The Science Behind Your Real Repeat Rate

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The Correct Calculation
A fair number of our clients calculate their repeat rate incorrectly. Part of our training process includes an in-depth look at your marketing efforts. One of the items we focus in is your repeat rate. Here is how ServiceMonster does it; Take the number of customers you have serviced in the last two years (C). Then find how many of them used you more than once (R).

(R/C) x 100 = Repeat Rate %

The Incorrect Calculation
Most of our clients will calculate their repeat rate like this; Take the number of customers you serviced this month (c). Then find how many of them used you more than once (r).

(r/c) x 100 = repeat rate %
The main problem here is the length of time sampled. The rate can vary widely depending on how successful or unsuccessful your prospecting efforts are. Additionally, the two year time line represents your true number of active clients. ServiceMonster research shows that getting a client to return after 2 years (specifically when they used carpet cleaning services) is more expensive than obtaining a new client.

Why you care
There are only 3 ways to increase your revenue:

1. Increase your prices
2. Offer more products and services
3. Service more customers

For most companies, Servicing More Customers is the quickest and least risky way to increase your revenue. The most successful cleaners have several things in common. In terms of financial stability, ServiceMonster shows us Customer Retention is the most important aspect of your business. If your repeat rate is under 50% you are losing more customers than you are keeping and need to make up the loss through additional new sales.

Take this example: Let’s say both Company A and Company B start a cleaning company. They both pull in 20 new customers a month and have an average invoice of $250.00. Company A has a repeat rate of 25% and company B has a repeat rate of 60%.

Company A Company B
New Customers / Month 20 20
Average Invoice $250.00 $250.00
Repeat Rate 25% 60%

After 36 Months
Customer Base 180 432
Annual New Revenue $60,000 $60,000
Annual Recurring Revenue $20,000 $87,500
Annual Total Revenue $80,000 $147,500

In addition to the increase in base revenue, you will also reduce your expenses. Keeping your name in front of your client is far less expensive than trying to get a new customer. Not to mention that your cross sale potential increases radically if your current clients are aware of ALL the products and services you offer.

How to increase your repeat business
First, it’s time for a change. Rest assured, you will produce the same results if you make the same mistakes. There are many ways to do a better job of staying in front of your customers. Here are the common numbers we see everyday.

Repeat Rate Based on Direct Mail0 – 15% No customer retention campaigns
16 – 30% Inconsistent customer retention campaigns such as the occasional seasonal mailer, random newsletters, and random reminders (2 to 3 mailings each year per customer)
31 – 50% Consistent generic mailings such as newsletters and/or some basic reminders. (4-12 mailings each year per customer)
51 – 80% Consistent targeted mailings such as ServiceMonster’s FillMySchedule. (4 mailings each year per customer)
Over 80% Repeat rates of over 80% are usually urban legends or the result of an improper calculation. A few of our customers have repeat rates this high as a result of consistent client campaigns from all channels (email, mail, and phone) and the correct alignment of the planets.

If you fall into the first two ranges above, you seriously need to reevaluate what you doing for your current clients. If you are in the 30% - 50% range, doing just a little better will have significant results. Sending targeted direct mail pieces on an ongoing basis will improve your repeat rate rapidly. A simple card stating “Dear Mike, it’s been 9 months since your last cleaning” is all it takes.

The hard part is actually doing it. Gathering the list of clients you serviced between 9 and 10 months ago, performing a mail merge to personalized the messages, and printing on the media are just a few of the problems you need to overcome. Then there’s the stuffing, sealing, stamping, and delivery to the post office.

ServiceMonster can help you with this in two ways. The marketing engine will make list gathering and mail merge simple. Then you can print and mail your reminders with a few clicks. Most of our clients use FillMySchedule and completely automate the process. We can gather the list, print, stuff, stamp, seal, and deliver your cards directly to the post office. Your Thank You cards and Reminder cards will never be late again. Consistent campaigns for consistent results. Our customers are averaging an 8 to 1 return with the campaigns we automate for them.

One simple way ServiceMonster can increase your repeat rate with just a few clicks.

More Repeat Business with the Push of a Button
ServiceMonster, the best carpet cleaning software for tracking your clients and getting your marketing done.

Put ServiceMonster to work for you and never miss another opportunity to stay in touch. Increase leads, Convert more leads into sales, and maximize your repeat business.

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(888) 901-3300


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
I got it to... Hey marty push the arrow on your computer and your see the rest of the e-mail! And wheres those new TM pics?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Sure works for us..

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
The only tracking I do is my weekly bank deposits and I don't pay much attention to that. Everything is referral and past customers. Just do your job well and everything will take care of itself.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
So how much does it cost PER CUSTOMER with the mailings, and fees associated with servicemonster in that same 2 year time period?

If the cost per customer is nearly the same then I would prefer to spend my money on a steady stream of new customers. Cast the widest net.....

