The War Monger Invades Mike Fest 6!


War Monger

The War Monger Invades Mike Fest 6!

Thank you Mikey for the opportunity to set up a display at Mike Fest! I had a blast! I know it was a big risk....I mean you really didn't know what I might do. I saw you sweating when you realized I brought a grenade.

Thanks to all the Mikey Boarders who showed up for making me feel welcome and for coming over to say Hello. I had very little down time at my display. It seemed I was always talking with someone and sometimes there were people standing there waiting to talk to me.

I met a lot of really nice people and had some interesting conversations.

I met BaWb twice within the span of 30 minutes and Crash was there to witness it. That's what happens when you get old, BaWb. Serioiusly, though Vawter was a riot, regardless of whether we agree on much or not.

I conducted a Baptism service for Lisa. I had a pool behind the display to dunk her in. She is a believer now.

Capitoni no longer wants to kill me and we almost understand each other.

Man....I hope no one gets upset if I don't mention their name....'cause I love you all.....but my memory is almost as bad as BaWb's.....Mikey P is an even bigger guy than I imagined and could only shake his head and laugh while looking at the War Monger display….Bob Foster helped me find a place to set up…..John Olson was really nice and was the first person to buy a War Monger T-shirt….I finally got to meet Terje the Viking in person…..Mike Draper and I discussed the finer points of fully automatic weapons and how we plan to survive the coming apocalypse.… I talked business ideas with Daniel C.....Shane Tiegs got to see me cry over some photos......Jerry Valentine made me a really strong cup of coffee....JB has an infectious smile and a really cute wife…I think she was his wife….girlfriend…..sister.....Jim Eckman can cut a rug and some cheese at the same time and I think there is a bird nesting in that mustache....Art Kelly is a really nice guy…..Lee Stockwell agrees with me but wishes I would be as polite on the board as I am in person….I surprised Erik the Zipperhead at the Mexican Restaurant…..Bill Martens and I discussed olympic curling, speed skating, and bobsledding….I talked about the Boy Scouts with Ike…..Mr. Judson Jones came by my booth and said, “Darryl, What the Hell is this?!!!” Greenie and I are much closer now that we shared a near death experience while Les navigated a motor home through places it shouldn’t go….Joyce held the Judson team together with a lot of hard work behind the scenes….Boo Boo the Wonder Dog softened everybody’s heart…..Dick Jones and I wished the motel was downhill instead of uphill from where we parked the motor home every day….The Camelot Software guy talked to me about the virtues of homeschooling….I discussed global warming with the Snake Oil Salesman….Audra Hicks showed me her big unit….Magic Al says I would like his secretary…Richard Chavez saw my display and said Oh…Now I get it! Bob Huckee and I talked about our sons and their accomplishments, politics, and more….if I forgot to mention anyone please let me know and remind me what we talked about.

I had fun! Thanks!

War Monger


P.S. I have 4 extra large War Monger T-shirts left over….let me know if you are interested in one. I will enclose an autographed War Monger photo with the shirt. LOL!

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Darryl is now a card carrying member of the ACLU and I'm a fundy.

Seriously Darryl had to have won all the science project competitions as a kid. Impressive display. I'm glad he had the sense of humor to take his board persona and run with it.

of course Cu's Irish coffees helped assure everyone got along!!

Take care,

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
I told my husband (John Olson) not to get me any presents, but I got one anyways! Woo Hoo...I got a warmonger t-shirt!

This NRA member, carry and conceal (I carry a .38 special with a Crimson Trace) Army brat will wear it with pride! Thanks!! :) :D

And...I've wanted one of those pocket constitutions for a long time. Put it in my purse right next to my gun! We're thinking of buying a bunch and giving them out in our store! :)

And thank you for your service. John said (among other things) you were an Apachee pilot. It's my understanding that's one of the hardest helicopters to learn to fly. Thank you for being the guy willing to go out and protect my freedom. Can't imagine what this country would be like without men like you! So thanks. Means a lot.

War Monger

Lora Olson said:
I told my husband (John Olson) not to get me any presents, but I got one anyways! Woo Hoo...I got a warmonger t-shirt!

This NRA member, carry and conceal (I carry a .38 special with a Crimson Trace) Army brat will wear it with pride! Thanks!! :) :D

And...I've wanted one of those pocket constitutions for a long time. Put it in my purse right next to my gun! We're thinking of buying a bunch and giving them out in our store! :)

And thank you for your service. John said (among other things) you were an Apachee pilot. It's my understanding that's one of the hardest helicopters to learn to fly. Thank you for being the guy willing to go out and protect my freedom. Can't imagine what this country would be like without men like you! So thanks. Means a lot.

I'm glad you got a T-shirt Lora. I hope you can make it to the next show.

War Monger

truckmount girl said:
Darryl is now a card carrying member of the ACLU and I'm a fundy.

Seriously Darryl had to have won all the science project competitions as a kid. Impressive display. I'm glad he had the sense of humor to take his board persona and run with it.

of course Cu's Irish coffees helped assure everyone got along!!

Take care,

I DID win a science fair project for a rocket I built with my Dad's help. I still have the trophy in my attic somewhere. In those days, the cardboard model rockets with the manufactured engines didn't exist at least not to my knowledge at the time...mine was more of an early Homer Hickam from October Sky know.....without a one of those unpredictable exploding types.....entire body tube filled with solid propellant....I was never brave enough to launch it but it looked good on the display.

War Monger

I forgot to mention the friendly Hawaiian.....I forgot his name...but he hugged me at least a dozen times.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
That would be Steve Foster from Aloha Carpet Care. The most prolific and enthustastic hugger this industry has.

Take care,


Oct 8, 2007
Nothing like blasting off a rocket with tracer smoke and watching it come down with the chute.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I've talked with Monger on the Skype for over 200 hours I bet yet when he walked up to me and and said Hey Mikey! my response was "who the hell are you?"

nicest rightwing whack job you could ever hope to bend your ear.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
for the record, "I" never wanted to kill you

I can still be friends with folks that are wrong MOST of the time....



Oct 7, 2006
It was nice to meet you Darryl, sorry that I had so little time to spend in the Trade show. I did stop by your table and read it all, too bad you were elsewhere. Nice job.


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
You're secrets out now Darryl, People actually know you're a hell of a nice guy, Wish I could have been there. Next year for sure. :mrgreen:

War Monger

harryhides said:
It was nice to meet you Darryl, sorry that I had so little time to spend in the Trade show. I did stop by your table and read it all, too bad you were elsewhere. Nice job.


The feeling is mutual. I would have enjoyed having more time to talk with you. I hear you teach some really good classes!

War Monger

everfresh1 said:
You're secrets out now Darryl, People actually know you're a hell of a nice guy, Wish I could have been there. Next year for sure. :mrgreen:

Maybe I need to make a trip to Michigan sometime. Seems there are a lot of you Michiganians on the board.

War Monger

meAt said:
for the record, "I" never wanted to kill you

I can still be friends with folks that are wrong MOST of the time....


Larry, in light of our budding friendship, I am going to disregard that remark about MOST of the time. :)


Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
Real nice meeting you, Darryl has to be one of the nicest guys i've ever met. :eek:

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