Wand size to match Blower?


Supportive Member
Oct 2, 2008
So I have a 99 Butler. I have been waffling about a new wand for a while now. My questions are-
-is it a concern as to what size a head is on a wand depending on the blower size-will it affect water recovery and dry times If you went with a 14-15" head for example rather than a 12"? Or does that have more to do with flow design?
-Will a 2" tube be beneficial with the blower on my Butler over a 1.75" tube?

I like anyone else hate buying crap to later realize that it is truly crap and the item I had was just fine. I currently have a 2-jet s-bend Hydramaster 1.75" steel wand-for comparison. Needs a glide if I am gonna keep it around.

TIA for the input!

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Have used Butlers a long time. You can run any wand you wish I have pretty much found. I am currently running 6 jet Prochem Titanium wands (the best in my opinion). If you have the larger or smaller blower, I have found no problem and actually get great air flow. I am running .02 jets and have done so with both high heat units and regular units. I also run 2.5 inch hose.

For the jet size, you might have to experiment with the regular size jets (.15) to see how your heat is to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

My cell phone is on my website also.

Mark Saiger
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