This is becoming a trend...

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I was looking at websites under the keyword Grout Cleaning and came across your website I see that you're not ranked on the first page of Google for a Grout Cleaning search.

I'm not sure if you're aware of why you're ranked this low but more importantly how easily correctable this is.

There's no reason you can't have a top three ranking for the keyword Grout Cleaning based on your site structure and content. You have a very nice site.

You need significantly more one way anchor text backlinks. If you're interested I can help you with this...

I'm talking about getting you ranked for ALL your keywords. Adding new backlinks on a steady and consistent basis from high PR quality websites is what produces the rankings you are looking for

The right kind of links are very critical in getting top ranking....and I can hand deliver these quality links to you.

My partners and I own 1000's websites and offer private linking to hundreds of website owners just like yourself.

I didn't send this email out to very many people but I am currently reaching out to a list of your "keyword competitors" as well. But I do favor your website because I can see your website monetizing the targeted website traffic the keyword Grout Cleaning can deliver.

I have your contact information and phone number. Is it ok if I give you a call?

I have a very simple way to prove that what I do works and it's risk free for you to try. Nothing beats seeing the results with your own eyes

Is it ok if I give you a call? I would love to pursue this further over the phone with you or should I go somewhere else?


Marvin Jones
(888) 292-8858

P.S - If the tables were turned and somebody I didn't know came to me with a proposition, even one that was appealing, I would be hesitant because I would be wondering - what's the catch? What does this guy know that I don't.

But then I would think he does know something that I don't know. He does have thousands of high PR websites, he does have hundreds of thousands of pages indexed and ranking in Google Yahoo and MSN. Sites that can deliver the quality anchor text backlinks. I would also think that I need to get my website in the top rankings. And he is offering to turn key top rankings for me...on all my keywords including Grout Cleaning. Even keywords I'm not currently competing for. Keywords that produce traffic that's potentially worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars.

I emailed you because It's a win -win for both of us. Think of it this way - Who wouldn't be interested in buying money at a discount? Because that's what I'll be able to do offer you...Money at a discount.

Is it Ok to give you a call? Or you can can call me anytime at the number above?

To not receive future emails from Links Hog please reply to this email or send a message to Links Hog, 14350 87th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85054.

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
If I had as many calls from customers as I get from those guys, internet yellow pages, etc., I would need 10 trucks to keep up with it..

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I give those the same amount of attention as those that start with:

"Dear Beloved

My husband is a finance minister in Nigeria, and we need the help of a good hearted .............."

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