This Weeks Final Job


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
This has been a great week to enter into spring. 14 jobs total, today being the last.
It is a trade barter job so I get full price! (Shoot, now I have to vacuum)
Probably about 1200 carpet, 15 steps, a QMattress, a sectional couch, and many cat vomit stains. Around the $759ish range.
Week one of March, -Record Day Sales, Record Week Sales, and what's great no real advertising has kicked in. Looking forward to this year, maybe I can make some money!


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I think that would be hard to measure. But, I do know that having all of the marketing materials that Ian has produced, and the ones that he came up with specifically for us has no doubt helped considerably. Having the professional materials has to be of most significant value I'm sure.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Oh Crap! I am just happy to be growing sales and making a little profit. I just want to do sales like Mikey 300k plus with a V, and like The Wizard at 500-600k with 2 ATs

Actually I am looking forward to the day that I can either drop the 3rd shift rest jobs or have a second unit where I can feel comfortable turning the 3rd over to the techs. But, when I really think about it I want to keep my commercial "restaurants". It felt really good with checks coming in the mail this winter with all the snow on the ground (Thanks Ian, & Steve T.) The 2 months of hell weather quickly passes.

I just read about 10 pages of old posts about my wreck. Thanks to all that wished me well after the accident, and especially those that thought I would come back.

I regret/hesitate posting sometimes about the good sales days cuz I don't want it to look like I am bragging, it's just that I get so excited when sales look good, (when we do 1,000 days) or anytime I can set a new days sales record, or weekly sales record. Like today that $749 job turned into a $1029 (full price job). the first time I have ever did that in one house! My tech and I was there for 5 hours so pretty good return. It would have been nice if it was money but, I'll take the trade dollars, (my daughter is sleeping very comfy on her new mattress right now).

Just remember I am relatively new so setting new records is easy now. However, the real challenge will be to keep doing it as the business grows.

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