Using an RX 20 with a portable

B Reid

Nov 26, 2006
Brian Reid
Got a call to clean carpets in a condo. Transmission went out on van so can't use the TM...

So what did I do

Pulled out my low pressure portable that was in a corner of my shed for the past 7 yrs. and hooked up my RX20

End results-
looked like I used my tm to clean the carpet
happy customer
$350 dollars richer.........And proved the distributor WRONG
Quote: You can't use a rx20 with a low pressure


I dont know why you couldn't.
You may just have to allow the porty time to keep up with the water gulping Rx.

But then .. the portys pressure.. had the RX at its mercy.

And you did do it like a TM.. as both are HWE..

I can make my jobs look as great with a porty and rotary. But not as efficient. Thats wherer we lose,, TIME>. in set up.. teardown.. and the mess of hauling water. hooking up hoses.. etc.

Portys are inefficient. Not bad machines.

Do they have as much vac or heat? NO.. but you can work around that. It just takes more time.. but it's do'able.

If i had a porty.. i'd make any new tech learn on that and a rotary and all types of pads.. old school.. then graduate to the technnology..

'Always know where others have came from.. so you know better where you are going"..


Oct 18, 2006
Ross Craig
Steve Dobson said:
Do they have as much vac or heat? NO..
'Always know where others have came from.. so you know better where you are going"..

Steve - That is utter crapola. Try comparing a low end truckmount with a high end portable.

ps Sorry this post is so short ; knowing you are the antithesis of Marty you probably won't read it. :p


That goes to say in any industry.. Ro Ro

I doubt Mr. Reids porty was the higher end as some of the present models are.. with a higher heat output.. and really high pressures for working on tile and grout. Afterall.. he said it was out in the 'shed' for the past 7 years. lol

yes.. I agree.. newer porties would out'do... a lower end TM.. (or could with a competent operator behind the wheel).. But thats not what he said..what i said.. or what the thread referenced.

Indy car engines blow away Nascar motors.... but again, that isn't what was asked.

Dont try to put words in my mouth.. pleeze.. as I assure you you're are neither qualified or as articulate as myself. respect or disrespect intended.
You decide! (I'm winking at ya sweetie pie)

I'm sure a newer, higher end porty is probably nicer than most cleaners TMs..
I have seen the normal hwe TM.. and its pretty sad..

HWE'rs are our own worst enemy.

did I say it couldnt be done with a porty? NOPE..
It can.

Did I say portys were junk? No.. i said they were inefficient. And anybody will tell ya, MOST porties lack heat and vac.. you merely have to learn to work around that.. and u se it til you can upgrade.

Get with the thread.. or swaller' an anchor and jump overboard buddy.
A little advice.. "look before you leap".

Calm down. Step back.. take a deep breath.. and get your panties out of the wod' they are in. I think you 'sharted'.

I'll accept your apology. No worries mate.
be well.


Nov 23, 2006
For a lotta years, I used a low pressure (100 psi) portable with both a RX-20 and a Chemstractor connected to it for the high rises- residential and commercial.

Sure it can be done. I did hundreds of these jobs.

Not as efficient as a Truck Mount, but on the 26th floor of a building, it was the best way to do the job.



It is you

not the machine. I compete with the big boys everyday, but they just don't seem to get it right. And, sometimes I don't either. This time you got it right.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
CD starts you off with that combo.

I too did very good work with it and made a lot of repeats. I then got a tm. Sometime ago the tm was down for a while and had to go back to porty. Damn, all of a sudden I forgot how to clean. Actually I don't think it was that I forgot but more so how impatient I was.


Frank P.

Oct 28, 2006
Porty & I

Today we tried out our new Eclipse from Clean Craft on my neglected carpets, (6 months). My house is older and somewhat small, Built in the 40's. The wiring gave us trouble since you need a 20 amp & a 15 amp circuit. Our unit has auto fill & dump & chem metering. With all those wires, hoses and tight areas I was getting annoyed. All I could think about was how easy it was with a TM.

All that being said, the results with this 300 PSI, 3 vac machine were as good as I remember the Butler TM I borrowed from my brother in law the last time I cleaned the carpet. Plus the carpets were mostly dry with the aid of a CFR Downdraft fan in about an hour. One exception was the two sided area rug in the dining room. It took a bit longer since we cleaned both sides.

Maybe we were using better emulsifiers & presprays that helped clean better but so far this porty seems to be working pretty well. Oh the wand is from Greenie. It is a hole glided 12 inch SS wand. I removed the 11003 Uni jets and replace them with 110015 jets because we were using too much water. With the new jets we also had 300 PSI instead of 225. I was also surprised that the heat was fairly hot with only 1 heater. My circuit breaker would not let us use both heaters.

Frank P.


Oct 18, 2006
Ross Craig
Steve Dobson said:
Dont try to put words in my mouth.. pleeze.. as I assure you you're are neither qualified or as articulate as myself. respect or disrespect intended.
You decide! (I'm winking at ya sweetie pie)

And anybody will tell ya, MOST porties lack heat and vac..

A little advice.. "look before you leap".

be well.
My humblest apologies effendi but on behalf of all us heat and vac challenged portable users thank you for your amendment -
A little advice junior read before you post :)

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