...good for you Andy.

yours truly --- koolaid drinker.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jess, i'd guess that a TM, even with a proper pre-vac, is faster in some situations (like Andy's above examples) but a porty is def slower in my experience.
Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
I need to clarify my last paragraph on the first post, (I realize now that it is unfair, and needs clearing up.)

"I'm sick of all the talk about VLM being the future of carpet cleaning on the VLM Kool-Aid drinking boards, I' basically got kicked off the vacawy board, My posts are now on a time delay and only show up if a moderator approves."

Steve Smith is a good man, and his products are excellent. this has nothing to do with him. The reference about "koolaid drinkers" was specifically regarding the issue of my posts being scanned for approved content. (meant as a figure of speech)

I did not mean to imply that all the vlm guys are kool aid drinkers. Some of my good friends are VLM guys.

I have nothing against Steve Smith. My beef is with a few other guys and nothing to do with Vacaway as a company.


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I need to clarify my last paragraph on the first post, (I realize now that it is unfair, and needs clearing up.)

"I'm sick of all the talk about VLM being the future of carpet cleaning on the VLM Kool-Aid drinking boards, I' basically got kicked off the vacawy board, My posts are now on a time delay and only show up if a moderator approves."

Steve Smith is a good man, and his products are excellent. this has nothing to do with him. The reference about "koolaid drinkers" was specifically regarding the issue of my posts being scanned for approved content. (meant as a figure of speech)

I did not mean to imply that all the vlm guys are kool aid drinkers. Some of my good friends are VLM guys.

I have nothing against Steve Smith. My beef is with a few other guys and nothing to do with Vacaway as a company.

Typical Andy:bullshit: Shoots his mouth of then back peddles. Andy why did you post here that you got kicked of the vac away board when you did not ? Also why are you sick and tired of hearing about VLM being the future of carpet cleaning ? How does that effect you ? If you don't like something just turn the channel :hopeless:
Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
Only a complete dork would see that post as being a back peddle.

Plus you say this is "typical" , as if it's a normal thing. Can you provide an example ???? Can you back up your statement??? You should be able to provide several examples if it's "typical" like you say.

I said I was "basically kicked off the board", My posts were being scanned for approval. Never said I was kicked off,

your such a twit because you actually make stuff up to try to put someone down, typical dishonest Mardie behavior.


Oct 23, 2008
Monterey County, Ca
I agree with Andy here.

I was all VLM and it helped build my business. I always had a TM or some sort of HWE for those certain situations.

Since getting my Rotovac 360i, I now have a new found love for HWE. It's just plain cheating in residential settings IMO.

I still have and use VLM (especially commercial settings) all the time but find myself using HWE a lot more....


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