want a FREE iPhone? we got 2 - but u have to switch to AT&T


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
so a local friend of mine referred me to AT&T Small Business. i don't know if they are only located in my area of NY, but i doubt it.

we got 2 iPhone's for free, just had to (of course) sign a 2 year agreement with AT&T.

if that wasn't enough, they will also pay your cancellation fee from whichever cell provider you currently have. (they did for my friend, and offered to with us, but our Verizon contract ended a year ago.)

the rates are comparable to Verizon. and so far, i have had no dropped calls. coverage seems to be the same as Verizon (Verizon is the "big dog" in these parts...) i had Cingular 6 years ago, and coverage was bad then. AT&T seems to have worked that out.

anyways, just thought i would share. google it or call AT&T and see if they offer it in your area! but do note that if you call an "AT&T store, the will probably deny it exists....because they want your $$$! so dig around a bit!

heck, maybe Verizon has it as well, and you can get a free Droid :mrgreen:

any of you western NY guys are interested, pm me & i will give you my AT&T Small Business contact's name and #.

BTW, my partner didn't like the iPhone, so we switched it out for a free Samsung Impression (you have 30 days to try the iPhone. if you don't like it, or AT&T's service, you have those 30 days to change your mind)

PS, dont be a dummy like me! if you get the iPhone, get the 32 gigabite model and not the 16 gb model :roll: either way, it's free! (i'm an idiot :x )

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I googled this and can't find anything. Can you give us some more info on this offer? Maybe your contact can get us hooked up with this.

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