This Business is Killing Me (long post...sorry)


Apr 13, 2008
About 6 years ago I started working for a mold remediation company that was doing well but needed some changes. It was a company that I saw had much potential and my boss was a guy I knew from church. It was about the people. Making a difference in the living conditions by remediation of mold.

I was hired as the head foreman not because I knew anything about mold but because I've had a lot of knowledge of running crews and I'm very meticulous about my work and how I leave my jobs. Needless to say that we went from thousands into in the millions of income for the company. Not just because of me because it was a team effort. I've put my heart and soul into this company.

Needless to say a few years back everything changed. It became about the money for my boss and not about the people. At this point I had no interest in the company but was still passionate about helping people. I've been promised that I would be taken out of the field and put in a management position. 6 years later... nothing has change except for a $2 raise.

Remediation takes a toll on your body. Not to mention that I was a pipe fitter and a stone mason as well. I've never been certified in any kind of mold remediation which upsets me because this is something that a company should do for their foreman.

My boss spent over $110,000 just on his personal vehicles just last fall and took his 6 week vacation. The last few winters I worked about 3 days out of a week for about 3 months (I'm hourly so that hurt my family and me) Just to let you know. I really don't care what my boss buys but I do care when it effects me. This is how things changed:

- We (my company) drive 6-8 hours a day then on top of that we do the remediation. If almost fell asleep at the wheel several times (most of who works as laborers don't have a license to drive)

- We charge large amounts of money on innocent people and lie about their mold problems)

- Our equipment does not work properly

- Our supervisors don't care about using air scrubbers, containing areas, where masks and tyvec suits.

- My boss doesn't care about what goes on at the job just as long as he gets the check.

- No incentives, according to my boss and his wife our paychecks should be thanks enough.

- When they do post test they do a swab test. They tell the guys to treat an area and swap where they just treated (should be an air test)

Just to let you know that these are all facts and I'm not a disgruntle employee. I run my crews differently but I cant control anything when I'm not there. I can't sleep at night without sleeping pills. It bothers me that I help grow his business and now it became about the money. I rarely have call backs from my jobs yet the other crews are called back 75%+ of the time.

The hardest thing for me is that I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful children and I do get paid well with benefits. I have to leave this place because my health is declining physically and mentally I'm stressed out so bad that I often get sick literally. I love the carpet cleaning business and have accumulated some clientele. I don't know what to do at this point because I still care about other people but I have to support my family as well. I want to build my cc business but to break away from my FT will hurt my income.

Question is, what would you do? I couldn't get unemployment because I quit my job, but it's so unethical anymore and I need to leave before I get sicker.

Sorry for the long post and I'd appreciate it if you don't joke around about this. I'm desperate for help!


Nov 14, 2006
Yep. You have quit but haven't left.

I think at this point , you have only one thing you can do. Set up a meeting with the man.....lay it all out and if you do not like the results then give your 30 day notice.

Otherwise, you don't sound like your gonna make it much longer anyway.

Your family is much too important to have a miserable Dad.

Good luck


Apr 13, 2008
I know Mike. It just burns me to work so hard and nothing in return. He doesn't want me to leave but I have to do what I have to do. I've been cleaning carpet for 15 years mostly on a PT basis and I pursuing it FT. The clients I do have are word of mouth for the most part. Marketing is something I need to figure out and work on a bit.

I don't bring my work home to my family but being that we drive so much and work I'm just to exhausted to devote my time to my children (3 years old and 4 months)

I've posted about marketing and postcards on the other bb so any tips and info would be great. I'd love to go to a seminar but time and money plays into that.

Well, thanks guys. I guess sometimes it's nice to talk about it!


Dec 2, 2009
that's what you get for pouring your heart and soul into some one else's business instead of your own.

life is unfair and cruel

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner

I too had spent years in the customer service industry. Management at the top.

Sooner than later I learned that the harder...I worked, the more people were angry with me. Keeping people happy, giving a little to gain more in the long run, and just "doing the right thing" were soon replaced with numbers, percentages, and when the end of the billing cycle was.

I was making the companies I worked for... a

I was tired of being circle jerked for hard work and doing the right thing. I made companies money and customers happy. It always seemed though that someone had thier pinky up my ass for something telling me I was doing it bad or wrong... while they did nothing and made nothing. Yet the same bastards always made more, and were liked more?

Rich, take your experience and "good" people abilities and make your OWN money with it.

Work twice as hard, keep your job, and get yourself either into the works of another competetive company, or make a carpet cleaning company. Again, stay where you are and bust your ass, think outside the box and start a business plan. People here will guide you.

