I have about 7500 sqft of new VCT tile that needs waxed. Light construction debris & scuffs. How many hours should this take a team of 2? This is the biggest project we’ve had to date and we’re using a new chemical.
Top scrub with a neutral cleaner. I’ve used a red pad in the past but after doing more research I should be using a green or blue. 3 Coats of wax. One person scrubbing ahead while the other starts waxing.How do you plan to tackle it? What will be your process?
Top scrub with a neutral cleaner. I’ve used a red pad in the past but after doing more research I should be using a green or blue. 3 Coats of wax. One person scrubbing ahead while the other starts waxing.
Vacuum everything up, mop with waterHow are you rinsing after scrubbing?
Our manager told us he wants it done in 2 days. From what I’m gathering it will probably take longer. We also only have an auto scrubber. I’m trying to get a good understanding of the process because I eventually want to start my own business and obviously make sure my work is good. We’re getting pushed out because my manager is saying he has guys he can pay half as much and do the work twice as fast, so I figured he is making unreasonable deadlines to make us look bad."How many hours should this take a team of 2?" When costing a job type that is new to me I look at what machinery we will use and look at the manufacturer's claimed productivity, and couple that with industry productivity charts. We have found they usually overstate by about 100%, so it will take us at least double the time.
For that size of job we would be using an auto scrubber.
I’m new to this, what’s an spp? We have a 175 but it does have a tank.Actually, the vct will have a thin layer of finish for the packing boxes. That actually needs to come off. The best way to do that without stripping any longer is with spp’s. Thy will remove that layer plus any marks that have been made while the floor is naked. There will be marks. A 175 is slow slow, but I hope you have one with a tank. Without knowing what you’re using equipment wise, it’s nearly impossible to tell you how long it will take.
This will sort of be our first time waxing new VCT (our real first time consisted of mud and paint all over the floor, so it took a lot of time). It’s also an hour away from where our shop is located so drive time is a decent chunk. It’s divided into 8 rooms and we have 1 blower. Manager said he wanted it done in 2 days (10 hour shifts), that seems a bit quick in my opinion based on our experience and drive time. Maybe I’m the crazy one here, I just want to make sure we have time to do it right.One guy could scrub it with an SPP (Surface Prep Pad) or green pad using the 175 while another vacs up the slurry. Do that on day one, then have just one guy apply finish on day two.
The time table really depends on the floor plan layout and if your guys are experienced or not.
Unless it was super tight rooms and halls, I’d knock it out with my son in probably 20 total man hours. Assuming one 175, drive time, lunch breaks, all that.
I’d personally run our Hard Surface Cimex and some weights with green pads, while the boy would run a Viper Shovel Nose vac. We’d scrub it out in about 6 hours or less depending on layout, have air movers blowing to get that floor super dry, then lay down wax the same day.
With a shop vac?Vacuum everything up, mop with water