One of the apartment buildings has a really bad odor of urine in the hall way what do you suggest i put down to take care of the odor its commercial carpet
Except he probably doesn't have the option of pulling the carpet up and replacing the pad.
Quatalot From Judson. Hose it, let it dwell and rinse like mad. Repeat if not completely successful. Personally I think that if that doesn't work then you should replace.
if it is confirmed that urine is presant in the hallway spray it down heavily with an all fiber or acid rinse with a bit of a odor neuturalizer additive , give plenty of time to dwell. extract it with water only, then go back and do a light after spray with an enzyme based deoderizer rIght when you get done . I have used that method several times and always gotten good results. I think its your best bet since you cant replace the pad on glue down.