Tore up my knees


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I have been off the truck for the past couple days. I cleaned a 90k sqf office last weekend, lots of stairs temp was about 100 allweekend. I think I didnt drink enough water and go dehydrated. My knees, ankles , and shins on both legs have been so sore I havent been able to walk on them more than from the couch to the shitter or fridge. They didnt feel bad on monday or tuesday and I was able to work with the help of advil. I think I aggrevated them and they really started hurtin yesterday. I am feelin better but I think I better start drinking plenty water and maybe even streting . Probley wouldnt hurt to lose some weight Im a big guy about 250 260 so I am probly puttin a lot of stress on my joints as I get older. On the bright side the 2 employees I complained about in a recent thread stepped their game up and went out on the truck andm took care of biz so I could rest. Maybe they get nerveous around me because they did alot better when I wasnt around.


Jan 28, 2007
North Georgia
Patrick Matte
Drinking plenty of water all of the time is paramount but when it comes to electrolyte replacement you need to keep in mind that if your diet already has a lot(too much) of salt in it you do not necessarily have to replace all of it. Change in diet is the best and the most important thing you can do to loose weight which reduce stress on the joints.

Fast food is a killer,especially in this industry,driving around with no time for anything.Its hard but brown bagging your lunch with healthy foods will go a long way: feeling better at those big arse jobs,saving money,less trips to hospital/doctor's office,saving money....

Try this supplement,tablespoon a day on average...liquid candy


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