Toburen would be proud.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I had a ultra stickler/concerned new customer on the phone three times today rescheduling, method questions and finally the "will it be the owner coming out" BIG Q.

"I Want YOU, my friends said YOU are the best". and then I thought of steve and let her have it.

Mrs Giles, my son Davis, who will be the one doing the cleaning is even more meticulous than I am and wouldn't you rather have two energetic 20 year olds performing the work than a grouchy 50 year old?

""I can see your point, I don't even want to tell you how old I am.. Send him out!"..

Paula was eavesdropping and got a big kick out of that..
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Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
Did my Tammy tell you to say that's almost the same as she tells the custys she knows I don't want to do

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
I had a ultra stickler/concerned new customer on the phone three times today rescheduling, method questions and finally the "will it be the owner coming out" BIG Q.

"I Want YOU, my friends said YOU are the best". and then I thought of steve and let her have it.

Mrs Giles, my son Davis, who will be the one doing the cleaning is even more meticulous than I am and wouldn't you rather have two energetic 20 year olds performing the work than a grouchy 50 year old?

""I can see your point, I don't even want to tell you how old I am.. Send him out!"..

Paula was eavesdropping and got a big kick out of that..
I'm proud of you, Mikey. Weaning customers off of the owner is a key step to getting off the truck This can be an agonizing step especially if staying on the truck keeps you in your "comfort zone" which is why so many owner-operators stay just that. (Not that there is anything wrong with "that".)

And thanks, Mike, for thinking (and thanking) me instead of Yeadon!


PS Here is part of the script I used to wean my customers off of me way back in the Dark Ages. I think it would still work modified for you, Mikey:

Start your customer "weaning process" by following this script AFTER booking their appointment, (Make sure your tone of voice is routine. You want to convey the idea that this slight change is “business as normal”.)

Statement #1: "Mrs. Jones, you remember my son Davis, don't you? He will be your lead tech on Monday and Bill Smith will be assisting him. They will arrive at 9 AM on Monday."

Client (swooning): "Oh no, Mike, I only want YOU!" (Yes, I know. All this customer adulation is great for your ego, Mikey, but bad if you don't want to get old pushing a scrub wand!)

Statement #2: (with a small laugh) "Now Mrs. Jones, we both know Davis did all the work last time anyway while you and I stood around and talked all day. Davis is a better cleaner than me and I guarantee you will be happy. My job is making sure you stay that way no matter whichever one of my employees comes to work in your home." (Use the plural in referring to your employee here- even if you only have one or two right now!)

Client hesitating: "Well, I don't know ..."

Statement #3: "Mrs. Jones, I truly believe in my heart that Davis and Bill will do as least as good a job for you as I have done. They will be using the same equipment, the same cleaning agents and the same cleaning techniques I have always used in your home and that you have always loved. AND I personally have trained both of these guys and I vouch for them. But tell you what, I'm going to personally call you on Tuesday, the day after your cleaning, and verify that you are just as happy with Davis and Bill as you were with my work. And if you aren't absolutely delighted, the cleaning will be on me! How does that sound?"

Client: "No, Mikey, I only want You in my home, you big handsome vegan!"

Statement #4: "I understand, Mrs. Jones. You want the security of having the owner there. And believe me, when you have my son Davis in your home that is ME because I personally stand behind his work and character. However, I personally simply am not available. If you really and truly only want the owner of the company working in your home I can refer you to a friend of mine that does all of his own work. He doesn't use the same powerful equipment we use but he does an OK job ..." (Sort of let you voice tail off here and shut up- the person who answers first will be the loser!)

Trust me on this one, Mikey. Follow this phone script exactly and you will seldom get to statement #4. Your few stubborn customer hold-outs will always cave in when you offer to let them call your competition. Remember, they’re addicted to you!
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
My dad would go to each job and greet the customer and introduce me and my assistant, after some chit chat he say goodbye you're in good hands. Some would ask, "you're not staying?" and he would say basically the same thing you did Mike.

I was 16 and spent my summers and after school, when not involved in sports cleaning carpet.
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