Vortex 777



So this 99 venturi, is it going to have a 5-9 or a 5-6 size blower?


well. It overheated last night in LaGrange GA. Im in the middle of the country right now. It wont start back. I HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY.

maybe head gasket, maybe oil cooler Engine ran hot and wont start back. Oil smells burnt.

I was so excited too. When I looked at it, they had all the service records, they just did major engine work. It was running like a sewing machine. All it really needed was a xentherm pump.

I guess buying a used 10,000 lb truck and taking it on a 1000 mile trek up hills is always a crapshoot.


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
I have a 99. The machine is working great. The truck sucks. Mine overheats every now and again. Usually when it is parked on an incline. The freaking alarm starts going off and will not shut off even when the damn thing cools off. Happened Monday. When the engine cooled down, the heater went out on it. I guess I'm more dissappointed in the "Christian" dude that sold it too me and swore there was nothing wrong with it. I have had issues with the engine on this truck from the moment I drove it out of his driveway. And of course none of these things EVER happend when he had it.....


Ed said:
I have a 99. The machine is working great. The truck sucks. Mine overheats every now and again. Usually when it is parked on an incline. The freaking alarm starts going off and will not shut off even when the damn thing cools off. Happened Monday. When the engine cooled down, the heater went out on it. I guess I'm more dissappointed in the "Christian" dude that sold it too me and swore there was nothing wrong with it. I have had issues with the engine on this truck from the moment I drove it out of his driveway. And of course none of these things EVER happend when he had it.....

This one has had a few pretty hefty service bills looking back in the records. I think it comes to a few thousand dollars a year. What I think I am going to do is figure how much the most expensive repair can be ($12000ish) and keep that aside. Then I will be proactive and put $500 a month into a maintenance account that handles whatever the mechanic says I need when I see him. Its still cheaper than a new one. Does about the same job too.


Sep 16, 2007
Ed said:
I have a 99. The machine is working great. The truck sucks. Mine overheats every now and again. Usually when it is parked on an incline. The freaking alarm starts going off and will not shut off even when the damn thing cools off. Happened Monday. When the engine cooled down, the heater went out on it. I guess I'm more dissappointed in the "Christian" dude that sold it too me and swore there was nothing wrong with it. I have had issues with the engine on this truck from the moment I drove it out of his driveway. And of course none of these things EVER happend when he had it.....

Everyone who has ever told me they were a Christian during a transaction has shafted me. Not to impugn Christians! I just mean that if a person advertises this as a reason to trust him I have learned to run.


bonesheal said:
Ed said:
I have a 99. The machine is working great. The truck sucks. Mine overheats every now and again. Usually when it is parked on an incline. The freaking alarm starts going off and will not shut off even when the damn thing cools off. Happened Monday. When the engine cooled down, the heater went out on it. I guess I'm more dissappointed in the "Christian" dude that sold it too me and swore there was nothing wrong with it. I have had issues with the engine on this truck from the moment I drove it out of his driveway. And of course none of these things EVER happend when he had it.....

Everyone who has ever told me they were a Christian during a transaction has shafted me. Not to impugn Christians! I just mean that if a person advertises this as a reason to trust him I have learned to run.

I'm not passing Judgement in saying one religion is right over the other, but there is a surplus of ignorant Christians around where I live that like to bring up their religion as justification that whatever they do is correct in business. Its downright tacky. They need to read their book more. Here would be a good place to start.

Matthew 6

1"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
This one has had a few pretty hefty service bills looking back in the records. I think it comes to a few thousand dollars a year. What I think I am going to do is figure how much the most expensive repair can be ($12000ish) and keep that aside.

I'll never buy another PTO/CDS.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
If you'd have been in Nashville you wouldn't say that.

I saw what Sapphire did with a two cylinder machine, quite awesome. Their next generation BIG machine will be a game changer.

No more Rube Goldberg heat exchanger designs, no diverter valve problems ever...I promise you. They are the first to have put it in the right place, at the END of the hx instead of before it.

Blower in the right place.
Pump in the right place.
Belts will far outlast others because of two ingenious tricks.
Best footprint in the industry with no compromises.

I've always said someone needed to start with a clean sheet of paper, and these guys have.

Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Doubt it's got as much suck as a big truck. But, I wouldn't kick it out of the car port!!!


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