Update on lowlife sob customer

Sep 7, 2008
I have been cleaning a commercial place for the past year. The deal was every month for 200 and each quarter for 650. The carpet was never drity and could easily be encapped if I ever decided to go that route. The last two times I cleaned it were 9-29-09 and 12-16-09. The payment terms are 45 days. I thought maybe there was an error so I called the corporate office and asked about payment. They told me the invoices were never submitted. So I called the property and asked them about it and they said they would resubmit the invoices. Two weeks went by and I called the corportate office and the invoices have still not been submitted. So I call the maintanence guy and ask him what the deal is. I explained that he is paranoid about having the carpets done monthly and that I have not cleaned them in 3 months or done the whole building in like 9 months. I asked him what is being done about the carpet. Oh we just had the whole building cleaned. Really? So you go behind my back because your corporate office want pay me. You were always happy with the work we provided right? Yes. Well David you are a lowlife pos sob for doing this to me. You collect a paycheck and I do not. I have to put food on the table and rely on my customers to pay me on time and not treat me like this.

Basically I am the most honest sincere trustworthy person you will ever meet. I always do the right thing. Just don't take advantage of me or treat me wrong. I know the company he called. They will be getting a call from me tomorrow letting them know what the deal is. I don't blame the other company, but they are getting fair warning about my situation and not to provide services until I am taken care of first. It's not like they tried to undercut me on this account. And yes I am absolutely going to get the word out that these people are lowlife sob's and no reputable company should provide services for them.

The moral of this is I will never provide services for any routine commercial account without a signed contract. Handshake deals are done with my company. Either sign the contract or call someone else.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Daniel I hear you are frustrated and want to acknowledge that as well as encourage you to think a little more about it before acting further.

1. Why react to all clients/prospective clients because of one situation that may have gone bad? I personally would never sign a contract for any minor service (yes carpet cleaning is a minor service, not like buying a 100k roof system, or 2-6 20k HVAC units). Why do you think anyone would sign one esp for such a small amount?

2. Do you think the way you spoketo the maintenance guy will help you get paid or give you an opportunity to do any work in the future? My guess is you burned the bridge and may now have to sue to get paid. Next time my suggestion would be to win them over with understanding and empathy, not try to bully them when you have no leverage.

3. Why did they call the other company? This may be the hardest question to answer honestly because it involves looking within in my opinion. I believe this only occurs in our company due to our failure to satisfy some need of our customer whether it be technical or emotional. I would suggest you think about what you may have failed to provide that caused them to look elswhere to get it.

4. I would never, ever, ever call another company that has a job we use to have. This could really blow up in your face emotionally and legally. Harrassment can be a serious issue and you may very easily cross over the line of it if you talk to them the way you wrote you talked to your former customer.

At least consider calling your cust tomorrow and appologizing and letting them know you will be there if they want you back



Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
OMG really DC I hope you are exaggerating. You own a business and as a business owner that kind of behaviour to a customer, past or present, should be beneath you my friend. Calling another business and reporting an account delinquency without even having a signed contract to back you up might even have some legal ramifications.

On another note, don't ever show this kind of treatment of anyone in front of an employee. While it's one thing to come on here and BS with other owners, an employee will follow your example and amplify your behaviour. What would you do to an employee who talked like that to someone, anyone, while wearing your uniform?


Oct 7, 2006
find out where the guy lives and dump a bag of live crickets thru the mail slot in the front door


Oct 7, 2006
that live and let live thing


go to Pet Smart and get the extra large bag of crickets
Sep 7, 2008
I have a question.

If a customers wants to rely on a company to provide routine services such as monthly, why would the company not draw up a contract that stated the payment terms, job procedures, pricing, intervals, and special instructions? I have always felt providing services for places that depend on me monthly or bi monthly etc. requires a commitment and is a lot of work. Lets say you provide services for a company for a year and then you are undercut by another competitor. A signed contract would not allow that. When you buy a cell phone plan you usually have to sign a contract for a certain period of time, but you can opt out of the contract. In my case they wanted services, but I had two very late past invoices and declined. I explained that I needed to get paid and that 45 days was more than enough time to process an invoice.

