Time Management


Oct 9, 2006
I've been thinking of implementing a weekly routine... I feel I do manage to squander a lot of time & do tend to get side tracked a lot. I'm thinking a schedule for office time may help keep me productive. I used to do it when I was managing/leading Marines & I can't imgine why I haven't done it to date in my own business. Of course when you are tracking ( & performing) the maintenancee & accountability for well over 2000 weapons, weapon systems & optical equipment valued well over 12 million dollars you tend to make sure it is done right to avoid the brig & the morgue....

Any way, long story short... I have been lacking in my structure & discipline. Time to get that good order & structure back in place. Seriously, I used to be so organized & had a schedule for everything I did. The funny thing is I imposed it on myself... Yes, I was actually more organized than the US Marine Corps (the same people that have a manual for organized group walking in their basic training) required me to be. Mostly because I needed to be, but also because it just made my job so much easier.

I really need to get back to those roots. What the heck, maybe I'll go run 6 miles at 5 am...

Well, lets not go over board...

Tony Dees

Feb 25, 2007
The easiest way that I have always found is to keep a separate notebook with you at all times.

I carry on a daily basis: My Clipboard, Truck Call Log, and a Note book to remind me and keep me on point for the day. I list any and all things according to priority, and mark them off when completed.

simple but it works.

Today, I went to staples and picked up a Samsonite style note book, It has a calculator on the left with business card holder, pockets, center D rings for a spiral notebook with a legal pad in the back. It zips up like a small brief case. I can also keep a lazer tape and bottle of spotter and a towel, and duckbill scissors all in this thing.

Just trying to faze myself off the truck, I had to find something that I can have to combine all the things that I take along everyday. Except the clipboard, I'll leave that with my tech.


Oct 26, 2006
A daily action check list works best for me.

I made a quick one up on ms office.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Because I spend most of my day in front of the computer, I use Outlook a lot for deadlines and reminders.

Of course you can delay the inevitable by adjusting your reminder time or dismissing the message, but then of course it's on you.

I like it, it pops up and continues to hassle you through out the day.

Other than that I use a simple note pad and hit list and mark them off as the get finished.


Oct 9, 2006
I have ACT and also use Handheld Contact that live syncs my Blackberry and the office computer. I have started trying to put everything I need to do into ACT and make sure at the the end of the day...it's all done!

Been easier said than done.



Oct 7, 2006
Like Richard, I also use Outlook. (not Express, the full Outlook version)

One of my students pointed me to a great online scheduling program called Airset.


Unlike Outlook, it's collaborative so it excels at coordinating and sharing as many schedules as needed. It also allows for grouping individual schedules, file sharing, blogging, and a whole host of useful features for groups. Also, because it's an online scheduler, one can access their schedule from anywhere with online access.

I think the accountability subgroup you're putting together would get a lot of use out of it, Jeremy. Check it out at least.

PS - did I mention it's FREE?

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Scott is much more high tech than I am.

True confessions time: Actually almost the entire world is more with it technologically than I am. For example, a couple of years ago Sioux bought me a cutting edge Treo 650. So what do I use it for? That's right, a clunky and awkward cell phone and nothing more!

It all depends on your style, Jeremy. For me personally I find i can get so bound up in "managing" my time I don't have TIME to actually DO anything! But that is just me. So I use a daily "Action Plan which is just a blank piece of copy paper. Each day I put five headings on the left hand side:

Call: Obvious
E-mail: Obvious
Web: Sites I want to check out. (non-porno- I leave this laying around the house, you know!_)
See: Individuals I want to personally talk with face to face.
Do: Errand and tasks

On the right hand side of the sheet I group things to buy, etc under headings such as "Lowes" (never Home Depot!) and also multiple topics to discuss with someone such as "Sioux".

During the day start crossing these puppies off. This is important as it gives a great feeling of accomplishment. At the start of each new day transfer the stuff you didn't get done the day before (I have NEVER gotten every single thing crossed off the list even when I am on vacation!) and start a new list which at the very least gives me continuity.


PS This Daily Action Plan, while low tech, has worked for me for over 30 years, Jeremy. I'm not saying the high tech stuff detailed above is wrong. the IMPORTANT thing is to actually do this stuff. Speaking of that, Jeremy, isn't Tuesday your DSM? Why are you sitting here on the computer? Get out there and SELL!

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