Truck fire


Oct 8, 2006
Driving over Storm King Mountain (overlooks the US Military Academy at West Point) today when I dropped my lit smoke into a compartment in my door panel where I keep all my receipts. As the smoke inside the truck grew, so did my anxiety because there is NOWHERE to pull over on the mountain. Once I saw the flame, I managed to squeeze the truck between a couple of trees on the shoulder and put it out.

Man ... I gotta quit.

Brian L

Oct 6, 2006
Brian L
Not trying to change the subject but:

The thing that ticks me off is seeing people throw their cig butts out the window and think nothing of it. Is there something in the smoking rulebook that states throwing a cig butt out a window is not considered littering?


Oct 8, 2006
I'm not gonna lie, I do occasionally toss it out the window. But I do have a travel coffee mug that I usually use. Anyway, I wasn't trying to toss it when this happened, I just bumped my hand and it fell.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I'm very pleased to see that you are NOT a smoker Dan.

You're merely the sucker on the end.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Give them up mate, while you still can.

I'm the youngest of five brothers.

I am also the only one that has never smoked since I left school.

Only two of us have never had cancer, apart from melanomas from the sun.

My second eldest brother is in remission from throat cancer and may still lost his voice box.

You were very lucky this time.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian Luddy said:
Not trying to change the subject but:

The thing that ticks me off is seeing people throw their cig butts out the window and think nothing of it. Is there something in the smoking rulebook that states throwing a cig butt out a window is not considered littering?

I just dump my ashtray in the custy's drive
(unless they have a mulch bed, of coarse)

and i did NOT use my turn signal when i pulled in the drive :twisted:


The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i got cured when i flipped one out the window and a highway patrolman headed the opposite direction saw it, turned around, and pulled my butt over. he didn't write me a ticket, but i did have to find a few cig butts to pick up on the road side to keep my cash!!!


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Danny Strickland said:
i got cured when i flipped one out the window and a highway patrolman headed the opposite direction saw it, turned around, and pulled my butt over. he didn't write me a ticket, but i did have to find a few cig butts to pick up on the road side to keep my cash!!!


glad to hear they do that.

one moron tossed it and it landed on my windshield and rested on the wiper....stinkin cancer stix :x


Apr 6, 2007
The gentleman who trained me smoked in the vans, even though we weren't supposed to. I finally broke down (after like 2 days) and started smoking in the vans too. We were doing some commercial accounts on a Saturday and my boss pulled up next to but just behind my line of sight. I ashed my cigarette on his hood! :shock:

He talked to me about it on monday, asked if my trainer smoked in the trucks too. I told him no, and then he said, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to fire you."

He let me keep my job but I didn't turn the other guy in...

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
In summer up here, tossing cigarettes can cause those nasty burn marks you see along the highway, much similar to California's little burn mark.
They take it serious up here, unfortunately, not serious enough.

I've often wondered how they still allow the sale of a product that has been proven to be so addictive and carcinogenic! Can't smoke in any public place here in Canada, not even an outdoor patio of a pub or restaurant or cafe. 5' away they can smoke, but not in that "space".


Oct 8, 2006
Ron Werner said:
I've often wondered how they still allow the sale of a product that has been proven to be so addictive and carcinogenic!

Because there are still one or two US politicians who understand freedom. Laws that require the responsible use of anything are usually OK just as long as you don't ban it.

BTW, NY has magic cigarettes. They will put themselves out if you aren't puffing on it. Supposedly, it's to stop brush fires. All I know is that it's extremely annoying to have to relight your smoke 3 times in 5 minutes.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Because there are still one or two US politicians who understand freedom. Laws that require the responsible use of anything are usually OK just as long as you don't ban it

Yes, but freedom to kill themselves if they want? This thought process is what's opening the door for legalization of marijuana and some other drugs.
My question was rhetorical in one sense. I do know "why" they allow the sale. The govt still gets a huge kickback from taxes and corporate lobbyists and those one or two politicians that believe in "freedom" are probably more well off because of it.
Yet on the other side of govt, the health people push for people to stop and push nic patches and all kinds of other cures, the drug companies love for people to quit smoking every so many years.
Long live capitalism :shock:


Oct 8, 2006
Ron Werner said:
Yes, but freedom to kill themselves if they want? This thought process is what's opening the door for legalization of marijuana and some other drugs.

