Three and a half years later......

Nov 6, 2006
Charleston, SC
October of 2007 I had a trailer mounted 10kw generator stolen from my house. Curiously, the responsible party (still unknown) thought it capable to steal not only this, but also another generator and a 150 gallon fuel tank, all three of which were chained together. “Who could possibly steal three trailers at one time?” I thought. The thief backed up to the 10 KW, hooked it up, and then took off, dragging the other two trailers down the street. About ½ mile away, this caravan of stolen equipment broke apart leaving one generator and the 150 gallon fuel tank in the road. The police were called by my neighbors to investigate. When they got there, the police followed the skid marks back to my house and called me. I filed a police report and started looking for the missing generator. I offered a $500.00 reward but nothing ever developed.

3 ½ years later…

I had to make an hour long trip to check out buying another generator, yes another one. While on my way I spotted what looked like my stolen generator at a pawn shop. I turned around to check it out and sure enough it was mine. You ask how I knew it was mine, well let me tell you. All my equipment is lettered or wrapped. This small generator had been lettered. The thief removed the lettering but did not bother buffing it out or repainting and you could still see my logo in the paint.

A few phone calls to the police, a meeting at the pawn shop, and voila! My generator is home.

Ok, what did I learn? After the generator was stolen, we put together a book with pictures and all info about every piece of equipment we own. Info includes color, style, serial numbers, and anything else we found pertinent. We did this for two purposes: insurance coverage and to help police on, heaven forbid, any future stolen equipment. Today, the first thing the manager at the pawn shop asked for was the serial number of this generator. I didn’t have this information available, but, luckily, my previous lettering was still visible. However, if it were to happen again today to any of my equipment, I would not need to rely only on luck.

So, I thought this is a nice little story. It does pay to live right and say “Thank You” for what you have been given (or returned).

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Seeing as you're in the blow dry business you will appreciate my photo inventory.

And take note Al that isn't the cheap one, it's the swivel one. And I got two of them! :lol: :lol:


j/k. This day of cheap digital cameras there's no excuse not to do it. And take pictures of the s/n plate too.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Amazing you got it back! 8)

What about your insurance, was a claim turned in as stolen?

It's a pain and seems like a waste to time when you're setting it up but we put all the serial numbers into an Excel spread sheet with photo's. Hated doing it but it was one of those keep guys busy winter projects.

It's much easier once it's setup because then as you buy a new piece you just add the item and serial number.

Some items are individual photo's others are group, for example airmovers and dehumidifiers are grouped and taken as many as you can get in a photo.

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