Why doesen't Shawn start building the again............?????
I'm reasonably sure it's because...
he can't find a biz pard'ner with poor enough judgement to build/bankroll a large dollar project that only fits a
tiny niche pool of prospects in a small industry that's already saturated with manufactures reeling from poor TM sales .
and the only ones that were remotely "possibly" dumb enough to take the ri$k... have already gone belly-up
he doesn't have the mean$ to bankroll it himself
I've always admired Yappy's tenaciousness , but his hay day has long since past and i don't see anything on the economic horizon that will bring that hay day back anytime soon
He'll have to have a contract in hand like the Venturi one that put him on the map to take to a manufacture before anyone with the capacity to build it will ever touch it