Yes, freedom to kill ourselves. BTW, I think there'd be far fewer violent crimes committed if all drugs were legalized.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
we can start up cocaine and opium houses again,
everyone can have their own crystal meth labs, or just go buy it at the corner store. Instead of slumber parties for our teenagers where we buy pizza and pop, lets buy them whiskey and reefers with a few lines on the side.

Oh yes, our society would be much better off.

there'd be far fewer crimes if we legalized stealing to, but that ain't going to make things better.
What else would free up the courts:
legalize speeding, seatbelt law, drinking and driving,


Oct 8, 2006
Ron, your reaction is the same knee-jerk reaction most people have when they hear that. But, have you ever considered that:

1. The "War on Drugs" has not reduced the amount of drugs available nor has it reduced violent crime.

2. The "War on Drugs" has, in fact, increased the number of violent crimes.

3. The "War on Drugs" is un-winnable for the EXACT same reasons prohibition was a failure.

4. The average cost to the taxpayers to put ONE drug dealer in jail is $450,000.

5. There are 150 Million people in Federal prisons. This is the break down: Drug Offenses 59.6%, Robbery 9.8%, Property Offenses 5.5%, Extortion, Fraud, Bribery 6.8%, Violent Offenses 2.7%, Firearms, Explosives, Arson 8.6%, White Collar 1.0%, Immigration 2.8%, Courts or Corrections 0.8%, National Security 0.1%, Continuing Criminal Enterprise 0.8%, Miscellaneous 1.5%

6. The two highest national murder rates were during prohibition and the "War on Drugs" according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report.

7. George Shultz, former President Reagan's Secretary of State, says that "Legalization would destroy dealer profits and remove their incentive to get young people addicted."

8. Former Surgeon General Elders told a National Press Club luncheon,"Sixty percent of violent crimes are drug- or alcohol-related.... Many times they're robbing, stealing and all of these things to get money to buy drugs.... I do feel that we would markedly reduce our crime rate if drugs were legalized."

9. Lindesmith Institute director Nadelmann argues that "Prohibition...financed the rise of organized crime and failed miserably as social policy. Likewise, the war on drugs has created new, well-financed, and violent criminal conspiracies and failed to achieve any of its goals."

10. Drug use has increased since the inception of the ONDCP (office of National Drug Control Policy)

11. Every year, more and more people are arrested for drug related crimes, a trend that did not exist prior to the "War on Drugs" (Evidence that our current policy is not only ineffective, but counter productive)

12. Removing the drug trade from criminal enterprises and delivering it to valid business enterprises will create safer supplies (Illicit drugs are 4 times as likely to cause the user's death as they were 30 years ago), eliminate the lion's share of violence caused by competing dealers and suppliers and increase sales tax revenue (which will enable gov. funded treatment programs).

13. Prescription drugs kill more americans than all the crack, meth and herion deaths combined.

14. Regulation of morality doesn't work and will never work.

15. This from a Canadian study: "Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis (marijuana) is substantially less harmful than alcohol and smoking cigarettes, and it does not lead to the use of harder drugs."

Just some things for you to think about. I have never touched any illegal drugs but I don't think that something I choose not to do should be made illegal for others to do.

p.s. Ron, if you really think that seat belt laws are a good thing, you truly lack any understanding of what freedom is all about. When the government tells you they are passing a law that makes you protect yourself, you have handed over your decision making abilities to a group of people who make their living by exercising that power over you.


Oct 18, 2006
Ross Craig
danpauselius said:
5. There are 150 Million people in Federal prisons.

That is amazing Dan.

