What sort of services will be completed?
Are your techs encouraged to upsell?
Group project this morning, soft wash and carpet cleaning on a restaurant and the restaurant owner’s house, which are about ten miles apart. One truck is doing carpet at both places, then has a separate residential carpet cleaning later in the day, then two small monthly encap hospital cafeterias. The second truck is the soft wash setup for both buildings. The third is support, to move equipment and a body wherever it’s needed. The books say $2200, but it will probably be more than that by the time they’re done.
If the day goes quicker than anticipated, Scott will break off and do two quotes and go look at a sectional the techs did yesterday that the customer is questioning. The customer sent pictures and we’re 90% sure what they’re referring to won’t come out, but he said he’d stop and see.
The techs are absolutely encouraged to upsell. They get 50% of most upsells. Our lead tech has a sectional, a set of stairs, and a couple extra rooms already to her credit for next check.