Don't forget that existing customers die, move, find cheaper alternatives, replace carpet with laminated floors... lots of those mailings are going into the trashcan. Believe it or not, many customers simply won't like you for whatever reason and will not use you again no matter how much crap you send them.

Repeats and referrals are really nice when they are truly free.... marketing to existing customers is still marketing and may be just as expensive as other methods.

This little piece of data is too incomplete to draw any kind of favorable conclusion. JUNK SCIENCE


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I can attest to the fact that SM may not be for everyone, but I sure do appreciate it in MY business. I was one of those who said all I had to do was outstanding work and everything would take care of itself. I did no advertising and took pleasure that almost all of my work came off referrals. Once I found out what my actual repeat, or retention rate was, I wondered how I stayed in business all these years.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
hogjowl said:
I can attest to the fact that SM may not be for everyone, but I sure do appreciate it in MY business. I was one of those who said all I had to do was outstanding work and everything would take care of itself. I did no advertising and took pleasure that almost all of my work came off referrals. Once I found out what my actual repeat, or retention rate was, I wondered how I stayed in business all these years.

Marty, how much per customer does SM cost you....monthly, yearly? How many mailings per year do they do for you?

Somebody who isn't a salesman throw out some REAL numbers please....
Sep 7, 2008
I'm running at 700.08 percent return and have been on the program for about a year. My results have gotten drastically better over time. I soon expect to be around a 1000 percent return. The worst performer is the 24 month reminder. Now that I have been on the program I am sending out a lot less 24 month cards. The best performer is the 9 month card (1426.34 %) followed closely by the 6 month card (1405.68 %).

Now that is impressive. That is not including the tons of referrals I get from the cards.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Mikey P said:

Sure works for us..

My tracked results are 302.81% but Mikey's per ticket is higher.

Edit: I was trying to look closer to figure out why and I noticed I did 68 repeats...1 higher than mikey but he sent out way more cards than me.
Could it be the sub contracting hack has a better customer retention :?: :idea: :shock:

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
My reminders were delivered about 8 days ago. On the 6 month and 1 year reminder we are at a 1500% and 1700% percent return. Don't be a cheapskate.
Sep 7, 2008
Mike Draper said:
My reminders were delivered about 8 days ago. On the 6 month and 1 year reminder we are at a 1500% and 1700% percent return. Don't be a cheapskate.

That has more to do with how you run your business than how neat the card looks. Good job.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
You almost had me with the big numbers, according to my math, each job generated cost an average of $63

The job average was $239

Not much to brag about...

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
rhino1 said:
You almost had me with the big numbers, according to my math, each job generated cost an average of $63

The job average was $239

Not much to brag about...

Your right on with me, off by 4 dollars, but thats ok. I'm very proud of being able to hold a residential job average like that. The only thing you forgot to add in is my avg. time on each job. 1 Hour. If carpet cleaners truly averaged out all their residential jobs, "all of them" how many really have a residential job average all year long over 239? Not very many, just ask SM. I think they would know.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
and really, job averages mean nothing. If you have one job for $1000.00...but you only did one job that month. That's a job average of $1000.00.

It's not what you make per hour, Its what you keep at the end of the month and year.


Oct 7, 2006
So, you are spending over a dollar a card? For a reminder card? My cost to send out cards is about .08 for the card (nice 5.5"x8.5' full color), .21 for postage, and about .02 for the direct mail guy to sort, label etc. I can sort my list and email it to him in about 5 minutes. Averages look good though.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Do you sub for Corky too?

I have to be careful when I pick on Cork and his subs.

He tells me half the members here beg for work from him.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Brian R said:
and really, job averages mean nothing. If you have one job for $1000.00...but you only did one job that month. That's a job average of $1000.00.

It's not what you make per hour, Its what you keep at the end of the month and year.

I would disagree with you, averages mean something- along with other data of course.... but I assume most people here are not brain dead and can figure that out.

$60 plus is 25% of the job average from that data, that is before costs, and that is to market to EXISTING customers. I have better numbers for NEW customers ($17 to $25 per new custommer,) so either SM needs to raise your ROI or it is cheaper and easier to market to NEW customers according to the formula they presented in the e-mail.

So what is the point of using SM?

Prove me wrong and I'll buy in.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Using Chris's formula each job generated for me using SM cost an average of $22.75. If I could get those results advertising for new customers I might would actually do some advertising.

Of course my average ticket was only $161, that's got nothing to do with SM, that's just a testament to my lack of salesmanship.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
rhino1 said:
$60 plus is 25% of the job average from that data, that is before costs, and that is to market to EXISTING customers.
So what is the point of using SM?

A 25% cost to market to past customers who are going to call you anyways (if you're any good)? Fook it. I actually don't care if my customers call another company and have them out. They usually end up calling me back. I pass the cost savings of no advertising to my customers.

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