I did just this 5 years ago working 70 hours a week. I made 30K a year.

I am getting close to having to pay Uncle Sam that same figure 5 years later in taxes alone.


May 27, 2011
Burtz said:
that's what you get for pouring your heart and soul into some one else's business instead of your own.

life is unfair and cruel



Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Mikey P said:
do you get the feeling this guy could be Hoodledink in 20 years?

I actually thought I was nearly typing that story. I went through almost the same exact thing Rich, its a real crappy position to be in. You're burnt out, and the financial rewards don't outweigh the personal problems the job is causing.

If you really love the work you're doing, try to move on. If you signed a non-compete have a lawyer review it. If you never received a copy of your contract, you can contact a lawyer and they can write a letter to get it. They first have to send a letter by regular mail, and give a time to respond by, and then by certified letter. If your employer doesn't comply it looks really bad on them. It'll cost a few hundred bucks, but sometimes that money is worth it.

The route I chose was to start doing something else to supplement my families needed income, and just save save save. You may have to start out with mid-grade equipment. But everyone here started somewhere.

Best of luck to you.


Aug 1, 2007
Years ago, I was on the 18th floor of the Imperial Bank building in downtown San Diego. It was after hours and I was cleaning up after a construction crew. For some unknown reason the CEO of the business walked in and started chatting with me. He was in his late 50's and a multi-millionaire. I was a 21 year old nobody at the company.

For what ever reason, he told me the following: "If you are working for any company you are not getting paid what you are worth. An employee must be worth more than he's paid or we wouldn't make money off of him. I make money off every person here and it's how I've made my fortune. If you want to get paid what you are worth you will have to work for yourself"

I started my cleaning business a few weeks later. If you can make someone else money, you can certainly make yourself some as well.

Talk to your family. See what they want to do. If you don't think working for yourself would work out, try and find a better situation or renegotiate the position you are in. You really don't want to be slaving for this guy so he can live lavishly while you miss out on your family. Even if you make a ton a money it's not worth missing out on spending time with the ones you love.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Walt said:
Years ago, I was on the 18th floor of the Imperial Bank building in downtown San Diego. It was after hours and I was cleaning up after a construction crew. For some unknown reason the CEO of the business walked in and started chatting with me. He was in his late 50's and a multi-millionaire. I was a 21 year old nobody at the company.

For what ever reason, he told me the following: "If you are working for any company you are not getting paid what you are worth. An employee must be worth more than he's paid or we wouldn't make money off of him. I make money off every person here and it's how I've made my fortune. If you want to get paid what you are worth you will have to work for yourself"

I started my cleaning business a few weeks later. If you can make someone else money, you can certainly make yourself some as well.

Talk to your family. See what they want to do. If you don't think working for yourself would work out, try and find a better situation or renegotiate the position you are in. You really don't want to be slaving for this guy so he can live lavishly while you miss out on your family. Even if you make a ton a money it's not worth missing out on spending time with the ones you love.

Post of the month!

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
I feel for u.. I've worked my ass off when I was a kid (17) for a few carpet cleaning business and water damage restoration co's that didn't give a crap about me. I wised up when I turned a loan, bought a used Butler/GMC van for $13,000, started subbing for carpet cleaning, then went on my own eventually after 2 years. It sounds like your back is up against the wall and that's when people perform's up to you to make it happen. Hope this helps, good luck.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Bob Foster said:
Walt said:
Years ago, I was on the 18th floor of the Imperial Bank building in downtown San Diego. It was after hours and I was cleaning up after a construction crew. For some unknown reason the CEO of the business walked in and started chatting with me. He was in his late 50's and a multi-millionaire. I was a 21 year old nobody at the company.

For what ever reason, he told me the following: "If you are working for any company you are not getting paid what you are worth. An employee must be worth more than he's paid or we wouldn't make money off of him. I make money off every person here and it's how I've made my fortune. If you want to get paid what you are worth you will have to work for yourself"

I started my cleaning business a few weeks later. If you can make someone else money, you can certainly make yourself some as well.

Talk to your family. See what they want to do. If you don't think working for yourself would work out, try and find a better situation or renegotiate the position you are in. You really don't want to be slaving for this guy so he can live lavishly while you miss out on your family. Even if you make a ton a money it's not worth missing out on spending time with the ones you love.

Post of the month!