Population Clock as of today
U.S. 303,346,726

so now I understand why Jimmy, Mikey, The Admiral, Devil Dog, Greenie, etc,etc can spend so much time on the boards. :p :p :p


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
Over $1000 ticket in this state.
I see people do it daily.

Whats the big deal people think. Not a big deal till the cig gets caught up in a truck hauling hay, or starts a brush fire in the dead of summer.

I don't understand it, and even at $1000 I think the fine is to little!


Oct 8, 2006
What if? ... What if? ... What if? ...

You can always create an imaginary circumstance that will show why something is dangerous. What I don't hear anyone saying is how Millions of smokers manage to smoke 20 - 40 cigarettes a day without creating world wide destruction.

A hay wagon ... you kill me! The odds of tossing a cigarette into a passing hay wagon are probably less than tossing it into a truck carrying rocket fuel. I live in an area that produces quite a bit of hay. We've had ONE hay wagon fire in almost 30 years. Some little pyro lit it up using a lighter. Should we ban lighters? After all, lighters have caused more hay wagon fires in my town than cigarettes.

How about all those people who listen to the radio when they drive. That must be distracting. We should BAN CAR RADIOS! The world would be so much safer. Untold thousands of lives would be saved.

Everyday I hear some ignorant shmuck say "There ought to be a law ...", I want to take an axe to his skull! Do you people understand what this country was founded on? The principles of liberty and freedom. This country is the "Land of the free", not the "Land where the government will make sure you don't hurt yourself or anybody else by mistake".

For all you "There ought to be a law" people ... PLEASE GO KILL YOURSELF! Do it in a horribly painful manner. Set your self on fire, while you are burning, start cutting off fingers. If you still haven't passed out from the pain, begin stabbing yourself with a rusty sickle. Then go put your head in a vice and crank it shut. YOU DISGUST ME!

p.s. Since Ron is a Canadian and nothing he says makes any difference in MY country, he gets a pass.


Oct 8, 2006

I didn't say it was healthy. Running your mouth at a 350 lb biker in the middle of a bar isn't healthy either, yet our constitution protects it.

With my back hurt, it takes me more than 43 seconds to walk to the bathroom. My guess would be that I could not make that run in under 43 but I couldn't tell you for sure. My fitness has far more to do with the fact that I'm married than the fact that I smoke.

A few years ago, I was destroying the mile and a half run times required to graduate from the NYS police academy ... and I smoked!


Oct 8, 2006
Snohomish, WA
The fact is no one should be tossing burning products out their car window.

I know the hay truck is far fetched.. But you can not dismiss the 1000s of road side fires caused yearly from the act.

Just like a smoker defending their habit. . LOL!
The state patrol said that most people pulled over and ticketed for tossing buts had spotless ashtrays.


Oct 8, 2006
I'm not saying that we have the right to litter, not at all. In fact, we do not. My point is simply that there are an awful lot of people out there who try to tell other people how to live their lives. When people don't listen, they legislate it.

I assure you that my ashtray is well used. In fact, if I'm smoking in a public place and can't find an ashtray, I'll usually flip the burning tip, pinch it off and put it in my pocket.

I see lots of McDonald's bags on the sides of the road. Nobody is trying to ban their food. Littering is littering, it shouldn't matter what gets tossed out the window. But many people get a hard on for smokers.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I completely understand what you are saying, and I totally agree with you.

Paternalism is a scourge on society that robs us all of the free agency given us by the very God who put us here.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
There are actually 1.5 million people in prison in the US and that is all prisons not just federal. There are less than 200,000 people in federal prison. Also the figure of 55% of prisoners are in on drug related offenses is misleading. That figure is for federal prisons 55% of federal prisoners on in on drug related offenses. At the state and local level only approximately 20% of prisoners are in on drug related offenses.

I'm not getting involved in this debate but if you are going to argue you should use accurate figures and 1.5 million is a far cry from 150 million.


While I agree with much of what you say, you have a tendency to go to websites that are obviously biased in the information they give and it takes away some of the credibility of your arguments.


