Trade Show ideas plus specific question


Apr 6, 2007
I would love to hear your ideas on what works and does not work for trade shows.

I also have a specific question on temporary tattoos. If we were going to be applying temporary tattoos at a trade show, what would get us better mileage: A tattoo that is just our logo that is visible and recognizable from 35 feet or a tattoo with our logo, company name, and telephone number that is visible from 15 feet. Same Price.


Apr 6, 2007
thank you for your helpful input.

Let me take time to clarify.

I am putting together a booth for a trade show. I want to know if anybody has good ideas for said booth.


I got into a fight with boss over a decision I made in regards to temporary tattoos.

He thinks I should have put the company name and telephone number on the tattoo but that would have made it only visible from 15 feet at best in the crowd.

I made it with just our logo and it is visible from 35 feet in the crowd. My thought was more people could see it. If the girls we hired to apply them do a good job of making sure they are visible somebody should be able to look into the crowd and see a bunch of people branded with our logo. when they see our booth with the 3 foot version of our logo it should all click and they can get their own tattoo plus a business card.

Did I screw up making a bigger logo with less information to try and drive traffic to the booth or should I have counted on people needing the company information written on their arm in order for them to call?

Clear it up for you daniel?

P.S. I also ordered Tattoos with the disaster restoration logo that has the company name

Steve Toburen Extra P.P.S. : Our disaster restoration logo sometimes gets confused with another similar large company in the area that is known for doing disaster restoration and not doing carpet cleaning at all. We re-branded the carpet cleaning division so that people would stop thinking we didn't clean carpet and stop asking if their house had to burn down to get us to clean for them.
Sep 7, 2008
Does this dress make me look fat? That is how I feel after reading your post Gary. I can answer the question, but I would rather ignore it and do something else. You do realize I am just messing with you and having some fun. :wink: Relax.

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
My thought - you can't look a logo up in a phone book or on the internet. You've got to have the name impression also.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I just give away chocolate.

I don't think phone number/logo size thing matters at all.

I don't understand why someone would want to wear a tattoo with your logo.

I could see young kids wanting tattoo skulls and cr@p like that.

-The most important part of a trade show is to collect names of prospects.

-Have a method to discern the best or most interested prospects.

-Then mail them right after the show or call them if you have permission on the slip.
(give free in-house estimates, Bring free gifts)

-Then put them into your rotating marketing sequence.

and e-mail them your informative and entertaining E-newsletter from the Email addresses you collected.

Don't lose the forest from the tree by putting too much on the tattoo idea.
(am I dense and it's an inside joke)


Apr 6, 2007
Good for you daniel.

I am in a position where I am middle management. When I have an idea for how to generate business, market the company or do anything my superior listens to the first half of my sentence and then depending on the mood he is in approves or denies my request WHETHER OR NOT it is part of a whole system he approved, whether or not it is something he promised me, whether or not it is something he told me to put on my to do list a month ago, whether or not it was his idea to begin with. Sometimes I think he is intentionally trying to make sure I don't succeed.

That's not the case though. He is a very good general contractor and restoration manager and has some of the best problem solving customer service skills I have ever seen, not to mention he knows his stuff inside and out and makes sure work isn't just getting done right and right quick, but according to regulations. The fact that he consistently pulls one to two million in restoration annually running out of a small shop backs that up. It's a good place to work, so please don't give me the "you should quit" response.

And he isn't deliberately trying to throw a monkey wrench in my gears, he just doesn't understand what I am trying to do and doesn't have time or care to make time to find out. I got some great insight into what the problem is when I called him while working on paperwork and then forgot why I called. I told him I forgot and he suggested that most likely was calling him because I needed money for something stupid or I broke something. Not in those exact words of course.

So the reason I am asking the "does this dress make me look fat question" is because I have just about had it and am going to start taking stands on my decisions until he lets me go or lets me brand and market this company according to a logical thought out plan instead of just buying every block of really cheap air time on some useless network or radio station and huge poorly written yellow page ads that don't draw business. Because he makes split second decisions to market our company with whatever sale is presented and then holds me accountable for the results. "I spent $XXXXX.00 and marketing last year and you're still not busy enough, don't tell me we need more money for advertising you just need to do your damn job!."


