Truckmount Question

Steve Manier

Oct 17, 2006
I have a Powerclean Freedom 47 and was cleaning a pisshole of a carpet today using my water claw and wand. Had the heat dial set @ 230 and running max RPM. Everything went fine upstars but while downstairs I was saturating and clawing and my machine bogged down sputering and sounded like it wanted to shut off. I went out to look and at first I thought I was either running out of gas or my auto pump out wasnt working and my waste tank was full. Then I saw the temp guage was almost 280 degres! So I hooked up the line to drain the hot water and it started to work fine again. I have never had this happen so can someone tell me what the hell happened? I have and exhaust diverter (although I have no idea what it looks like or where it is). Arent these suppose to automatically kick in and keep this from happening. Ive had this machine 4 years and still dont know shit about it. It only has 400 hrs on it. Thanks

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
my thermalwave has an oriface and screen that is supposed to be cleaned weekly.

If I don't clean it at least couple times a year the temps skyrocket.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Sorry I couldn't be more assistance to you Steve. Don't have the PowerClean 4.7 manual handy at the moment.

I'm sure somebody familiar with your machine will be along shortly.

You might take Mikeys advice and get a Judson! They're better suited for the hobbiest. :-)

Bite me >ikey


Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
I also have a Freedom 47. The instruction manual sez to run a bleeder line when extracting only, like using a Waterclaw.

You need to keep water moving through the exhaust heat exchanger.

What temp was your ignition cut-off switch set at (on your temp gage)? The reed in the gage can vibrate to a higher temp over time.

Could be nothing wrong with your machine, just operator error.

Steve Manier

Oct 17, 2006
Johnny said:
I also have a Freedom 47. The instruction manual sez to run a bleeder line when extracting only, like using a Waterclaw.

You need to keep water moving through the exhaust heat exchanger.

What temp was your ignition cut-off switch set at (on your temp gage)? The reed in the gage can vibrate to a higher temp over time.

Could be nothing wrong with your machine, just operator error.

Thanks for the reply Johnny. I didnt even realize I had one till you mentioned it and its set at just over 280. So that explains the problem it was getting close and starting to kill the machine :idea: What temp should this be set at?

You would think after 4 yrs I would know and understand this machine but thats not the case. I bought it new. It is my first TM and was overwelmed and somewhat hurried thru the delivery and either forgot alot or not told about alot of things. Im not an every day carpet cleaner and dont use it much but its nice to have when I need it. Other than a chem draw problem and an auto pumpout (impeller) problem its been a trouble free machine. I have ZERO mechanical skillz and the littlest things sometimes become a problem. I bought it in Riverside but wasnt real happy with those guys (long story) so I get my maintenance done at a PC dealer in Chula Vista and dont want to go running to them everytime I have a small problem.

I paid extra for a clutch and diverter and other than knowing that they have something to do with overheating issues. I know nothing else about how to use them, how or when to engage them, where to find them, if they are automatic or not etc. Thanks


Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
Its time to learn your machine. If you don't have the skills to work on them then acquire them by reading your manuals and at least know HOW it works in case you do need to do some emergency repair yourself. HOW do you learn? By reading and doing. :roll:

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
To start with the kill point on the temp switch should be set at 270 degrees. Secondly I always turn down the temp when I am water clawing(although it may not have been convenient to do in this case). As Johnny said if you are clawing more than just a spot or two you will need to bleed off a little water while clawing. I will set my DryMaster uph tool on the ground and adjust it to bleed just a little. There is one other thing to watch for with PowerClean type thermostats. On the back of the thermostat(which is on the control panel) there will be an adjusting screw located behind a sticker. It has on occassion backed out which will cause improper temp control. You can contact PC for instructions on how to adjust the thermostat.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Steve there are alot of things you need to do if you haven't already done them. Since you bought it 4 years ago I am going to assume the divertor hasn't been upgraded to the Bimba valve. You might have a problem, with it sticking. Next have you burped the liquid exchangers? You should do that every so often. The problem with the APO and the empellors has been figured out. You need to run a longer hose off the APO and have it arch up about 5-10 degrees. This will keep a small amount of water in the pump at all times so it doesn't start up dry which is what kills the empellor.

Who are you taking the machine to? These are things they should have told you already if they haven't. You should also have a checklist of daily/weekly/monthly/semi-annual and annual maintenance items. if you have lost those sheets or never got them call me and give me a fax number and i'll fax you a copy you can make duplicates of.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
I don't want to knock PC, because I have a 6 year old Genesis, and it usually runs fine. After a few years, the old diverter system doesn't work as well as it should. When I am cleaning upholstery, it will sometimes overheat (270*) I will generally know when the tool gets way too hot, and will head out to the machine to cool it down. Then I will leave a short bleed hose running to control the heat. Other days, it never acts up, and runs perfectly.When my Genesis hits over 270*, it will just shut down.

Was your machine steaming out the exhaust? I had that yesterday while extracting water. The tank fills too fast, and with the water softener recharging, the tank fills fast. I also have the APO, and you have to adjust the float level down ocationally so it doesn't overfill before activating. As for priming, it has a solenoid that starts a water flow to the impellor when the pump is activated. So you always have to have a water supply to keep the pump primed.

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