there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together..

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
on the 28th (i think thats the date) im doing an business expo u got any ideas on what my table should look like? i was thinking:

Having my home pro chems out and catalogs open, my brochures out and open, my laptop running a slide show of pics, a couple gallons of Green Balance chems and some other chems. My wand after its cleaned up again, my stair tool because its pretty and maybe some full sheet pics of my machine. along with a raffle for a free bottle of pet spotter. some sticky tabs and blocks to show people how we protect their furniture and carpet.

any addtional ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.
maybe you have some pics of other cc expo's?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

Keep it simple. I've had a ton of before/after pics and no one looked at them.
I've had my tools but they don't draw people in, they are there for when someone does come in I can refer to them and explain how they work.

Have a jar of candies, choc mints, choc coins worked well, those drew people in then I could ask them if they had any questions.

I use a 42"LCD tv for my video display. Laptop is too small.
I also have a series of info sheets about specific subject, protector, why a certified tech, how to deal with pet odour/accidents, uph cleaning, vacuuming, etc etc I thought I would go through them pretty quick so for the show I spent about $250 in photocopies on coloured stock. I figure I have enough for 5yrs of home shows :roll:

I had my busn name up on the sign, need to make a sign which will catch their attention more, such as:
Did you know carpets clean the air in your home?
Do you KNOW your carpets have been cleaned?
Have you ever been taken to the cleaners?
something along those lines , just soemthing that will grab their attention and make them think.

I found also many people would walk by and say they have no more carpets. Its then the opportunity to share you clean uph, T&G, etc.

I also had a sign up sheet for $50 off if they signed up then and there, good for 3 months. You can make it more immediate.

I found the best thing that drew people in was just being friendly, saying hello, engaging them in conversation. You never know. I talked with some people about other booths, etc, next thing I know they are asking me about cleaning.


Oct 7, 2006
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

you can see Werner humping his cleartrak on the video screen


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

This was our first time out. Kept it simple. Ron is right, people love free candy and are drawn by it. Everything is just a background for the main event - YOU!

The entry fee alone was enough to make me choke. I have not yet bought one of them fancy LCD TV's. It is crazy expensive to get an extention cord dropped here to run it. This was a Realtor show. Lots of female realtors so one of the picture boards was titled "Why we work" with shots of our kids and doggies to get in touch with that emotional side. Also had the run of the mill job pics as well. Printed testimonials from local realtors on the little stand up 8 1/2 x 11 sheets glued to foam board.

We were provided with contact info for all atendees. If the expo you are doing does not offer that, do some sort of free somthing or other to collect data - that is why you are there, no?




Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

I agree with Ron, keep it simple.

With so many booths most are not going to spend a lot of time looking over your materials.

Business Expo's have a whole different dynamic that a home show, thy are much more getting to know each other and exchanging cards. Don't try to over do it, they really don't want to know what you do as much as they just want to know who to call.

I'd be sure to dress nice and plan to be as social as you can be.

Candy is great even though you've got an adult group, you'll be amazed how they will still take a Blow pop or sucker. Get a few sugarfree candies for those that are diabetic too.

Dan would mix up his salsa and have small plates and chips, that pulled people in and they would talk and after a while some would ask what salsa had to do with carpet cleaning, he would laugh and say nothing. They would nod their head and say "it was just to pull people in, right?"

Meet as many people as possible, exchange cards, make notes on their cards. You can always make your pitch to them later, get to know them first.

Have fun!


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

I did a show like that once and got the most response from a nasty piece of carpet I clean the words " CLEAN ME " in with my hand tool. I then had a sign above it that said "What are your carpet saying?"

People loved it and got a kick out of it.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Re: there is an Expo im going to trying to get idea together

C&S said:
any addtional ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.
maybe you have some pics of other cc expo's?

Wow, Scott. You are getting some great ideas and photos. (Even Chavez chimed in!) This group at its best.

A couple more ideas:

7. Run a contest. We gave away $250.00 in carpet cleaning. Be sure to have lots of little clipboards with coupons and a pencil attached. Nothing is worse than forcing people to wait in line for the chance to sign up. Get their name, address and phone number. You can also ask for their e-mail address even though most people will not willingly share it anymore. And of course have a box for them to check if they would like a “free, no-obligation pre-inspection” done on their carpet cleaning needs.
NOTE: If you go the contest route (and you should) then be sure to have extra office people lined up to do phone follow-ups on folks who have requested you to contact them. It is a real bummer when your prospect goes to the effort to fill out a request and then no one gives them a call!

8. Get their name and FOLLOW UP. Keep several clipboards to write down the names and phone numbers for all the folks who want work done right away. (You personally should harvest these job leads off of the clipboards and tuck them away in a safe place. They are golden!) Do NOT put off calling these leads. If you use the points above you will easily cover your initial trade show investment with these “immediate jobs”. To encourage longer range work offer a drawing for free carpet cleaning and include a box to check if they would like a “free home carpet cleaning inspection.” Many of these people will not follow through, but you must. If you don't have permission to call them at work then pay someone to call them at home in the evenings to schedule the cleaning inspection.

Best wishes and let us know how the show worked for you.

Steve Toburen

PS Scott, I cut and pasted the ideas above (yes, I know that is cheating) from my checklist on how to do a home show. the complete list is a free download here: ... rade-shows

Lemme know what you think.
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