I know of one guy here that exclusively cleans apartments and he makes them sign contracts. Most of the other cleaners work with no contract. He is also the only cleaner that does apartments that is making a killing on them as well. He runs 4 trucks and subs all the basic 65 dollar cleanings out to other companies. His trucks only go out for repairs and water extractions, pet decontamination etc. I heard he averages 300 per job for stain removal, cleaning, and repairs per job.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
First of all, I have never called any customer who hasn't paid me nor would I. There are other ways to deal with this issue like not providing service to them ever again. Or take the bill to your nearest bill collector and have them deal with it. IMO no bill is large enough for me to have to confront people about them. I have a few customers who have not paid me in the past and after I send the bill collector after them, they pay me at time of service, not because I tell them, because they feel obligated. Cutting off service is the worst punishment if they really value your service. I also have never written a contract on any job I have done in almost 30 years. Anyone can fire me anytime they want.
Sep 7, 2008
Doug Cox said:
First of all, I have never called any customer who hasn't paid me nor would I. There are other ways to deal with this issue like not providing service to them ever again. Or take the bill to your nearest bill collector and have them deal with it. IMO no bill is large enough for me to have to confront people about them. I have a few customers who have not paid me in the past and after I send the bill collector after them, they pay me at time of service, not because I tell them, because they feel obligated. Cutting off service is the worst punishment if they really value your service.

Everything is done through emails these days. I also have never contacted a client about payment not even once. I also have never had a problem like this. They contacted me first about cleaning and I just asked them when payment would be sent for the past cleanings. I waited and nothing so then I sent an email asking about payment. Then I contacted the corporate office to learn the invoices were never submitted. Then I emailed manager and she said she would resubmit the invoices which was two weeks ago. Today I learned from corporate that they have not received the invoices. I guess I pissed her off when I wouldn't clean her carpet for some party she was throwing.


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
I had an apartment complex also didn't submit invoices to their home office near the end of the year. I think she was trying to get a bigger bonus. The home office finally got the bills. Now they have changed their invoice methods. Now when the jobs are done I email or fax the bills directly. Works for me.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Remember, Sh!t rolls down hill. If you aren't getting anywhere with 1 method, switch up your approach and go to the top. Leave the personal drama out of it. The human mind will play tricks on you. All you want is to get paid for services rendered.

gary mackay

Sep 2, 2007
If you can't have a check or C/C waiting for me then call someone else! Too many business have been going out of business for that last 2 years so it isn't an unethical issue today to have payment before you start. Forget that HOPE shit and hope you get paid, it's about the CHANGE - have a check waiting for me!


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Damn, and I thought I was a hot head. I don't feel like repeating anyone. But my thoughts are similar to Doug Cox, and Ken Snow.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

Look at this as a CHEAP education....!!!

You are still a young man, use this experience to fine tune you company payment policies...
"Unless"...you can afford to carry receivables..."DON'T"... :!:

Carpet Cleaning is a TANGIBLE service."You need to receive PAYMENT at the time of service."

DO NOT..."Be afraid to REQUIRE payment at the time of service.."
IMHO...Commercial work is a DEATH SENTENCE for the O/O..."Concentrate on RESIDENTIAL"

CARPET CLEANERS...are the biggest HyPoCriTe in the area of Supplier loyalty & will shop a gallon of juice ...to save $5.00... All the while owing, there former "DiStY"... :oops:

We.."WHORE"..out our services just to under-cut our competitors.. :( All the while ..thinking
that .."IF we don't DO the job...!" "The next WHORE...down the street will get the JOB.." :shock: ..."EnCRaPPinG"....has DESTROYED the commercial cleaning industry... :!:

If you haven't NOTICED...there is a Preveiw button at the bottom of your SCREEN.... :idea:

Try "pushing it "...prior to the SUBMITT button... :wink:

The "KOJ"...has learned its "importance"...and very seldom has to RE-TRACT his advice... :D

If you are going to be a BB GuRu..."STOP"...making IRRATIONAL POST...only to agree with your flock...!!!

ps..Your "TesTeMaX"...is in the mail.... :lol:
Sep 7, 2008
The account I was talking about earlier owes me 400. Harper don't panic but I have another account that owes me almost 11k after I finish a couple more jobs this week. :oops: I am not worried as they are making tons of money. Normally I will do few jobs and complete all the work sent my way before sending a bill. This usually amounts to 1500-3000 dollars range. This time is different. I have been getting constant work and have not been able to catch up to complete the previous jobs before new ones come in. Plus I did a few water damages and my pricing on them is fair but would be considered cheap on this board. My motto is take care of your best customers. I have been doing work for this account for three years and they always pay in a week to 10 days. I am going to submit a statement Wednesday. If I had a problem getting paid with this account, I might have a stroke. :shock:

I think they like me because they don't ever have to worry about something not being completed on time, and they also know everything will be handled right the first time. I also think they like me sending a bill once a month etc. instead of every couple jobs.


Oct 8, 2007
Walk away...it's not worth it. $400 is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I've had it happen to me, the lesson I learned is that if they haven't paid in 30 days, I'm not providing service again unless there's a check there waiting for me when i show up... doesn't matter who they are or how rich they are. They need to understand that you gotta get paid.

Why would you even want to work for them again?

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