Apr 6, 2007
I just give away chocolate.
We always have a candy dish

I don't think phone number/logo size thing matters at all.
-You're probably right

I don't understand why someone would want to wear a tattoo with your logo. -Because we have hot chicks begging all of the guys at the show to put the logo on them. Also, some of our techs tested it out, with the parents permission gave the kids temp tattoos and they loved them, even though it was our logo.

-The most important part of a trade show is to collect names.

-Have a method to discern the best or most interested prospects.

-Got it, They will be entering a drawing with a questionnaire and be put into a database and be mailed to based on their answers

-The idea of the tattoo is to bring them to the booth where they enter their name in the drawing. My thought is the tattoos create buzz. People keep asking, "What is that, where did you get that, why did you get that?"

The answer should be, "carpet cleaning, over there, hot chicks."

or if kids have the logo

"carpet cleaning, over there, those girls are so good with kids."

Anyway, as little of a deal as it is, the company owner is furious with me over it and I want to know if I screwed up so I can apologize and die on the next hill or if it was a good idea to go with something more visible.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
If you are really serious about the tattoo thing and it's not a joke.

I would research your target market and see if wearing one of you tattoos would be a positive or negative experience.

Knock a few door and give out your tatoo

Or is there another device that would draw them in so you can collect their names and answer questions, give follow up later ect...

Getting business requires a sequential or stepped approach.

The trade show is the place to start the relationship with your personal contact.

Them nurture it with follow up.

I just read your responce,

I think the hot chicks might repel your target market atleast it would mine.

Guys usually don't make the carpet cleaning decisions.

Might work good for selling auto parts.

If it works for you more power to you.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
B&BGaryC said:
So the reason I am asking the "does this dress make me look fat question" is because I have just about had it and am going to start taking stands on my decisions until he lets me go or lets me brand and market this company according to a logical thought out plan ... and then holds me accountable for the results.

I of all people would NEVER tell you that I told you so, Gary. :) But remember when your boss was supposed to attend SFS with you and then didn't? I predicted that the two of you would diverge on your vision for the company and how to reach it. (I am sure he is a good contractor and business man.)

B&BGaryC said:
I would love to hear your ideas on what works and does not work for trade shows.

You have already been given some good ideas, Gary. More are right here if you haven't already downloaded the information: ... rade-shows The download is free.

Island Boy

PS I'd need to see a photo of the famous tattoo, Gary, (I'm not even sure the concept will play well) but the principle you are promoting is correct. I doubt anyone is going to stop someone in a crowd and say, "Can you hold still for a minute while I jot down the phone number on your arm?"

Meanwhile and in the interest of peace do you remember how we talked in SFS about giving the home owner the "Illusion of Control"? Bosses need this too. Communication is the key to success in just about every relationship I know of. this is true of both logistically before hand (tattoo sizes) and emotionally afterwards (here is how I am honestly feeling). Let us know how things work out.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
B&BGaryC said:
Because we have hot chicks begging all of the guys at the show to put the logo on them.
If the hot chicks have to beg, then the guys are not really be interested in getting the tattoo, but are probably having them put on because... well, they're guys. What guy wouldn't want to cozy up to a beautiful woman for a few minutes regardless of what the tattoo is. But others have already said it.. guys are not your prime target market, women are. Maybe if the tatoo was a butterfly (targeted to women with a message about how you will make their home as beautiful as a butterfly or something like that.

Face painting for kids, some helium ballons you can tie to their wrist or stroller. I can hear kids screaming.. I want a balloon, I want a balloon. Maybe have some Easter eggs with candy and maybe a gift certificate for $20 dollars off a cleaning... This allows you to talk to the Mom's while the kids are held captive getting their faces painted. Maybe some other games of chance, basic and quick so people aren't coming over simply to concentrate on the game only.

Have the Face Paining be a $2-3 donation with the money going to a Humane Society, or Breast Cancer Rearch or other charity that might tie into showing your company caring about the environment, etc.. might really help solidify your name in women's minds as a company to call in the future for carpet and upholstery cleaning especially if you use or have a Green line of cleaning products that are available upon request. Give away a free bottle of spotter. At least they might actually put that under the kitchen sink and see it from time to time.. once the tattoo is washed off it's forgotten.