Oct 8, 2006
"Only 20%"

I guess that's OK as long as your not one of them, right?

As far as 150M vs. 1.5M, I may have mis-typed, my bad. But I don't think I was misleading anybody, considering I said that number was for federal prisons.


Oct 8, 2006
Joey Johnston said:

While I agree with much of what you say, you have a tendency to go to websites that are obviously biased in the information they give and it takes away some of the credibility of your arguments.

EVERY place you will find any amount of news is biased in one way or another. CNN leans left while FOX leans right. People naturally tell a story in a manner that leads to their "preconceived" conclusion. Unfortunately, I cannot fact check every single word I find on the net.

One reason I will find these sites is because many times they are the only ones discussing the topic. You can't even trust the numbers or statistics you get from the government's own websites, so IMO credibility is an objective issue.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I can understand your points Dan. Legalizng drugs is still not the answer. Just as the Needle Exchange has not reduced drug use one iota.
There may be all the stealing and other crimes but does that mean we trade one evil for another? Nothing good will come of legalizing drugs.

There is a lot bigger reason why there is more crime, it probably has very little to do with drugs. Drugs are a symptom of the disease.

The main reason a lot of politicians are "pushing" to legalize drugs is so that they can get their finger into the pie. Yah, drugs won't cost as much, there won't be the "illegal" component, the drug lords will then become "prominent" business people. I could see one of those dudes getting an award for businessman of the year, while there are more and more people getting hooked on this garbage.

Very simply, Its Wrong.

As for the seatbelt law, I'll be there with a match to light that sucker on fire. The only reason that law came into effect is that people had already relegated their right to decide when they chose more govt health policies. People get hurt, it cost money, the govt writes rules to prevent people from hurting themselves.
Personally, I don't want my face smashing through the window, I wear a seatbelt. However, its a risk. My brother-in-law drives semi and will never wear one. My mom would have died had she been wearing hers when a guy hit her head on.

Smoking, either ban it or allow it, but don't put out stupid laws.
If you smoke, keep your butts to yourself, rather than a ditch or sidewalk, and please walk downwind.


Oct 9, 2006
Becker said:
The fact is no one should be tossing burning products out their car window.

I know the hay truck is far fetched..
But you can not dismiss the 1000s of road side fires caused yearly from the act.

Just like a smoker defending their habit. . LOL!
The state patrol said that most people pulled over and ticketed for tossing buts had spotless ashtrays.

What is so far fetched about a hay truck? I see two ore three a week...


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
danpauselius said:
"Only 20%"

I guess that's OK as long as your not one of them, right?


I hope you didn't mistake my post for attacking you, that was not my intention. I was just pointing out that some sources will distort figures to make their argument more attractive. If I was making pro conservative posts I would not expect someone to take my info seriously if it came directly from Rush Limbaugh's website. Even if I originally heard about it from a conservative site I would try to find a source that everyone could somewhat agree is neutral. That is just a basic rule for debating any subject.

As far as the "As long as you're not one of them" comment. Well to be honest YES. I am not one of them because I know it is ILLEGAL so therefor I stay away from drugs or anyone who does drugs. I do not feel sorry for anyone who is in prison because of drugs. They knew what they were doing could land them in prison and they CHOSE to take that risk and shoot up or light up anyway.

As far as legalizing drugs like I said I'm really on the fence (leaning towards not legalizing) but I would be willing to listen to the exact proposal for legalization and then make a judgment. What I mean by that is what would be the criteria. For example would all drugs be legal? Would it be a over 21 thing like alchohol? Where would a person go to purchase these "legal" drugs, the local convenience store or a pharmacy or would they need a prescription? Would ALL drugs be legalized? Meth? crack? Heroine? These questions would need to be answered I think before anyone can make a rational decision.

John Buxton

Oct 18, 2006
I'm all for freedom. Just keep your stinkin cigarettes at home or in your car (providing no kids are in it) so I dont have to smoke it too.

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