The selling of our advice.



Dear Board Members. If a person can use a search function, they can find all of their cleaning and business questions free of charge. There are hundreds of years worth of experience already provided at the major BBS... free of charge. Any question a newbie might ask has been answered many, many times right here.

Search Cleanfax, ICS, Mikey's Board, World of Clean. All that experience provided free of charge. There is no need to go elsewhere to find the answer. So many professionals have willingly shared, cleaning tips, how to advice and been happy to do it. To help out a fellow cleaner.

When someone posts a question and gets answers right away that helps them, Wow! that's fantastic and here it is all free of charge.

I imagine there is some stipulation to the point that what you post today is now the property of that particular board, but come on. To glean the answers professional cleaners have willingly posted, then charge to have it wrapped up in a package. That is plagiarism at best...sleazy and dishonest at worst. Not criminal perhaps, but lowlife.

If I had a unique answer or work around to a problem and found out that someone sold it to a newbie. That is not very nice.

For all the answers that I have received free of charge from you fellow cleaners over the years THANK YOU!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Mikey is surely not a demon.

Maybe a "gremlin" or an "imp". Perhaps even a living embodiment of Loki or some other mythological god of mischief.

But not a demon.

Demons don't seem to have a sense of humor about their work.


Apr 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Dan Gardner
Too late Bawb, we've already seen your a good guy. Demon? no, you're just a big cuddly puppy! :mrgreen:

My thanks too to all who freely share their vast knowledge.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Damn straight!

mattorbabs said:
Dear Board Members. If a person can use a search function, they can find all of their cleaning and business questions free of charge. There are hundreds of years worth of experience already provided at the major BBS... free of charge. Any question a newbie might ask has been answered many, many times right here.

Search Cleanfax, ICS, Mikey's Board, World of Clean. All that experience provided free of charge. There is no need to go elsewhere to find the answer. So many professionals have willingly shared, cleaning tips, how to advice and been happy to do it. To help out a fellow cleaner.

When someone posts a question and gets answers right away that helps them, Wow! that's fantastic and here it is all free of charge.

I imagine there is some stipulation to the point that what you post today is now the property of that particular board, but come on. To glean the answers professional cleaners have willingly posted, then charge to have it wrapped up in a package. That is plagiarism at best...sleazy and dishonest at worst. Not criminal perhaps, but lowlife.

If I had a unique answer or work around to a problem and found out that someone sold it to a newbie. That is not very nice.

For all the answers that I have received free of charge from you fellow cleaners over the years THANK YOU!


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Ron Werner said:
was someone selling the info?

Ron, they think someone else is selling advice successfully. (Just because someone has a price tag on it, it doesn't mean people are actually buying it.)

I mean really... would you be paying any serious money to be on this forum right now? Or any of the others?

It's funny, there must be nothing to get irate about with Obama, we have to get outraged about *** trying to make money selling memberships. As if that is a money-maker for them.

I always find it amusing to see how cleaners who can't build a million dollar cleaning company try to take those "awesome business building skills" into other projects trying to make that million elsewhere. And what better place than collecting up posts from a lot of beginners needing help, and answers ranging from crappy to good (but no way to know which), and selling them to other cleaners.

Yeah... the business acumen oozing from these places is better than any executive MBA program on the planet, that's for darn sure.

Do you really think cleaners are going to pay $100 a month for bulletin board summaries? Really? And if they do, who cares? Just another business decision running them out of business sooner than later, right? Their loss, not yours.

Can't we argue about something more plausible... like how the astronauts landing on the moon was staged? Or how Elvis is really still alive?


sam miller

I wouldnt pay a hundred a month but thats cause I know everything Iseeru well maybe not everything but everything I need to know. Just dont ask my wife she never believes me :?: Seriously I would be a millionaire with all the free advice I give out to bad no one's listening. I have learned a few things at ***'s but what the hell thats before I heard about this place. shiteatinggrin

Ya this is the same Sam Miller who worked for Millers Carpet Care in the SF valley where if Im correct Mikey got his start if not oh well wrong Mikey.

PS I do believe the membership is for exclusive training video's and stuff not to access forums!

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Most of the posts I ever see as Lisa said are from newbies, misguided or just random opinion.

The only posts I see with any value (besides Lisa's) are my posts.

So, I Am now proud to announce that if you join today!

You can skip the middle man and save over $150 bucks per month and receive my posts from several major cleaning boards for only $49.99 per months.

Since, you are getting these educational posts for a deeply discounted rate.

You'll have to go to each board's search feature and find the posts yourself.

It will be a little extra effort on your behalf.

But, your business will grow and my wife can go shopping more often.

Thank you for your support.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
sam miller said:
I wouldnt pay a hundred a month but thats cause I know everything Iseeru well maybe not everything but everything I need to know. Just dont ask my wife she never believes me :?: Seriously I would be a millionaire with all the free advice I give out to bad no one's listening. I have learned a few things at ***'s but what the hell thats before I heard about this place. shiteatinggrin

Ya this is the same Sam Miller who worked for Millers Carpet Care in the SF valley where if Im correct Mikey got his start if not oh well wrong Mikey.

PS I do believe the membership is for exclusive training video's and stuff not to access forums!

Wholly COW! :shock:

Theee Sam Miller. :shock: :shock:

Sums a bitch!

First my old Coit boss finds MB now my Miller's Boss.

Hows it going Sam?

I hope you stick around, cause boy do I have some great $12.95 two rooms and a hall stories to share.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Ken Snow said:
Elvis was in disguise 2 tables over from me at a restaurant last night :shock:

No Elvis was at my brothers birthday party last night.


sam miller

I will saw your website very nice. I will stick around ty very much and ya Im sure you do have some stories I have a few also. by the way Im going on 24 years of marriage 3 kids 2 girls and a boy Erins 20 you may have seen here as a baby? when we visited Rod.

Kayla 18 and Jeremy 15. Erin wants to be a nurse Kayla a school teacher and jer well he wants to be a professional gamer. Lol

Left my Dad in 2000 to start my own business and things are great working here in Palmdale Lancaster area the desert is great 325 days of sunshine and lots of kids and animals great for business!

Damn that Vortex is impressive make's my 405 look like a portable LOL.
Im on facebook under sam miller if you go there ad me as a friend and I'll show you some photo's

dirt smackdown

Dave Yoakum. There is alot of people who gave great advice.. on *** even me. the right click blocking feature apparently tre never heard of. the how to build a blower vid. came from me but somehow the when I posted about the ceramic hybrid Zirconium bearings I used instead steel for my blower rebuild I posted then the vid intro came out a week later. and you did give me alot of upfront advice from your experiance. I also think alot of people refused to give advice because they knew it was gonna be stolen or deleted

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