Might look better to women, then "hooters girls" giving free tattoos to horny guys who don't give a rats ass about carpet cleaning. I use Hooters girls for imagry purposes.. I have no idea how the young ladies are dressed at your trade show.

Good luck,

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Some good ideas from Bill there, Gary. I'd really rethink the "hot chicks" idea. If you want to attract kids why don't you have a clown applying the tattoos? (There are lot's of good "clown candidates" right here on Mikeysboard.)

Two more ideas:

1. No chairs allowed in the booth. people want to see action, not a bunch of glassy eyed carpet cleaners staring off into the middle distance.

2. Get lots of help. Dress 'em up in pressed company uniforms and have them "work the aisle" handing out gift coupons and inviting people to sign up for the "whole house cleaning" drawing. Give your people frequent breaks. This is productive but exhausting work.


PS There have been some great threads on this topic. I'd search under "home show" also.

Captain Morgan

Supportive Member
Feb 23, 2008
Bill Morgan
If you want to attract or keep the guys busy while the Mrs is scheduling or providing info.. have them try to sink a 20 foot putt with one of those electric putting machines or hook up a Wii machine and have them see how far they can drive the ball..

depending on how far they drive the ball will determine the discount or free service they will receive.. like free recliner cleaning but make sure they know what that value is..$40, 45, 50 whatever you charge that way their is the benefit of perceived value and it's not some cheap give away. Or set it up to see how close to the pin they can get.. granted jocks might just come over to prove they have more testosterone than their buddy, but if it brings them in.. it brings them in. Then your job is to sell, sell, sell!

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Yeah ...No hot chics. If its ahome show, you need to appeal to the women, otherwise the husbands are going to catch SH*t for checking out your booth.

However...We did an apartment association trade show to appeal to property managers. We had hot chics with cute personalities. They were "adorable" to the female property managers and we got tons of contacts from the male property managers (WHOS WIVES WERE NOT THERE!)

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
I myself would ditch the tatoo idea. Yes, some guys would love to get one from a hot chick. Think of your market. Who do you deal with the most? Women or guys?? :? You need to pm Bill Yeadon and ask him about marketing to women.

Balloons are always a hit with kids! Plenty of candy too!


Apr 6, 2007
No way am I ditching the tattoo idea. I got it from another carpet cleaner who used it at trade shows with a lot of success.

We are not going to have strobe lights, stripper poles, a fog machine and some hooters girls. We are going to have attractive girls wearing our company uniform applying tattoos of a fun little cleaning man logo.

The carpet cleaner I talked to had a fun logo too and the idea went over well. The guys (who will now be our billboards to drive traffic to our booth) got the tattoos because the girls were hot but this isn't done tastelessly. Kids also think the idea is cool. I have proof. The kids on our restoration jobs have been excited over the temporary tattoos. While not as good as some of the other ideas it is an idea that the owner was willing to say yes to. That doesn't make it the best idea, it just means it's something I can do. I think it's much better than just handing out business cards.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
One tip that Steve mentioned in other Home Shows posts, that has worked for us is to work the other exhibitors at slow times.

We make will take coffee mugs with candy and go meet each exhibitor, the mug breaks the ice and you make friends fast.

Got ta work those centers of influence! :wink:

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Doc Holliday said:
One tip that Steve mentioned in other Home Shows posts, that has worked for us is to work the other exhibitors at slow times.

We make will take coffee mugs with candy and go meet each exhibitor, the mug breaks the ice and you make friends fast.

Got ta work those centers of influence! :wink:
Dang, Chavez, now I know why Big Dan keeps you on the payroll. Thank you for reminding me of that tip. I had forgotten I ever said it but it sounds like something I would do!

Island Boy

PS Given that I had totally forgotten about every saying it thanks for giving me the credit and not letting Big Bad Billy Yeadon steal ALL the glory after his performance last week in Nashville.

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
I hope it works for you Gary!! I am just surprised that you can actually find some good looking women in Montana!! :lol: :mrgreen:

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