Upholstery Cleaning.... How's this for a biz model?


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
I got called to a national furniture renting store to give prices on cleaning and minor repair of upholstery. They were looking to replace the local co. that does it currently. After talking a bit I found out they wanted someone that would clean an entire living room set for $40.
They have tons of work but I declined to bid. The math didn't work out at all.

So I find out the guy that does them, he uses 3 guys with really cheap porties. He pays them by what they clean, and expects them to clean 4 couches an hour. $8/hr. They travel out of town but don't get paid for travel time or setup time. Two of his guys make about $32/day. His "lead" guy is on a salary- $50/day. He rents 1 hotel room for the whole crew, and buys them 1 meal per day. The owner is supposed to be a preacher.

Is this the most outrageous biz model you've heard of?

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
I wish I could say its the most outrageous one I've heard of, but it isn't.

Close though!

There IS a place for a "fine fabric specialist" in most market areas. If you can put up with a wide variety of personality styles (and dysfunctions), designers love to sell stuff that should never be sat on, yet alone cleaned. The easier people with whom to work are the moving companies who invariably get a greasy hand print, smear of dirt from a doorway, or water damage on a cushion from a leaky moving trailer or storage unit.

These guys need someone who can clean things "good as new" or nearly so.

Go work with people like that, and enjoy the laugh you got from this (non) prospect!

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