Walt is one of my favorite posters, for this reason and many others. Well said, Walt!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Walt said:
Years ago, I was on the 18th floor of the Imperial Bank building in downtown San Diego. It was after hours and I was cleaning up after a construction crew. For some unknown reason the CEO of the business walked in and started chatting with me. He was in his late 50's and a multi-millionaire. I was a 21 year old nobody at the company.

For what ever reason, he told me the following: "If you are working for any company you are not getting paid what you are worth. An employee must be worth more than he's paid or we wouldn't make money off of him. I make money off every person here and it's how I've made my fortune. If you want to get paid what you are worth you will have to work for yourself"

I started my cleaning business a few weeks later. If you can make someone else money, you can certainly make yourself some as well.

Talk to your family. See what they want to do. If you don't think working for yourself would work out, try and find a better situation or renegotiate the position you are in. You really don't want to be slaving for this guy so he can live lavishly while you miss out on your family. Even if you make a ton a money it's not worth missing out on spending time with the ones you love.

If you can have people work for you and give them a good living...You will have a great life.

Which do you want?

Great post Walt.


Apr 13, 2008
Thanks for all the responses. Sometimes you just feel like your in it alone. The good news is that I have all the equipment to get by until I can grow. It's not just about the business but about my family and me. For the 15 years that I have cleaned carpet I've never really called it work. Not really a hobby either but whatever you want to call it, I enjoy the people mostly.

You are all right! I need to move on and face my fears to make it. Thank you all for everything.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Rich, we can help with ideas and problem solving but you have to be the one to take the risk and actually solve the problems.

If I were you, I would work nights and weekends cleaning carpets.

I think you will find that part time carpet cleaning makes more money than full time hourly.

I've been up and down in my life and I've always been able to do the carpet cleaning part time when needed.

Save your money and make sure you have 6 months income in the bank to live on.

Then make the jump to full time. Med benefits will probably be the hardest to deal with as far as income goes but you'll have to work that out.

Get a website and get Networking in your community. Both with regular people AND other business owners in your "power partner" circle like house cleaners, Air Duct Cleaners. Painters...any home service type companies.

Give them work and ask for work in return.

Build your image as you go, get your van logoed out and talk to the neighbors of any carpet cleaning job you do.

Get business cards and hand outs and maybe even some door hangers for those neighbors who aren't home.

General stuff .....obviously...but it's a good way to start.

Good luck.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'd have quit when I first found out they were operating unethically. You can't pay or compensate me enough to knowingly do something wrong or to take advanatge of people.

I'd quit asap, you'll sleep better even if you have to collect unemployment for a while. With the experience you have you should be able to find work in the same field without half of those agravations.


Mar 19, 2011
Canyon Country
Ross Buettner said:

I too had spent years in the customer service industry. Management at the top.

Sooner than later I learned that the harder...I worked, the more people were angry with me. Keeping people happy, giving a little to gain more in the long run, and just "doing the right thing" were soon replaced with numbers, percentages, and when the end of the billing cycle was.

I was making the companies I worked for... a

I was tired of being circle jerked for hard work and doing the right thing. I made companies money and customers happy. It always seemed though that someone had thier pinky up my ass for something telling me I was doing it bad or wrong... while they did nothing and made nothing. Yet the same bastards always made more, and were liked more?

Rich, take your experience and "good" people abilities and make your OWN money with it.

Work twice as hard, keep your job, and get yourself either into the works of another competetive company, or make a carpet cleaning company. Again, stay where you are and bust your ass, think outside the box and start a business plan. People here will guide you.

I did just this 5 years ago working 70 hours a week. I made 30K a year.

I am getting close to having to pay Uncle Sam that same figure 5 years later in taxes alone.

I 2nd this i worked in retail sales, car sales industry as well as mortgage industry.. everyone wants $ off another mans work ethic or ideas, use your own and keep it moving. it always will hurt a million times more after noticing you have been used for there gain, and as well figuring out the inhumane way of life these business owners live, and deprive there employes for there personal gain. once you know how they have built there business off lies and deception. you would wanna be as far away from that business as possible, with none of your good qualities attached.


stay focused and always have faith, you will make it. i been thru hell and back it seems @ times, and am still here and finally getting things in order. i was in the same situation about 4yrs ago and i took the risk, you simply have to decide and back your decision because the road ahead will not be easy, but well worth it.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
Quit, find a part time job in the evenings. Sacrifice now and enjoy later, or keep being an employee and sacrifice the rest of your life.
Nov 6, 2006
Charleston, SC
Re: Don't worry about unemployment...

if you are what you say you are, call me. You can move to the sunny south and work for me in South Carolina.

Also, you can get unemployment if you quit under some situations, well at least here in SC.

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